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j0k3r committed Mar 21, 2017
1 parent 1551626 commit ec963ea
Showing 1 changed file with 115 additions and 1 deletion.
116 changes: 115 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,122 @@
<img src="" align="right" />

# Banditore

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Banditore retrieves new releases from your Github starred repositories and put them in a RSS feed, just for you.


## Requirements

- PHP >=5.5.9 (with `pdo_mysql`)
- MySQL >= 5.7
- Redis (mostly to cache requests to the Github API)
- [RabbitMQ](, which is optional (see below)
- [Supervisor]( (only if you use RabbitMQ)

## Installation

1. Clone the project

git clone

2. [Register a new OAuth Github application]( and get the _Client ID_ & _Client Secret_ for the next step (for the _Authorization callback URL_ put ``)

3. Install dependencies using [Composer]( and define your parameter during the installation

SYMFONY_ENV=prod composer install -o --no-dev

If you want to use:
- **Sentry** to retrieve all errors, [register here]( and get your dsn (in Project Settings > DSN).
- **New Relic** to track performance, [register here]( and get your New Relic API Key (in Account Settings > Integrations > API keys)

5. Setup the database

php bin/console doctrine:database:create -e=prod
php bin/console doctrine:schema:create -e=prod

4. You can now launch the website:

php bin/console server:run -e=prod

And access it at this address: ``

## Running the instance

Once the website is up, you know have to setup few things to retrieve new releases.
You have two choices:
- using crontab command (very simple and ok if you are alone)
- using RabbitMQ (might be better if you plan to have more than few persons but it's more complex) :call_me_hand:

### Without RabbitMQ

You just need to define these 2 cronjobs (replace all `/path/to/banditore` with real value):

# retrieve new release of each repo every 10 minutes
*/10 * * * * php /path/to/banditore/bin/console -e=prod banditore:sync:versions >> /path/to/banditore/var/logs/command-sync-versions.log 2>&1
# sync starred repos of each user every 5 minutes
*/5 * * * * php /path/to/banditore/bin/console -e=prod banditore:sync:starred-repos >> /path/banditore/to/var/logs/command-sync-repos.log 2>&1

### With RabbitMQ

1. You'll need to declare exchanges and queues. Replace `guest` by the user of your RabbitMQ instance (`guest` is the default one):

php bin/rabbit vhost:mapping:create -p guest app/config/rabbit_vhost.yml

2. You now have two queues and two exchanges defined:
- `banditore.sync_starred_repos`: will receive messages to sync starred repos of all users
- `banditore.sync_versions`: will receive message to retrieve new release for repos

3. Enable these 2 cronjobs which will periodically push messages in queues (replace all `/path/to/banditore` with real value):

# retrieve new release of each repo every 10 minutes
*/10 * * * * php /path/to/banditore/bin/console -e=prod banditore:sync:versions --use-queue >> /path/to/banditore/var/logs/command-sync-versions.log 2>&1
# sync starred repos of each user every 5 minutes
*/5 * * * * php /path/to/banditore/bin/console -e=prod banditore:sync:starred-repos --use-queue >> /path/banditore/to/var/logs/command-sync-repos.log 2>&1

4. Setup Supervisor using the [sample file](data/supervisor.conf) from the repo. You can copy/paste it into `/etc/supervisor/conf.d/` and adjust path. The default file will launch:
- 2 workers for sync starred repos
- 4 workers to fetch new releases

Once you've put the file in the supervisor conf repo, run `supervisorctl update && supervisorctl start all` (`update` will read your conf, `start all` will start all workers)

## Running the test suite

If you plan to contribute (you're awesome, I know that :v:), you'll need to install the project in a different way (for example, to retrieve dev packages):

git clone
composer install -o
php bin/console doctrine:database:create -e=test
php bin/console doctrine:schema:create -e=test
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --env=test -n
php bin/simple-phpunit -v

By default the `test` connexion login is `root` without password. You can change it in [app/config/config_test.yml](app/config/config_test.yml).

## How it works

Ok, if you goes that deeper in the readme, it means you're a bit more than interested, I like that.

_Coming soon…_

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