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File metadata and controls

184 lines (141 loc) · 7.47 KB



A Token is stored in the state and is accessed by the concatenation of the minter + contract_address as each Token creation instantiates a new contract with contract code form Ixo1155ContractCode.

  • Tokens: 0x01 | minter + contract_address -> ProtocolBuffer(Token)


A TokenProperties is stored in the state and is accessed by the identity of the TokenProperties(user provided).

  • Claims: 0x02 | tokenPropertiesId -> ProtocolBuffer(TokenProperties)



A Token is the base Token associated with a specific Minter, Contract Address and Token name (namespace)

type Token struct {
	Minter            string
	ContractAddress   string
	Class             string
	Name              string
	Description       string
	Image             string
	Type              string
	Cap               github_com_cosmos_cosmos_sdk_types.Uint
	Supply            github_com_cosmos_cosmos_sdk_types.Uint
	Paused            bool
	Stopped           bool
	Retired           []*TokensRetired
	Cancelled         []*TokensCancelled

The field's descriptions is as follows:

  • minter - a string containing the address of the minter
  • contractAddress - a string containing the address of the smart contract(cw1155) that was instantiated on creation of the Token and is used to mint the 1155 tokens.
  • class - a string containing the token protocol entity DID (validated)
  • name - a string containing the token name, which must be unique (namespace)
  • description - a string containing any arbitrary description
  • image - a string containing the image url for the token
  • type - a string containing the token type eg. ixo1155
  • cap - a integer containing the maximum number of tokens with this name that can be minted, 0 is unlimited
  • supply - a integer containing how much has already been minted for this Token name
  • paused - a boolean indicating wheter to stop allowance of token minting temporarily
  • stopped - a boolean indicating wheter to stop allowance of token minting permanently
  • retired - a list of EntityAccount
  • cancelled - a list of EntityAccount


A TokensCancelled stores information about the retired tokens that was burned on the ixo1155 smart contract with the address at ContractAddress of the Token

type TokensRetired struct {
	Id           string
	Reason       string
	Jurisdiction string
	Amount       github_com_cosmos_cosmos_sdk_types.Uint
	Owner        string

The field's descriptions is as follows:

  • id - a string containing the unique identifier of the token (TokenProperties)
  • reason - a string containing any arbitrary reason that specifies the reason for retiring tokens.
  • jurisdiction - a string containing the jurisdiction of the token owner. A jurisdiction has the format: [-[ ]] The country-code must be 2 alphabetic characters, the sub-national-code can be 1-3 alphanumeric characters, and the postal-code can be up to 64 alphanumeric characters. Only the country-code is required, while the sub-national-code and postal-code are optional and can be added for increased precision.
  • amount - a integer indicating how many tokens of the token with id has been retired.
  • owner - a string containing the cosmos address of the owner who did the retiring.


A TokensCancelled stores information about the cancelled tokens that was burned on the ixo1155 smart contract with the address at ContractAddress of the Token

type TokensCancelled struct {
	Id     string
	Reason string
	Amount github_com_cosmos_cosmos_sdk_types.Uint
	Owner  string

The field's descriptions is as follows:

  • id - a string containing the unique identifier of the token (TokenProperties)
  • reason - a string containing any arbitrary reason that specifies the reason for cancelling tokens.
  • amount - a integer indicating how many tokens of the token with id has been cancelled.
  • owner - a string containing the cosmos address of the owner who did the cancelling.


A TokenProperties stores information about a specific minted token that will be minted on the ixo1155 smart contract with the address at ContractAddress of the Token

type TokenProperties struct {
	Id          string
	Index       string
	Name        string
	Collection  string
	TokenData   []*TokenData

The field's descriptions is as follows:

  • id - a string containing the unique identifier of the token
  • index - a string containing the unique identifier hexstring that identifies the token
  • name - a string containing the token name, which is same as Token Name
  • collection - a string containing the did of the "collection" the token was minted towards (eg. Supamoto Malawi Did)
  • tokenData - a list of TokenData


A TokenData stores information that is the linkedResources added to tokenMetadata when queried

type TokenData struct {
	Uri       string
	Encrypted bool
	Proof     string
	Type      string
	Id        string

The field's descriptions is as follows:

  • uri - a string containing the uri where the resource can be fetched (eg. a credential link abc123.ipfs)
  • encrypted - a boolean indicating whether the resource data has been encrypted or not
  • proof - a string containing the proof to verify the resource if a proof exists
  • type - a string containing the resource type, media type value should always be application/json
  • id - a string containing the did of entity to map token to, can be empty!

Authz Types


A MintAuthorization is an authz authorization that can be granted to allow the grantee to mint tokens for the specified Token with its constraints

type WithdrawPaymentAuthorization struct {
	Minter         string
	Constraints   []*MintConstraints

The field's descriptions is as follows:

  • minter - a string containing the account address defined in the Token Minter field
  • constraints - a list of MintConstraints


A MintConstraints stores information about authorization given to make a withdrawal payment through a WithdrawPaymentAuthorization

type MintConstraints struct {
	ContractAddress string
	Amount          github_com_cosmos_cosmos_sdk_types.Uint
	Name            string
	Index           string
	Collection      string
	TokenData       []*TokenData

The field's descriptions is as follows:

  • claimId - a string containing the id of the claim the withdrawal is for
  • inputs - a list of cosmos defined Input to pass to the the multisend tx to run to withdraw payment
  • outputs - a list of cosmos defined Output to pass to the the multisend tx to run to withdraw payment
  • paymentType - a PaymentType
  • contract_1155Payment - a Contract1155Payment
  • toAddress - a string containing the account address to make the payment to
  • fromAddress - a string containing the account address to make the payment from
  • releaseDate - a timestamp of the date that grantee can execute authorization to make the withdrawal payment, calculated from created date plus the timeout on Collection Payments
  • adminAddress - a string containing the account address defined in the Collection admin field