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Ethics in Computational Semantics

lixseven edited this page Apr 17, 2015 · 6 revisions


Max Kisselew, Sara Veldhoen, Liliana Mamani Sanchez


Scientists who have a genuine interest in their research field normally do not that on day what they are helping to create can be harmful or used in the wrong way, eg. nuclear energy. This particularly occur in junior research stages.

The case the research in computational semantics can be misused occurs in related fields to technology in general. As individuals and powerless researchers there is little we can do.

One case a researcher could have more power over use of technology is when a scientist becomes a politician or work as part of institutions in charge of creating laws. However, this is unlikely to happen, but as citizens could take the chance if this opportunity comes available.

There should be a way of preventing knowledge being used in the wrong way but at the same time knowledge dissemination cannot be banned.

The realization that in research ultimately everything comes to money is disheartening. Even in theoretical research, the impact of it should be formulated in terms of impact in society and if the research could lead to profitable technology if the scientist wishes to have chances to get funding for his/her research.

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