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Comp Time Tracker

This is a small little app that just helps me track my comp time while working on contracts.



sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/ctt


sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/ctt


See building from source

Building From Source

  1. Have Go installed (you can get it here)
  2. Clone This Repository (git clone $GOROOT/src/
  3. Navigate into the repository (cd $GOROOT/src/
  4. Build the tool (CGO_ENABLE=1 go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o bin/ctt)
  5. Install the tool:
    • ln -s $GOROOT/src/ /usr/local/bin/ctt or
    • go install


A small app to track comp time

  cct [flags]
  cct [command]

Available Commands:
  delete      delete a comp time entry
  help        Help about any command
  new         create a new comp time entry
  view        view comp time entries

  -h, --help      help for cct
      --version   version for cct

Use "cct [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Adding a new time entry

new Usage

create a new comp time entry

  cct new [flags]

  -d, --day int        the day of the entry
  -h, --help           help for new
  -m, --month int      the month of the entry
  -n, --note string    a note for the entry
  -T, --time int       the amount of time to add (positive integer) or subtract (negative integer) from the running total
  -t, --title string   the title of the entry to create
  -y, --year int       the year of the entry

new Commands Examples

ctt new -t "<title of entry>" -T <minutes to add> -m <month of entry> -d <day of entry> -y <year of entry> -n "<optional: note>"

To add a new 30 minute entry on July 1, 2019, it would like this:

ctt new -t "This is a test entry" -T 30 -m 07 -d 01 -y 2019 -n "This test entry is used just to test the functionality of the ctt tool."

You will see something to the effect of this:

2019/07/02 11:26:01 Entry {955c8c75-0d7d-48f2-a534-866abcdd1f31 7 1 2019 This is a test entry 30 This test entry is used just to test the functionality of the ctt tool.} added

Viewing entries

view Usage

view comp time entries

  cct view [flags]

  -h, --help                  help for view
  -s, --single-entry string   view a single entry
  -D, --total-days            use this flag to view running time in days
  -H, --total-hours           use this flag to view running time in hours
  -M, --total-minutes         use this flag to view running time in minutes
  -t, --total-only            use this flag if you only want to output the running total

view Command Examples

View All Entries ctt view

This will output something like this (expanding on the previous example):

|               ENTRY_ID               |    DATE    |                 TITLE                | TIME |                 NOTE                 |
| 955c8c75-0d7d-48f2-a534-866abcdd1f31 | 07-01-2019 | This is a test entry                 |  30  | This test entry is used just to t... |
Entries: 1 | Comp Time (in Minutes): 30 | Comp Time (in Hours): 0.5 | Comp Time (in Days): 0.020833334 |

View One Entry ctt view -s "<UUID>"

This will output something like this (expanding on the previous example):

ID:    955c8c75-0d7d-48f2-a534-866abcdd1f31
Date:  7-1-2019
Title: This is a test entry
Time:  30
Note:  This test entry is used just to test the functionality of the ctt tool.

View Totals Only View In Minutes: ctt view -t -M

Which outputs something like this (expanding on the previous example):

2019/07/02 11:35:30 The current running total of all comp time is: 30 minutes

View In Hours: ctt view -t -H

Which outputs something like this (expanding on the previous example):

2019/07/02 11:35:30 The current running total of all comp time is: 0 hours

View In Days: ctt view -t -D

Which outputs something like this (expanding on the previous example):

2019/07/02 11:36:21 The current running total of all comp time is: 0 days

Delete Entries

delete Usage

delete a comp time entry

  cct delete [flags]

  -h, --help        help for delete
  -i, --id string   the ID of the entry to delete

delete Command Examples

ctt delete -i "<UUID>"

Which outputs something like this (expanding on the previous example):

2019/07/02 11:39:01 Successfully removed entry with ID: 955c8c75-0d7d-48f2-a534-866abcdd1f31