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App Developer 1 Questions

Steps to complete the problems below:

  1. Create an account at
  2. Select any language you are comfortable with. We have no preference what you choose.
  3. Begin work on Problem 1 in your language of choice.
  4. As you work through the next two problems, create a new session for each problem.
  5. Your sessions are saved to your account, so when you have completed all three, open each session and click the "share" button.
  6. Copy the link in the "Share Link" textbox and send to LSI's HR representative via email. There should be a total of three links you send.

A couple of things to note:

  1. If you do not complete all three problems, please send those you do complete.
  2. If you have some partial code for any of the problems but get stuck on something, please send what you have anyway.
  3. There isn't necessarily a right or wrong way to solve these problems, so please just solve as you feel it should be done.
  4. Feel free to use a different language for each of the problems, or use the same for all!
  5. Do any research required on the internet or books, but please complete this on your own and do not copy code from another source.

Problem 1

Numbers in Mandarin follow 3 simple rules.

  • There are words for each of the digits from 0 to 10.
  • For numbers 11-19, the number is pronounced as "ten digit", so for example, 16 would be pronounced (using Mandarin) as "ten six".
  • For numbers between 20 and 99, the number is pronounced as "digit ten digit", so for example, 37 would be pronounced (using Mandarin) as "three ten seven". If the digit is a zero, it is not included.

Here is a mapping for the numbers between 0 and 10.

'0': 'ling'
'1': 'yi'
'2': 'er'
'3': 'san'
'4': 'si'
'5': 'wu'
'6': 'liu'
'7': 'qi'
'8': 'ba'
'9': 'jiu'

Implement a function that converts an Arabic number (between 0 and 99), written as a string, into the equivalent Mandarin.

Example Usage

  • convert_to_mandarin('36') will return 'san shi liu'

Here san shi liu stands for thirty ten six

  • convert_to_mandarin('20') will return 'er shi'

Here er shi stands for two ten

  • convert_to_mandarin('16') will return 'shi liu'

Here shi liu stands for ten six

Problem 2

We define super digit of an integer x using the following rules:

If x has only 1 digit, then its super digit is x. Otherwise, the super digit of x is equal to the super digit of the digit-sum of x. Here, digit-sum of a number is defined as the sum of its digits. For example, super digit of 9875 will be calculated as:

super_digit(9875) = super_digit(9+8+7+5) 
                  = super_digit(29) 
                  = super_digit(2+9)
                  = super_digit(11)
                  = super_digit(1+1)
                  = super_digit(2)
                  = 2.

You are given two numbers n and k. Implement a function that calculates the super digit of P.

P is created when number n is concatenated k times. That is, if n=123 and k=3, then P=123123123.

Input Format

The function will take one string parameter containing two space separated integers, n and k. n should support numbers up to 32 digits. k should support numbers up to 5 digits.

Output Format

Output the super digit of P, where P is created as described above.

Example Usage

  • super_digit_sum('148 3') will return 3

Here n=148 and k=3, so P=148148148.

super_digit(P) = super_digit(148148148) 
               = super_digit(1+4+8+1+4+8+1+4+8)
               = super_digit(39)
               = super_digit(3+9)
               = super_digit(12)
               = super_digit(1+2)
               = super_digit(3)
               = 3.
  • super_digit_sum('148 5') will return 2

Here n=148 and k=5, so P=148148148148148.

super_digit(P) = super_digit(148148148148148) 
               = super_digit(1+4+8+1+4+8+1+4+8+1+4+8+1+4+8)
               = super_digit(65)
               = super_digit(6+5)
               = super_digit(11)
               = super_digit(1+1)
               = super_digit(2)
               = 2.
  • super_digit_sum('48652 2') will return 5

Here n=48652 and k=2, so P=4865248652.

super_digit(P) = super_digit(4865248652) 
               = super_digit(4+8+6+5+2+4+8+6+5+2)
               = super_digit(50)
               = super_digit(5+0)
               = super_digit(5)
               = 5.

Problem 3

You are given the following definitions:

  • A run of monotonically increasing numbers means that a number at position k+1 in the sequence is greater than or equal to the number at position k in the sequence.
  • A run of monotonically decreasing numbers means that a number at position k+1 in the sequence is less than or equal to the number at position k in the sequence.

Implement a function that takes a list of integers L containing at least 2 elements. The function finds the longest run of numbers in L, where the longest run can either be monotonically increasing or monotonically decreasing. In case of a tie for the longest run, choose the longest run that occurs first. The function does not modify the list. Function returns the sum of the longest run.

Example Usage

  • longest_run_sum([10, 4, 3, 8, 3, 4, 5, 7, 7, 2]) returns 26

If L = [10, 4, 3, 8, 3, 4, 5, 7, 7, 2] then the longest run of monotonically increasing numbers in L is [3, 4, 5, 7, 7] and the longest run of monotonically decreasing numbers in L is [10, 4, 3]. Your function should return the value 26 because the longest run of monotonically increasing integers is longer than the longest run of monotonically decreasing numbers.

  • longest_run_sum([5, 4, 10]) returns 9

If L = [5, 4, 10] then the longest run of monotonically increasing numbers in L is [4, 10] and the longest run of monotonically decreasing numbers in L is [5, 4]. Your function should return the value 9 because the longest run of monotonically decreasing integers occurs before the longest run of monotonically increasing numbers.

  • longest_run_sum([2, 2, 3, 2, 1]) returns 7

If L = [2, 2, 3, 2, 1] then the longest run of monotonically increasing numbers in L is [2, 2, 3] and the longest run of monotonically decreasing numbers in L is [3, 2, 1]. Your function should return the value 7 because the longest run of monotonically increasing integers is the same length as the longest run of monotonically decreasing integers, but occurs first.


App Developer 1 Questions






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