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Update CrossSelling.js
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iviasensio committed Mar 13, 2015
1 parent 13de691 commit f10a9d6
Showing 1 changed file with 74 additions and 48 deletions.
122 changes: 74 additions & 48 deletions CrossSelling.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,11 +2,7 @@ define(["jquery", "text!./CrossSelling.css", "./CrossSellingHelper"], function($
return {
initialProperties : {
version: 1.2,
//List of bugs fixed
//1.1 fast selection when you click on any number, with any amount of elements
//1.2 increase the maximum number of elements in first dimension up to 5000

version: 1.3,
qHyperCubeDef : {
qDimensions : [],
qInitialDataFetch : [{
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,8 +72,12 @@ define(["jquery", "text!./CrossSelling.css", "./CrossSellingHelper"], function($
canTakeSnapshot : true
paint : function($element, layout) {

var html = "";
var MaxSize = Math.min($element.width(), $element.height());
var Diameter = MaxSize * 0.65;
var Offset = MaxSize * 0.35;
var yWorking = MaxSize * 0.3;
var FontSizeWorking = Math.floor(MaxSize * 0.05);
var html = "<div id = 'Working' style = 'position:absolute;color:green;font-weight:bold;font-family: sans-serif;font-size: large;left:0px; top:" + yWorking.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeWorking.toString() + "px;'>Working...</div>";
var self = this, lastrow = 0;

var TotalCountA = 0, TotalCountB = 0, TotalCountC = 0, TotalCountAB = 0, TotalCountAC = 0, TotalCountBC = 0, TotalCountABC = 0 ;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,9 +108,32 @@ define(["jquery", "text!./CrossSelling.css", "./CrossSellingHelper"], function($

var threeValues = numElements.filter(onlyUnique).sort();

if (threeValues.length>3)
lastrow=this.backendApi.getRowCount() - 1;
if(this.backendApi.getRowCount() > lastrow +1)
var requestPage = [{
qTop: lastrow + 1,
qLeft: 0,
qWidth: 2, //should be # of columns
qHeight: Math.min( 5000, this.backendApi.getRowCount() - lastrow )
this.backendApi.getData( requestPage ).then( function ( dataPages )
//when we get the result trigger paint again
self.paint( $element );


var threeValues = numElements.filter(onlyUnique).sort();
var nPrincipals = numPrincipals.filter(onlyUnique);
var htmlFlag = "";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,13 +226,7 @@ define(["jquery", "text!./CrossSelling.css", "./CrossSellingHelper"], function($

var TextA = (TotalCountA == 0) ? "":formatNumber(TotalCountA, layout.NumDecimals, layout.Thousands, layout.DecimalSep, layout.ThousandSep);
var TextB = (TotalCountB == 0) ? "":formatNumber(TotalCountB, layout.NumDecimals, layout.Thousands, layout.DecimalSep, layout.ThousandSep);
var TextC = (TotalCountC == 0) ? "":formatNumber(TotalCountC, layout.NumDecimals, layout.Thousands, layout.DecimalSep, layout.ThousandSep);
var TextAB = (TotalCountAB == 0) ? "":formatNumber(TotalCountAB, layout.NumDecimals, layout.Thousands, layout.DecimalSep, layout.ThousandSep);
var TextAC = (TotalCountAC == 0) ? "":formatNumber(TotalCountAC, layout.NumDecimals, layout.Thousands, layout.DecimalSep, layout.ThousandSep);
var TextBC = (TotalCountBC == 0) ? "":formatNumber(TotalCountBC, layout.NumDecimals, layout.Thousands, layout.DecimalSep, layout.ThousandSep);
var TextABC = (TotalCountABC == 0) ? "":formatNumber(TotalCountABC, layout.NumDecimals, layout.Thousands, layout.DecimalSep, layout.ThousandSep);

var Error3Values = "Please select a maximum of 3 " + secondDimName + " ( currently " + threeValues.length + " )";
var TextLegendA = "",TextLegendB = "",TextLegendC = "";
switch (threeValues.length)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,53 +284,51 @@ define(["jquery", "text!./CrossSelling.css", "./CrossSellingHelper"], function($

var MaxSize = Math.min($element.width(), $element.height());
var Diameter = MaxSize * 0.65;
var Offset = MaxSize * 0.35;

// A text coordinates
var FontSizeOnlyA = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TextA.length);
var xTextOnlyA = MaxSize * 0.05 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TextA.length * FontSizeOnlyA) / 2;
var FontSizeOnlyA = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TotalCountA.toString().length);
var xTextOnlyA = MaxSize * 0.05 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TotalCountA.toString().length * FontSizeOnlyA) / 2;
var yTextOnlyA = MaxSize * 0.2;

