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Python mongodb motor Code style: black



Assistant4discord (a4d for short) was originally intended to be a reminder bot but the project gradually evolved to be a framework for writing persistent time dependent bot commands. It's a self hosted bot meant for smaller servers or individual use. A4d uses MongoDB (NoSQL database) as data storage which allows the bot to retain data on shutdown or on server restart. Additionally it offers input to command matching using word embeddings.


  • using rewrite
  • object orientated framework for writting commands easily
  • persistent storage with MongoDB
  • simple text user interface for discord
  • bot response can be sent to same channel or to user directly
  • mod support for commands
  • runs on Heroku with MongoDB Atlas
  • fully asynchronous using aiohttp, Motor and Python 3.7 asyncio
  • uses natural language processing for user input recognition (word2vec or term frequency)

Default commands

Info and help

Display basic bot information.

command: @assistant info
output:  name: @assistant
         owner: Thund3rz#5416
         public bot: True
         type help for commands info

command: @assistant help
output:  My commands: NoteIt, NotesTxt, RemoveNote, ShowNotes, ShowMods, RemoveTimer, ShowTimers, TimeIt, TextToLatex,
         Ping, MostSimilarWords, Word2WordSim, WordNum, RemoveWebsite, ShowWebsites, WebsiteComparison, AppInfo, 
         RemindMe, RemoveReminder, ShowReminders, Help 
         Type help <command> for more info!


Set reminder for yourself, received by dm if command on server (default option). Format for dates and time of day: on day/month/year at hour/minute/second. Format for just time: hour/minute/second. Also accepts names of days, tomorrow and day(s). Use with keyword every to repeat reminder. See docs in a4d/nlp_tasks/ for more info and examples.

input:   remember this
command: @assistant reminder tomorrow at 12
output:  reminder: remember this
         set for: 28.09.2019 @ 12:00:00

input:   remind me
command: @assistant reminder 30 min
ouput:   reminder: remind me
         set for: 27.09.2019 @ 12:29:12

command: @assistant show reminders
output:  0 - reminder: remember this
         set for: 28.09.2019 @ 12:00:00
         1 - reminder: remind me
         set for: 27.09.2019 @ 12:29:12

command: @assistant remove reminder 1
output:  Removed items with index 1

command: @assistant show reminders:
ouput:   0 - reminder: remember this
         set for: 28.09.2019 @ 12:00:00
input:   remind me this every day
command: @assistant reminder every day at 8:15
output:  reminder: remind me this every day
         set every 1 day
         next reminder on 28.09.2019 @ 08:15:00


Time any command that doesn't initially use time and doesn't require any input.

command: ping
output: 126 ms

command: @assistant time ping every 10 sec
output:  command: Ping
         set every 10 sec
         next run on 27.09.2019 @ 22:08:50

output:  119 ms
output:  151 ms

command: @assistant show timers
output:  0 - command: Ping
         set every 10 sec
         next run on 27.09.2019 @ 22:09:10

Website comparrsion

Compares website text and detects changes using python's difflib. Intended for simple websites (like those 90s style websites that college professors have). By default website checking can be done once every 2 min. Every user can have max 10 active requests that each check at most 10 different urls. Example:

command: @assistant check every 120 sec
output:  0 -
         check set every 2 min
         next check on 28.09.2019 @ 18:10:35

(after 120 sec)
         - "subreddit_subscribers": 426463, "created_utc": 1569686430.0,
         ?                               ^
         + "subreddit_subscribers": 426462, "created_utc": 1569686430.0,
         ?                               ^

(after another 120 sec)
output: Websites [''] checked, no difference found.

Note that this is just an example and that checking Reddit shouldn't be done like this.


Make a note out of a message. Same as reminder but without time.

input:   this is a note
command: @assistant note
output:  noted on 28.09.2019 @ 18:46:20
         this a note

command: @assistant notes to text
output:  <all your notes in a .txt file>


Returns rendered latex image. Using .

command: @assistant latex <latex notation>
output:  <rendered latex in .png>

Example output
Produced png


Make user a mod. Commands can be set so only mod or owner can use them.

input:   assistant#4819
command: @assistant mod
output:  bot mod: assistant#4819

command: @assistant show mods
output:  0 - bot mod: Thund3rz#5416
         1 - bot mod: assistant#4819

By default there are no mod commands only add mod and remove mod are owner only.

Vector model

Display information about vector model. Works with w2v only. Uses Gensim library.

command: similarity python, discord
output:  0.280426

command: most similar discord
output:  whatsapp: 0.71 irc: 0.71 teamspeak: 0.67 skype: 0.66 ...

