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Rarely Asked Questions

John Grosh edited this page May 28, 2021 · 6 revisions

What was hackban?

hackban (and forceban) was an alias for ban. This means that it is identical in every way except that you type 4 (or 5) more characters at the beginning. This alias existed purely for legacy support with a command from 2016, which could ban a user by their Discord User ID. This was needed in 2016 because the normal Discord client (right-click ban) couldn't ban someone that wasn't in the server. The only way to ban someone that wasn't in the server was to use this "hack-y" method of having a bot do it. This specific functionality has not been needed since 2016, and the regular ban command already accepts user IDs as valid inputs, making the old hackban command objectively worse than ban, so it was merged in the form of an alias. If you used the hackban command any time after 2016, you were just running the normal ban command, and there is no reason for you to keep typing the word "hack" before it.

How to prevent message logs from a specific channel?

To prevent Vortex from logging message edits and deletes from a specific channel, create a permission override on that channel for Vortex (the bot itself, not the role), that denies Read Message History. Vortex specifically looks for this override, and this will prevent logging messages even if Vortex has admin in the server.