// B text coordinates
var FontSizeOnlyB = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TextB.length);
var xTextOnlyB = MaxSize * 0.65 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TextB.length * FontSizeOnlyB) / 2;
var FontSizeOnlyB = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TotalCountB.toString().length);
var xTextOnlyB = MaxSize * 0.65 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TotalCountB.toString().length * FontSizeOnlyB) / 2;
var yTextOnlyB = MaxSize * 0.2;

// C text coordinates
var FontSizeOnlyC = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TextC.length);
var xTextOnlyC = MaxSize * 0.3 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TextC.length * FontSizeOnlyC) / 2;
var FontSizeOnlyC = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TotalCountC.toString().length);
var xTextOnlyC = MaxSize * 0.3 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TotalCountC.toString().length * FontSizeOnlyC) / 2;
var yTextOnlyC = MaxSize * 0.65;

// A * B text coordinates
if (threeValues.length==2)
var FontSizeAandB = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TextAB.length);
var xTextAandB = MaxSize * 0.3 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TextAB.length * FontSizeAandB) / 2;
var FontSizeAandB = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TotalCountAB.toString().length);
var xTextAandB = MaxSize * 0.3 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TotalCountAB.toString().length * FontSizeAandB) / 2;
var yTextAandB = MaxSize * 0.2;
var FontSizeAandB = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TextAB.length);
var xTextAandB = MaxSize * 0.30 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TextAB.length * FontSizeAandB) / 2;
var yTextAandB = MaxSize * 0.07;
var FontSizeAandB = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TotalCountAB.toString().length);
var xTextAandB = MaxSize * 0.30 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TotalCountAB.toString().length * FontSizeAandB) / 2;
var yTextAandB = MaxSize * 0.09;

// A * C text coordinates
var FontSizeAandC = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TextAC.length);
var xTextAandC = MaxSize * 0.10 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TextAC.length * FontSizeAandC) / 2;
var FontSizeAandC = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TotalCountAC.toString().length);
var xTextAandC = MaxSize * 0.10 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TotalCountAC.toString().length * FontSizeAandC) / 2;
var yTextAandC = MaxSize * 0.45;

// B * C text coordinates
var FontSizeBandC = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TextBC.length);
var xTextBandC = MaxSize * 0.50 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TextBC.length * FontSizeBandC) / 2;
var FontSizeBandC = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TotalCountBC.toString().length);
var xTextBandC = MaxSize * 0.50 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TotalCountBC.toString().length * FontSizeBandC) / 2;
var yTextBandC = MaxSize * 0.45;

// A * B * C text coordinates
var FontSizeAandBandC = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TextABC.length);
var xTextAandBandC = MaxSize * 0.3 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TextABC.length * FontSizeAandBandC) / 2;
var FontSizeAandBandC = Math.floor((MaxSize * 0.2) / TotalCountABC.toString().length);
var xTextAandBandC = MaxSize * 0.3 + (MaxSize * 0.5 - TotalCountABC.toString().length * FontSizeAandBandC) / 2;
var yTextAandBandC = MaxSize * 0.35;

// Error3Values text coordinates
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,42 +356,53 @@ define(["jquery", "text!./CrossSelling.css", "./CrossSellingHelper"], function($
var midlePositionX = Offset.toString() / 2;
var midlePositionY = Offset.toString() * 0.75;

if(this.backendApi.getRowCount() == lastrow +1)

html = "";
var TextA = formatNumber(TotalCountA);
var TextB = formatNumber(TotalCountB);
var TextC = formatNumber(TotalCountC);
var TextAB = formatNumber(TotalCountAB);
var TextAC = formatNumber(TotalCountAC);
var TextBC = formatNumber(TotalCountBC);
var TextABC = formatNumber(TotalCountABC);

