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This repository contains the Wikification tool based on UKB. ixa-pipe-wikify-ukb is developed by the IXA NLP Group.

The ixa-pipe-wikify-ukb module takes a NAF document containing wf, term and entity elements as input, performs Wikification for your language of choice, and outputs a NAF document with references to Wikipedia on markables element (<markables source="ukb_wsd_wikify">).


  1. Overview of ixa-pipe-wikify-ukb
  2. Installation
  3. Usage of ixa-pipe-wikify-ukb


Module contents

The contents of the module are the following:

+ scripts/	    	 perl scripts of the module
+ src/   	    	 java source code of the module
+  configuration file
+ pom.xml 	    	 maven pom file wich deals with everything related to compilation and execution of the module
+ COPYING	    	 license file
+	    	 this README file
+ Furthermore, the installation process, as described in the, will generate another directory:
target/	         it contains binary executable and other directories


Installing the ixa-pipe-wikify-ukb requires the following steps:

If you already have installed in your machine the Java 1.7+ and MAVEN 3, please go to step 4 directly. Otherwise, follow the detailed steps

1. Install JDK 1.7 or JDK 1.8

If you do not install JDK 1.7+ in a default location, you will probably need to configure the PATH in .bashrc or .bash_profile:

export JAVA_HOME=/yourpath/local/java17
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

If you use tcsh you will need to specify it in your .login as follows:

setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/java/java17
setenv PATH ${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

If you re-login into your shell and run the command

java -version

you should now see that your JDK is 1.7 or 1.8.

2. Install MAVEN 3

Download MAVEN 3 from


Now you need to configure the PATH. For Bash Shell:

export MAVEN_HOME=/yourpath/local/apache-maven-3.0.4
export PATH=${MAVEN_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

For tcsh shell:

setenv MAVEN3_HOME ~/local/apache-maven-3.0.4
setenv PATH ${MAVEN3}/bin:{PATH}

If you re-login into your shell and run the command

mvn -version

You should see reference to the MAVEN version you have just installed plus the JDK that is using.

3. Install Perl

Install Perl and the required packages. For example, you might need to install the SQLite package as follows:

apt-get install libdbd-sqlite3-perl

4. Download and install UKB and its resources

Download UKB and unpack it:

tar xzvf ukb_2.2.tgz

If you are using a x86-64 Linux platform, you can use the already compiled ukb_wsd binary in ukb/bin folder. If not, follow the installation instructions in ukb/src/INSTALL file.

Download and create a graph derived from Wikipedia. For example, to get the Basque Wikipedia graph, first download the following source files and unpack them:

bunzip2 wikipedia_eu_2016.tar.bz2
tar xvf wikipedia_eu_2016.tar

Next, create the Wikipedia graph following the compilation instructions in ukb/src/README file (section 1.2 Compiling the KB).

5. Download the SQLite database derived from Wikipedia

Download and unpack the required SQLite database:

  • Basque wikipedia:
tar xzvf 2016Apr_wiki_eu.db.tgz

6. Get module source code

git clone

7. Compile

cd ixa-pipe-wikify-ukb
mvn clean package

This step will create a directory called 'target' which contains various directories and files. Most importantly, there you will find the module executable:


This executable contains every dependency the module needs, so it is completely portable as long as you have a JVM 1.7 installed.


The ixa-pipe-wikify-ukb requires a NAF document (with wf, term and entity elements) as standard input and outputs NAF through standard output. You can get the necessary input for ixa-pipe-wikify-ukb by piping ixa-pipe-tok, ixa-pipe-pos and ixa-pipe-nerc as shown in the example below.

First, configure the module updating the paths in the configuration file.

There are several parameters:

  • -c: path to the configuration file.
  • -t (optional): use this parameter to set a threshold to filter out some wikifications (default value is 0.0).

You can call to ixa-pipe-wikify-ukb module as follows:

cat text.txt | ixa-pipe-tok | ixa-pipe-pos | ixa-pipe-nerc | java -jar ixa-pipe-wikify-ukb-${version}.jar -c


cat text.txt | ixa-pipe-tok | ixa-pipe-pos | ixa-pipe-nerc | java -jar ixa-pipe-wikify-ukb-${version}.jar -c -t 0.5

When the language is other than English, the module offers an additional feature. It is possible to set the corresponding English entry also. To use this option, first get the database created by MapDB which has the crosslingual links. So far, you can download and untar the following package for Basque crosslingual links:

tar xzvf 2016Apr_wiki_eu2en-db.tgz

Then, specify the CrossWikipediaIndex parameter in the file.

For more options running ixa-pipe-wikify-ukb:

java -jar ixa-pipe-wikify-ukb-${version}.jar -h

Contact information

Arantxa Otegi
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
E-20018 Donostia-San Sebastián