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Docker images for various Racket versions available on DockerHub as racket/racket:<version>. For example, to run a Racket 8.14 REPL:

$ docker run -it racket/racket:8.14-full

Normal images

Base: debian:stable-slim

CMD: racket

These images use the minimal-install of Racket to avoid pulling in things like DrRacket or Scribble. This also means many raco commands such as raco make will be missing; install the compiler-lib package to get most of the standard raco commands. Alternatively, use the "full" images instead such as racket/racket:8.14-full.

Versions: 6.1 and above. Racket CS images are available for 7.4 and above.

"Full" images

Base: debian:stable-slim

CMD: racket

These images, tagged with -full at the end, use the full Racket distribution.

Racket on Chez (CS) images

Base: debian:stable-slim

CMD: racket

As of Racket 8.0, CS is the default variant of Racket so the regular images (such as racket/racket:8.0 or racket/racket:8.0-full) are now based on CS.

Racket CS images for versions prior to 8.0 are tagged as -cs and -cs-full, respectively. For example, racket/racket:7.9-cs-full is the full distribution of the CS variant of Racket 7.9.

Racket before Chez (BC) images

As of the 8.0 release, Racket BC images are tagged with -bc and -bc-full. For example, racket/racket:8.0-bc-full is the full distribution of the BC variant of Racket 8.0, whereas racket/racket:7.9-full is the full distribution of the BC variant of Racket 7.9 (before CS was made the default).

Local development

To work with the images locally, first run docker login to login to DockerHub. Then run the following scripts:

  • ./ to build the images,
  • ./ to verify that the images work correctly, and
  • ./ to push the images to DockerHub.

Legacy images

These images used to be in the jackfirth/racket DockerHub repository. For backwards compatibility, that repository is still available and images for new Racket versions are still pushed there. Users are gently encouraged to migrate to the racket/racket repository. The images in both repositories are identical, and we plan to continue updating the jackfirth/racket repository for the foreseeable future.


Docker images for various Racket versions








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