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React component for fitting and positioning images with cross-browser support.


import FittedImg from 'react-fitted-img';

<FittedImg src="/path/to/image.png" alt="Thing" fit="cover" position="0 50%" />;


  • src required URL of the image you want to embed (MDN)
  • alt optional text description of the image (MDN)
  • fit optional sets how the image should be resized to fit its container. Supports the object-fit values: fill (default), contain, cover, and none.
  • height optional the intrinsic height of the image in pixels. (MDN)
  • position optional the alignment of the image's contents within the element's box. Supports object-position values.
  • width optional the intrinsic width of the image in pixels. (MDN)

ℹ️ Additional props will be passed down.


For browsers that don't support object-fit/object-position, the fallback doesn't support:

  • Event handlers like onError and onLoad.
  • Other image attributes, such as crossorigin, loading, sizes, srcset, usemap, etc…
  • CSS background images.