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Add Section 6.23
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Andy Fingerhut committed Dec 31, 2011
1 parent 1e45e60 commit 542594c
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 0 deletions.
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions 6_pattern_matching.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -991,3 +991,133 @@ gnat ttyS4 coprolith 2:01pm 13:36m 0.30s 0.30s -tcsh
;; @@INCLUDE@@ include/clojure/ch06/urlify.clj

;; @@PLEAC@@_6.23 Regular Expression Grabbag
;; Most Perl regexes can be used verbatim in the Java regex
;; implementation. The most common changes requires are to replace
;; the /imsx suffixes with the corresponding (?imsx) prefix at the
;; beginning of the pattern. There is no /o in Java or Clojure, since
;; pattern compilation is explicit (either by use of re-pattern, or by
;; the #"pattern" syntax). There is no /g in Java or Clojure -- in
;; Clojure use re-seq, clojure.string/replace, or an explicit loop for
;; repeated matching.
(re-find #"(?i)^m*(d?c{0,3}|c[dm])(l?x{0,3}|x[lc])(v?i{0,3}|i[vx])$" s)
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(str/replace-first s #"(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)" "$3$2$1")
(let [m (re-find #"(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$" s)]
(when m
;; entire match is (m 0), keyword is (m 1), value is (m 2)
(re-find #".{80,}" s)
(re-find #"(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)" s)
(str/replace s #"/usr/bin" "/usr/local/bin")
(str/replace s #"%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])"
(fn [[whole-match hex]] (str (char (Long/parseLong hex 16)))))
(str/replace s #"(?sx)
/\* # Match the opening delimiter
.*? # Match a minimal number of characters
\*/ # Match the closing delimiter
" "")
(let [s (str/replace-first s #"^\s+" "")
s (str/replace-first s #"\s+$" "")]
;; ...
;; or more succinctly in Clojure
(trim s)
(str/replace s #"\\n" "\n")
(str/replace-first s #"^.*::" "")
(re-find #"^([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$" s)
(str/replace-first s #"^.*/" "")
(def cols (if-let [[whole-match cols-str]
(re-find #":co#(\d+):"
(or (get (System/getenv) "TERMCAP") " "))]
(Long/parseLong cols-str) 80))
(let [name (str " " *file* " " (str/join " " *command-line-args*))
name (str/replace name #" /\S+/" " ")]
;; ...
;; This appears to be somewhat like Perl's $^O, or $Config{"osname'}
;;(get (System/getProperties) "")
(if (not (re-find #"(?i)linux" (get (System/getProperties) "")))
(printf "This isn't Linux\n")
(System/exit 1))
(str/replace s #"\n\s+" " ")
(def nums (re-seq #"\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+" s))
(def capword (re-seq #"\b[^\Wa-z0-9_]+\b" s))
(def lowords (re-seq #"\b[^\WA-Z0-9_]+\b" s))
(def icwords (re-seq #"\b[^\Wa-z0-9_][^\WA-Z0-9_]*\b" s))
(def links (map second (re-seq #"(?si)<A[^>]+?HREF\s*=\s*[\"']?([^'\" >]+?)[ '\"]?>" s)))
(def initial (if-let [[whole-match init] (re-find #"^\S+\s+(\S)\S*\s+\S" s)]
init ""))
(str/replace s #"\"([^\"]*)\"" "``$1''")
;; while-<>-pgraph was defined in paragrep.clj in Section 6.11
(def sentences (atom []))
(while-<>-pgraph [*command-line-args* file pgraph pgraphnum]
(let [s (str/replace pgraph #"\n" " ")
s (str/replace s #" {3,}" " ")
newsents (vec (map first (re-seq #"(\S.*?[!?.])(?= |\Z)" s)))]
;; (apply conj [1 2] [3 4]) => [1 2 3 4]
;; but (apply conj [1 2] []) => ArityException
;; so don't try to do the (appy swap! ...) call if newsents is an
;; empty vector.
(if (not= (count newsents) 0)
(apply swap! sentences conj newsents))))
(if-let [[whole-match yyyy mm dd] (re-find #"(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)" s)]
;; ...
(re-find #"(?x)
1 \s (?: \d\d\d \s)? # 1, or 1 and area code
| # ... or ...
\(\d\d\d\) \s # area code with parens
| # ... or ...
(?: \+\d\d?\d? \s)? # optional +country code
\d\d\d ([\s\-]) # and area code
\d\d\d (\s|\1) # prefix (and area code separator)
\d\d\d\d # exchange
(re-find #"(?i)\boh\s+my\s+gh?o(d(dess(es)?|s?)|odness|sh)\b" s)
;; The 'take-while identity' part causes lines to stop on the first
;; element of input-line-seq for which re-find does not find a match.
(let [lines (take-while identity
(map #(second
(re-find #"^([^\012\015]*)(\012\015?|\015\012?)"
;; ...

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