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A Haskell program that tracks who is hitting your website according to their IP addy, doubling as a Haskell prisms and lenses tutorial


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This project is a simple redirector that records requests for a resource, then redirects them to the actual target destination.

This is meant to be an auditing tool for promotional campaigns to ensure that reported clicks are actually made through to the target site.

Getting Started

Let's set some sensible defaults in Git. First, we only want it to do "fast-forward" merges:

git config --global merge.ff=only

Next, let's make sure that when we're pulling changes in from other branches, we rebase on top of them to avoid merge commits:

git config --global branch.autosetuprebase=always
git config --global branch.autosetupmerge=0
git config --global pull.rebase=true

Merge commits are problematic for any number of reasons, but then so is rebasing. But rebasing and keeping the git history linear makes following the changes of a project and working with remote repositories much easier.


First Initialization

First, we should make sure we have the latest cabal package list:

cabal update

This will also create a default configuration in $HOME/.cabal/config. Next, we should edit this configuration file. In your favorite text editor, open this file, and find the line default-user-config:. Underneath that, add the following line:

require-sandbox: True

This will help prevent accidentally installing packages outside of a sandbox, which will definitely impact the system.

Sandbox Setup

Now, we can initialize the Cabal sandbox. If we do it outside the project directory, we can reuse it for other projects as well. So, first:

export BFWP_SANDBOX=$HOME/.local/share/bfwp/cabal-sandbox
mkdir -p $BFWP_SANDBOX
cabal sandbox init

This will create a sandbox in $HOME/.local/share/bfwp/cabal-sandbox. We'll also need to add the bin directory there to our shell PATH. Run the following command to add it to your profile:

cat >> $HOME/.profile <<EOF


# Add the shared cabal sandbox to the PATH.

# Clean up


NOTE: Make absolutely sure you use cat >> above, or you'll overwrite your profile instead of adding to it.

At this point, we can also add it in the current shell:


Overall Setup Complete

At this point, we're ready to move on to working with the actual project. These steps only need to be completed once. From here on out, we'll just be cloning repositories and reusing the sandbox we've created.

The QuickTracker Lesson

Now, we can clone the lesson repository. Pick a spot you'd like to work from in your home, and we can clone the repository there:

git clone
cd QuickTracker

We need to configure it to use the sandbox we created:

cabal sandbox init --sandbox=$HOME/.local/bfwp/cabal-sandbox

Then we need to install the packages it depends on:

cabal install --only-dependencies

This might take some time, since it has to download all the packages QuickTracker needs and build them.

Code Walkthrough

Language Configuration

We enable the TemplateHaskell language extension so that when we define new types, we can generate Lenses and Prisms automatically. We'll cover those a bit later.

Module Name and Imports

Next, we declare that this module is named Main, and then import other modules. The first block of imports are system libraries, including our own liblawless that provides a lot of extra utility functions that are total by default. The standard Prelude is filled with partial functions that will cause difficult to track runtime errors.

The second block is where we import Happstack-specific modules and types. Most of these are used in our type declarations later, to help the compiler understand just what we're trying to do so it can help us when we've expressed something poorly or incorrectly.

Type Definitions

In this section, we define the types we'll be using to build up our application. The first one is RedirectTo, which wraps the URI type. This is one of the types that Happstack can use as a URL when it's expecting one. The Network.URI also comes with several parser functions that we can use to validate that the argument passed for redirection is actually something browsers will handle.

We then show the standard deriving mechanism for Eq, Ord, and Show type classes. These use the underlying types of our newtype to define the equality, ordering, and simple string conversion functions for our type.

We also show an example of the GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving mechanism. This lets us also have the compiler write the methods of ToSURI for us using the underlying URI's toSURI implementation.

Generally, when using newtype for wrapping other types, this is really effective at helping the compiler protect you from implementation errors without having to write a lot of code that already exists.


Now, since we have a newtype wrapper, we want to be able to easily (but not to easily) unwrap the newtype and get the underlying value. the lens package gives us a TemplateHaskell function, makePrisms, that will use the type information at compile time to create a Prism for our newtype that can be used to "unwrap" the underlying value using various generic functions the package provides.

The App Itself

This data definition is essentially our application configuration. We generate it later from the command line arguments. It uses another bit of the lens package, makeLenses to create lenses for getting and setting the different component values of the App.

A lens is a data type that combines a "getter" function and a "setter" function, and there are various helper functions that can use a lens to extract parts of a composite value, or replace parts. Since they're still just functions, they can also be chained, or composed, into complex patterns to match very specific parts of intricate data structures.

We're definitely not doing anything like that here, but we are introducing the basic idea.

The Request Logger

Next we define the function that the ServerPartT uses to report every request from the browser. In our case, we write it to "standard error", which is one of the three standard streams every UNIX process receives when it's started.

Now, an interesting thing about our logRequest function is the Existential Type Variable. So, normally, if a data type uses a type variable, the data structure itself has to declare it as part of its definition. For example:

data Conf a = Conf {
    message :: Text,
    translate :: Text -> a

In this definition of Conf, Conf has a value named translate. translate is any of a class of functions that takes a Text and returns whatever the type of a is when a specific Conf is created.