Small word2vec model made with Reddit can be found here.

Why use this? Say you have a reminder and you want to remove it but don't remember what's the right command. In standard input to command matching wrong but similar command string wouldn't work because it wasn't explicitly programmed as a command option. W2v model represents words as vectors, words that have similar meanings (are used similarly) are grouped together. Input to command matching is done by comparing defined (right) commands to a given command that can be different then the defined one. For each pair of commands (each defined command and given command) a similarity score is calculated using cosine similarity. Output command is then the command that has the highest similarity score. In reminder example the right command is "remove" but if you wrote "delete" instead the bot would still know what to do.



  1. have python3 working

  2. download assistant4discord zip and extract it to a folder

  3. make python virtual environment (recommended) and pip install everything in requirements.txt:

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  4. get your discord bot token from here

  5. install MongoDB, see documentation

    if on Ubuntu and the documentation's way doesn't work you can try:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install mongodb
    sudo service mongodb status
    sudo service mongodb start
    sudo service mongodb stop

  6. configure environment variables in

    • set MONGODB_TOKEN = "mongodb://localhost:27017/"
    • set DISCORD_TOKEN = <your discord token from step 3>

    Note: if you intend to share your code it is good practice to configure environment variables in your IDE. If you use PyCharm go to Run->Edit Configurations->Chose>click Environment variables on right hand side->set all your tokens->apply and close

  7. chose method

    • tf, doesn't require any further setup
    • w2v, you can download my model from here and extract it to a4d/data/models
  8. run and invite your bot to a server

Video tutorial for steps 1, 4 and 8 How to Create a Discord Bot With Python.

Cloud (recommended)

  1. download assistant4discord zip and extract it to a folder

  2. get your discord bot token from here

  3. setup MongoDB atlas

    • make an account and create a cluster (free), tutorial, documentation
    • wait until your cluster is created
    • go to Network Access under security, click add ip address and allow access from anywhere
    • go to clusters and click connect, create a MongoDB user, under connection method chose Connect Your Application
    • chose Python 3.4 or later and copy your connection string (if you chose 3.6 or later you also need to install dnspython)
  4. chose method

    • open
    • tf, doesn't require any further setup
    • w2v, you can download my model from here and extract it to a4d/data/models (also delete .gitignore that's in this folder)
  5. setup Heroku

    • make an account and create a new app (free)

    • go to settings, reveal config vars, add DISCORD_TOKEN and MONGODB_TOKEN from steps 2. and 3.

    • to change server timezone add TZ to config vars and set it to your timezone (list of all timezones)

    • install Heroku CLI

    • go to folder where you extracted a4d, open terminal and write the following commands:
      heroku login
      git init
      heroku git:clone -a <Heroku app name>
      git add .
      git commit -am <any commit message>
      git push heroku master
      additional commands:
      heroku logs -a <Heroku app name>
      heroku ps -a <Heroku app name>

    • turn on your Heroku app (resources tab)

  6. invite your bot to a server

Video tutorial for step 4. How to Host a Discord Bot on Heroku for Free.

Heroku gives you 550 free hours each month. After that your app shuts down until next month. You can get more free hours by providing credit card information (still free, only needs verification) or you can make 2 accounts and switch once a month.

Note that you can also run a4d locally instead from Heroku using MongoDB atlas (see steps 3. and 6. of local setup).


  1. have python3 working

  2. download assistant4discord zip and extract it to a folder

  3. make python virtual environment (recommended) and pip install everything in requirements.txt:

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  4. get your discord bot token from here

  5. setup MongoDB atlas

    • make an account and create a cluster (free), tutorial, documentation
    • wait until your cluster is created
    • go to Network Access under security, click add ip address and allow access from anywhere
    • go to clusters and click connect, create a MongoDB user, under connection method chose Connect Your Application
    • chose Python 3.4 or later and copy your connection string (if you chose 3.6 or later you also need to install dnspython)
  6. configure environment variables in

    • set MONGODB_TOKEN = <your MongoDB token from step 5>
    • set DISCORD_TOKEN = <your discord token from step 4>

    Note: if you intend to share your code it is good practice to configure environment variables in your IDE. If you use PyCharm go to Run->Edit Configurations->Chose>click Environment variables on right hand side->set all your tokens->apply and close

  7. chose method

    • tf, doesn't require any further setup
    • w2v, you can download my model from here and extract it to a4d/data/models
  8. run and invite your bot to a server

Making custom commands

TODO: write some examples