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node algebraic effects

This library is heavily inspired by this article & this proposal.

This library is only compatible with node >v12.17.x as it relies on AsyncLocalStorage.


The library exposes 2 functions:

perform, which takes 1 or more arguments. It can only be called inside of a function wrapped by handle

  • effect - a string representing the effect to be handled by the effectHandler (see below)
  • - any additional arguments passed down to the effectHandler

and returns the value resolved by the effectHandler

handle, which takes 2 arguments:

  • task - a function that will be immediately called. It can call perform, which will be handled by the
  • effectHandler - it can be either an object or a function
    • object - an object whose keys are effect names (passed to perform) and values are functions, that take any extra arguments passed to perform. The return value is passed back to the task. If perform is called with an unknown key, an error will be thrown.
    • function - a function, which is passed 2 or more arguments:
      • resume - an async function, which must be called once in an async flow. The return value will resolve (or reject) once the task resolves (or rejects)
      • effect - the effect name passed to perform
      • - additional arguments passed to perform

and returns the same value as task



const wait = (n) => Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, n));

  async () => {
    const n = await perform("get2");
    const result = await perform("makeHeavyComputations", n, n);
    await perform("log", result);
    log: console.log,
    get2: () => 2,
    makeHeavyComputations: async (a, b) => {
      await wait(1000);
      return a + b;

// logs 2 to the console


const performWithFile = async fileLocaton => {
  const fileHandle = await perform('get_file', fileLocation)
  const contents = await perform('read_file', fileHandle)
  const result = await perform('compute', contents)
  return result

// file in the local fs

const result = await handle(
  () => performWithFile('file_path'),
  async (resume, effect, ...args) => {
    switch(effect) {
      case 'get_file':
        const handle = await createFileReadStream(args[0])
        try {
          await resume(handle)
        } finally {
          // remember to close the unused file
          await closeFile(handle)
      case 'read_file':
        const fileContents = await readFileContents(args[0])
      case 'compute':
        const result = await computeResults(args[0])

// file on the web, no need to close after:
const result = await handle(() => performWithFile('url'), {
  get_file: fetch,
  read_file: response => response.json()
  compute: computeResults

The compute from the above example is the same, so we can partially handle the computation:

const performComputationWithFile = fileLocation => () =>
  handle(() => performWithFile(fileLocatiion), {
    compute: computeResults,

// file in the local fs

const result = await handle(
  () => performComputationWithFile("file_path"),
  async (resume, effect, ...args) => {
    switch (effect) {
      case "get_file":
        const handle = await createFileReadStream(args[0]);
        try {
          await resume(handle);
        } finally {
          // remember to close the unused file
          await closeFile(handle);
      case "read_file":
        const fileContents = await readFileContents(args[0]);

// file on the web, no need to close after:
const result = await handle(() => performComputationWithFile("url"), {
  get_file: fetch,
  read_file: (response) => response.json(),


Algebraic effects for node






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