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A simple interpreter designed to process data sitting in redis.


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A simple interpreter designed to process data sitting in redis.

Each worker in a cluster checks in redis for work to do. If it finds a stopped thread or a dead thread it takes the thread and runs it locally. There are also jobs which instead of continuously running they execute on a cron schedule.

Runtime params

  • cluster-name - name of cluster
  • worker-name - name of the worker
  • redis-address - address to redis server
  • redis-password - password for redis server
  • scripts - scripts to register
  • run-now - run registered scripts on this worker immediately

Getting dependencies

Requires a version of go that supports go.mod

  • go get

Get up and running

  • Build it
    • make build
  • Build and run it
    • make run
  • You can get started using an example config as such
    • ./bin/worker --config worker1.config
  • Or you can pass in through runtime params
    • ./bin/worker --redis-address=<address> --redis-password=<password> --worker-name=worker1
  • Or run through a docker container
    • docker run jaeg/hats-worker:latest --redis-address=<address> --redis-password=<password> --worker-name=worker1
  • You can also tell it to load a script on start like this
    • ./bin/worker --redis-address=<address> --redis-password=<password> --worker-name=worker1 --scripts examples/hello.js
    • docker run jaeg/hats-worker:latest --redis-address=<address> --redis-password=<password> --worker-name=worker1 --scripts examples/hello.js


Hatter is a tool used to deploy and maintain a HATS cluster.

Example Environment to deploy

Javascript implementation

worker's Javascript implementation is based on Otto. Each thread maintains its own scope. When a thread starts it runs the entire script. It then runs init() if present in the source code. If present a thread will call main() after confirming the thread is still running.

Extra Functions Available to scripts


  • env.Get(key)
    • returns string or undefined if key does not exist
  • env.Set(key,value)
    • returns null or error if there is one
  • env.Unset(key)
    • returns null or error if there is one


  • worker.Name
    • returns string
  • worker.Cluster
    • returns string
  • worker.ShuttingDown - It is suggested that if you have code that loops you also check this to make sure the code end cleanly.
    • returns bool


  • thread.Key
    • returns string
  • thread.State()
    • returns string
  • thread.Status()
    • returns string
  • thread.Stopped - It is suggested that if you have code that loops you also check this to make sure the code end cleanly.
    • returns bool
  • thread.Disable() - Disables the thread completely
    • returns nothing
  • thread.Stop() - Stops the thread causing another node to possibly pick it up
    • returns nothing


  • job.Key
    • returns string
  • job.State()
    • returns string
  • thread.Status()
    • returns string
  • thread.Stopped - It is suggested that if you have code that loops you also check this to make sure the code end cleanly.
    • returns bool
  • thread.Disable() - Disables the thread completely
    • returns nothing


  • http.Get(url)
    • returns {body:'',headers:[], status: 200}
  • http.Post(url, body)
    • returns {body:'',headers:[], status: 200}
  • http.PostForm(url, bodyObject)
    • returns {body:'',headers:[], status: 200}
  • http.Put(url, body)
    • returns {body:'',headers:[], status: 200}
  • http.Head(url)
    • returns {headers:[], status: 200}
  • http.Delete(url)
    • returns {body:'',headers:[], status: 200}


  • redis.Do(method, args....)
    • return [response from redis, error (if one)]


  • response.Write(value)
    • Used when a worker is in endpoint mode. Writes to the response body of an http request.
    • returns nothing.
  • response.Error(errorString, statusCode)
    • Used when a worker is in endpoint mode. Writes an error in response to the endpoint.
    • returns nothing.
  • response.SetContentType(type)
    • Used when a worker is in endpoint mode. Sets the content type header.
    • returns nothing.
  • response.SetHeader(key,value)
    • Used when a worker is in endpoint mode. Sets the header specfied in key to the value.
    • returns nothing.


  • request.Method
    • returns string
  • request.Path
    • returns string
  • request.Query
    • returns {:[values]}
  • request.Body
    • returns string
  • request.GetHeader(key)
    • Used when a worker is in endpoint mode. Gets value from header.
    • returns value.


  • sql.New(connectionString, driverType)
    • supported driver types: mysql
    • returns db interface
  • db.Ping()
    • returns an error if it fails to ping the db
  • db.Query(query, arguments...)
    • returns rows or nil if error
  • db.Exec(query, arguments...)
    • returns number of impacted rows or undefined if error
  • db.Close()
    • returns error if any

worker Todo

  • - Run a thread from redis.
  • - Create thread from file.
  • - Stop thread if worker is unhealthy.
  • - Stop thread if status is disabled.
  • - Stop thread if not the owner of thread.
  • - CPU health check based on threshold.
  • - Memory health check based on threshold.
  • - Recover from critical state when thresholds are met.

Javascript Todo

  • - Basic javascript implementation
  • - Keep scope inside of thread
  • - Redis wrapper
  • - Http wrapper
  • - worker information i.e. Health, name, cluster
  • - Thread information i.e. Delay, State, Status
  • - Thread control i.e. Stop thread, disable thread.