switch (threeValues.length)
case 1:
html += "<div class='OnlyA' title='" + threeValues[0] + ": " + TextA + " customers' style = 'position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:" + Diameter.toString() + "px; height:" + Diameter.toString() + "px;'></div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterA' class='TextA' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextOnlyA.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextOnlyA.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeOnlyA.toString() + "px;'>" + TextA + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterA' style = 'position:absolute;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-family: sans-serif;font-size: large;left:" + xTextOnlyA.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextOnlyA.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeOnlyA.toString() + "px;'>" + TextA + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'LegendA' class='TextLegendA' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextLegendA.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextLegendA.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeLegendA.toString() + "px;'>" + TextLegendA + "</div>";
case 2:
html += "<div class='OnlyA' title='" + threeValues[0] + ": " + TextA + " customers' style = 'position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:" + Diameter.toString() + "px; height:" + Diameter.toString() + "px;'></div>";
html += "<div class='OnlyB' title='" + threeValues[1] + ": " + TextB + " customers' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + Offset.toString() + "px;top:0px;width:" + Diameter.toString() + "px; height:" + Diameter.toString() + "px;'></div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterA' class='TextA' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextOnlyA.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextOnlyA.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeOnlyA.toString() + "px;'>" + TextA + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterB' class='TextB' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextOnlyB.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextOnlyB.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeOnlyB.toString() + "px;'>" + TextB + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterAB' class='TextAB' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextAandB.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextAandB.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeAandB.toString() + "px;'>" + TextAB + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterA' style = 'position:absolute;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-family: sans-serif;font-size: large;left:" + xTextOnlyA.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextOnlyA.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeOnlyA.toString() + "px;'>" + TextA + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterB' style = 'position:absolute;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-family: sans-serif;font-size: large;left:" + xTextOnlyB.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextOnlyB.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeOnlyB.toString() + "px;'>" + TextB + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterAB' style = 'position:absolute;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-family: sans-serif;font-size: large;left:" + xTextAandB.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextAandB.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeAandB.toString() + "px;'>" + TextAB + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'LegendA' class='TextLegendA' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextLegendA.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextLegendA.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeLegendA.toString() + "px;'>" + TextLegendA + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'LegendB' class='TextLegendB' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextLegendB.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextLegendB.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeLegendB.toString() + "px;'>" + TextLegendB + "</div>";
case 3:
html += "<div class='OnlyA' title='" + threeValues[0] + ": " + TextA + " customers' style = 'position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:" + Diameter.toString() + "px; height:" + Diameter.toString() + "px;'></div>";
html += "<div class='OnlyB' title='" + threeValues[1] + ": " + TextB + " customers' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + Offset.toString() + "px;top:0px;width:" + Diameter.toString() + "px; height:" + Diameter.toString() + "px;'></div>";
html += "<div class='OnlyC' title='" + threeValues[2] + ": " + TextC + " customers' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + midlePositionX + "px;top:" + midlePositionY + "px;width:" + Diameter.toString() + "px; height:" + Diameter.toString() + "px;'></div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterA' class='TextA' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextOnlyA.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextOnlyA.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeOnlyA.toString() + "px;'>" + TextA + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterB' class='TextB' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextOnlyB.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextOnlyB.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeOnlyB.toString() + "px;'>" + TextB + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterC' class='TextC' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextOnlyC.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextOnlyC.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeOnlyC.toString() + "px;'>" + TextC + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterAB' class='TextAB' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextAandB.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextAandB.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeAandB.toString() + "px;'>" + TextAB + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterAC' class='TextAC' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextAandC.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextAandC.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeAandC.toString() + "px;'>" + TextAC + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterBC' class='TextBC' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextBandC.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextBandC.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeBandC.toString() + "px;'>" + TextBC + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterABC' class='TextABC' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextAandBandC.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextAandBandC.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeAandBandC.toString() + "px;'>" + TextABC + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterA' style = 'position:absolute;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-family: sans-serif;font-size: large;left:" + xTextOnlyA.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextOnlyA.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeOnlyA.toString() + "px;'>" + TextA + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterB' style = 'position:absolute;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-family: sans-serif;font-size: large;left:" + xTextOnlyB.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextOnlyB.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeOnlyB.toString() + "px;'>" + TextB + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterC' style = 'position:absolute;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-family: sans-serif;font-size: large;left:" + xTextOnlyC.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextOnlyC.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeOnlyC.toString() + "px;'>" + TextC + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterAB' style = 'position:absolute;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-family: sans-serif;font-size: large;left:" + xTextAandB.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextAandB.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeAandB.toString() + "px;'>" + TextAB + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterAC' style = 'position:absolute;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-family: sans-serif;font-size: large;left:" + xTextAandC.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextAandC.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeAandC.toString() + "px;'>" + TextAC + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterBC' style = 'position:absolute;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-family: sans-serif;font-size: large;left:" + xTextBandC.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextBandC.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeBandC.toString() + "px;'>" + TextBC + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'ClusterABC' style = 'position:absolute;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-family: sans-serif;font-size: large;left:" + xTextAandBandC.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextAandBandC.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeAandBandC.toString() + "px;'>" + TextABC + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'LegendA' class='TextLegendA' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextLegendA.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextLegendA.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeLegendA.toString() + "px;'>" + TextLegendA + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'LegendB' class='TextLegendB' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextLegendB.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextLegendB.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeLegendB.toString() + "px;'>" + TextLegendB + "</div>";
html += "<div id = 'LegendC' class='TextLegendC' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextLegendC.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextLegendC.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeLegendC.toString() + "px;'>" + TextLegendC + "</div>";
html = "<div id = 'ClusterError3' class='Error3Values' style = 'position:absolute;left:" + xTextError3.toString() + "px; top:" + yTextError3.toString() + "px;font-size:" + FontSizeError3.toString() + "px;'>" + Error3Values + "</div>";


function onClickClusterA()
Expand Down

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