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Simple OAuth 2.0 authentication server for Yii2 framework


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The main purpose of this package is simplify the authentication process in restapi for mobile apps

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Authentication server is compatible with OAuth 2.0

Success response RFC 6749

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.6.2
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 15:35:13 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "access_token": "4U0B6zMngrDuiNPyTErzsZ35gBVexoxC_1479923192",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 7200,
  "refresh_token": "e-KaqLwjAgWrpp5A8c1zISfeK4dOEZex_1482507992"

Error response RFC 6749

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8


The authorization server responds with an HTTP 400 (Bad Request) status code and includes the following parameters with the response:

  • invalid_request The request is missing a required parameter, other than grant type.
  • invalid_grant The provided authorization grant (e.g., authorization code, resource owner credentials or refresh token) is invalid, expired, revoked.
  • unsupported_grant_type The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server.


1 . Configure component in config/web.php


'components' => [
    'authServer' => [
        'class' => \jakim\authserver\Server::class,
        'grantTypes' => [
            'password' => \jakim\authserver\grants\PasswordCredentials::class,
            'refresh_token' => \jakim\authserver\grants\RefreshToken::class,
            'facebook_token' => [
                'class' => \jakim\authserver\grants\FacebookToken::class,
                'app_id' => $params['facebook.app_id'],
                'app_secret' => $params['facebook.app_secret'],
                'fields' => 'birthday,email,name,about,gender,picture.type(large){url}',

2 . Implement identity interfaces (typically in User model):

  • jakim\authserver\base\UserIdentityInterface for password grant and refresh token grant
  • jakim\authserver\base\FacebookUserIdentityInterface for facebook token grant


public static function findIdentityByCredentials($username, $password)
    $security = \Yii::$app->security;
    $model = static::findOne(['email' => $username]);
    if ($model && $security->validatePassword($password, $model->password)) {
        return $model;

    return null;

public static function findIdentityByRefreshToken($refreshToken)
    return static::findOne(['refresh_token' => $refreshToken]);

public static function findIdentityByFacebookGraphUser($user)
    /** @var GraphUser $user */
    $model = static::findOne(['facebook_id' => $user->getId()]);
    if ($model === null) {
        $model = static::findOne(['email' => $user->getEmail()]);

    // auto create user from facebook
    if ($model === null) {
        /** @var User $model */
        $model = UserFactory::newFromFacebookGraphUser($user);
        if (!$model->save()) {
            \Yii::error('Unable to create new user from facebook: ' . print_r($model->getErrors(), true), __METHOD__);

            return null;
    } else {
        $model = UserFactory::updateFromFacebookGraphUser($model, $user);
        if (!$model->save()) {
            \Yii::error('Unable to update user from facebook: ' . print_r($model->getErrors(), true), __METHOD__);

            return null;

    return $model;

public function setAccessToken($token)
    $this->access_token = $token;

public function getAccessToken()
    return $this->access_token;

public function setRefreshToken($token)
    $this->refresh_token = $token;

public function getRefreshToken()
    return $this->refresh_token;

3 . Create token action in auth controller

Example - custom action:

public function actionToken()
    /** @var Server $server */
    $server = Instance::ensure('authServer', Server::class);

    if (($response = $server->getResponse()) === null) {

        return $server->getError();

    return $response;

Example - predefined action class:

    public function actions()
        return [
            'token' => TokenAction::class,

API Usage example:

Arguments for password grant type

Property Type Required Description
username varchar(255) Yes Email
password varchar(255) Yes Password
grant_type varchar(255) Yes Value always: password

Arguments for password grant type

Property Type Required Description
refresh_token varchar(255) Yes Refresh Token
grant_type varchar(255) Yes Value always: refresh_token

Arguments for facebook grant type

Property Type Required Description
facebook_token varchar(255) Yes Facebook Token
grant_type varchar(255) Yes Value always: facebook_token

4 . Use custom auth filter jakim\authserver\filters\HttpBearerAuth (optionally)