Now, the problem with this is that only a single member of Conf needs the variable, but now every function and every type that uses a Conf has to also include the extra type variable a. So, for a function that would just need to use the message of Conf, it would still need to account for the variable a:

showMessage :: Conf a -> String
showMessage (Conf{..}) = show message

If you have large data structures, or lots of functions for them, this can get pretty tedious. So, what Happstack does with its Conf is specify the type variable t as part of the type of its logAccess member. What this does is let any function that has the right kind of t be used for logAccess, and just for logAccess, without affecting any other function that operates on Conf.

Our logRequest function matches the logAccess signature exactly, and so it's a perfect fit.

The Actual Application

At this point, we have enough to put together the functions that will actually run the application itself. First, we define a specific Conf that has our logRequest function inside. Conf actually wraps the function logAccess uses with a Maybe. This type is a way of specifying optional values in a way that the compiler can check whether you've handled both the case where the value is specified and where it isn't, or where a function returns a result or fails in some way.

Maybe also has some other interesting properties that let you chain them together without having to check at each stage of the chain whether there's a value (a Just a), or no value (Nothing). The combining operator in Haskell for these kinds of types, >>=, or bind, is defined specifically for each one. In the case of the Maybe type, it checks for you if it's getting a Nothing and then just sends another Nothing along. We use this behavior later when building our App.

Next, we have the actual server function. This will take a Happstack ServerPartT as an argument, and then after calling logAccess on the request, it'll pass the request through the ServerPartT we specify, and use the Response it creates as the reply to the browser. It continues doing this essentially until we signal the process to terminate. The only requirement of the ServerPartT we pass in is that whatever it returns is a ToMessage, which is the general class of types that Happstack can convert into messages to send to the browser.

Our specific ServerPartT uses our own RedirectBody type from earlier which is an instance of ToMessage. In fact, we use GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving to make it so by just reusing the ToMessage function of the underlying Text type.

And so redirectApp takes our App configuration value, pulls out the _appRedirectTo and _appBody using the lenses we created for the App using makeLenses, passes them to Happstack's own tempRedirect, and let's that handle most of the rest of the Response.

Basically we're writing a very thin layer on top of the already existing Happstack scaffolding so we don't have to manage the full stack of the HTTP request/response model ourselves.

Configuring the App

Now, we have an interesting function with a general and short name, app. This function demonstrates let bindings, where we define functions inside of functions that have access to each other and to the arguments of the outer function. We also have three functions that return Maybe values. And what that means, of course, is that we can build our App, and if we fail to build it at any stage, the app function will return Nothing without us having to check every stage for errors.

In fact, the only place we do any specific check is in the alen function, and that just makes sure we have at least enough arguments to create a RedirectTo and a RedirectBody. It returns a Nothing for the next stage if we don't.

These kinds of flow control by using data structures are very common in Haskell, so much so that the language itself only has a few built-in branching primitives. Everything more complex is built using data.

So, we take the three let-bound functions, alen, rt, and msg, and then use them to build up our App configuration. Now, what's also interesting about how we do that is the Applicative form we use to essentially pull the App inside the Maybe.

So first we start with the more standard >>= operator from alen, which we then pass to a function that unpacks the list of arguments if alen returns Just as, i.e. if we have at least two arguments. It unpacks the first argument into auri, and all the rest into msgs. That's what the : operator does. It builds and unbuilds lists by taking the first element, and then taking all the rest.

So then, once we have auri and msgs, we use the Applicative operator <$> to essentially sequence the rt function, which tries to parse auri as a URI and then build a RedirectTo from it if it succeeds (also using <$>). And then it combines all of the msgs with the msg function into a Just RedirectBody, since we know at this point from alen whether we have enough arguments to at least have one Arg in msgs. The <$> operator both after App and in rt auri ensure that if there's a Nothing, instead of getting a Just RedirectTo or a Just App, we get a Nothing.

Exiting on Failure

We also define a small, simple function exitFail that will print a help message if app fails to create an App. It uses the standard exitWith function with an ExitFailure to notify the operating system that we ended abnormally.

The main Function

And, now, finally, we get to the function that starts every program: main. Our main function again uses the <$> operator to call app on the program arguments. Now, args operates in a different control type, the IO type. But this is the same class of types as Maybe, and so the <$> operator will still work for running a function on a value within the IO, just like it does with Maybe.

We use the special do notation to automatically cause each line inside the do block to be implicitly combined with the >>= operator, and so we can (mostly) pretend that we're just writing a series of function calls instead of a single larger composed function.

The <- operator is the same as defining a function on the right side of the >>= operator, so a <- app <$> args is exactly the same as (app <$> args) >>= \a ->. In fact, the -> and the <- are deliberately mirror images of each other to reinforce this.

And then we have the other point where we do an explicit condition check, this time with case instead of if ... then ... else. Basically, if we could build an App, we run it. Otherwise, we exit with a helpful message.

And really, that's the redirection application. It's short, simple, and has a lot of structures that can be built on, or "composed", as Functional Programmers like to say, and, really, basically every operator and every syntax is in some way supporting this kind of composition.

To run the program, simply type the following command in your terminal:

cabal run "<website_url>" "<whatever_message_u_want>"

For example:

cabal run "" "check this out"


A Haskell program that tracks who is hitting your website according to their IP addy, doubling as a Haskell prisms and lenses tutorial



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