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This lib offers a simple and quick routing solution for a SPA (Single Page Application), it uses the hash (#) part of the URL for navigation. It supports static and dynamic routes and events.

Creating a route

Static routing

To create a static route, just declare the path that should be monitored using Router.route(path, callback, options). Each time the route is reached, the callback is called. Inside the callback, this refers to the current route object.

import {Router} from "jk-router";

Router.route("/", {
  name : "home",
   action() {
    console.log("current route", this);

Dynamic routing

To create a dynamic route, you have to use the following syntax :

import {Router} from "jk-router";

Router.route("/page/:_id/:slug", {
  name : "page",
   action() {
    const {_id, slug} = this.params;
    console.log("page params", this.params);

Getting the path of a route

If you gave a name to a route, you can refer to this route in the code by calling Router.path(name).

import {Router} from "jk-router";

// Static route
console.log("Home path : " + Router.path("home"));

// Dynamic route
const params = {id : 1337, slug: "dynamic-page"};
console.log("Page N°1337 : " + Router.path("page", params));

Rendering the content of a route

The callback of a route will provide a Route object available using this, to render just call this.render(content, options). You can specify where to render the content using a target attribute in the options which is an HTML Element or the ID of the element (like #content in CSS).

By default the target is an element with the attribute id="yield".

  <div id="content">
    <!-- The router will render the content here -->
import {Router} from "jk-router";

Router.route("/hello", {
  action() {
    // You can define your own container per route
    this.render("Hello world", {
      target: "content"
    // Or render to the default container
    this.render("Hello world");

Custom rendering

The default behavior of the render() method is to display the text given as the first argument, but almost everyone use templates nowadays. To use your favourite template engine, you must override the Router.render(content, data, target) method. This method is called by the Route.render() method. The following example uses Handlebars as the template engine.

import {Router} from "jk-router";

// Rendering with Handlebars
Router.render = function(content, data, target) {
  const template = Handlebars.compile(content);
  target.innerHTML = template(data);

Router.route("/hello/:name", {
  action() {
    this.render("Hello {{name}}", {
      data: {

Handling errors

If there is no route defined for a path, you can handle the error by setting the Router.notFound attribute.

import {Router} from "jk-router";

// Display a custom message
Router.notFound = function() {
  this.render("The page at " + this.path +" does not exist.");

Handling events

Route events

You can execute code when a special route event is triggered by using the on(event, callback) method of a Route object.

import {Router} from "jk-router";

Router.route("/home", {
  action() {
    this.render("Welcome home");
    // Execute code when we change route
    this.on("leave", function() {
      console.log("Stay at home");
      return false; // return false to cancel routing and force user to stay on the current page

Router global events

As for a route, you can hook functions to router's events by using the Router.on(event, callback) method.

import {Router} from "jk-router";

Router.on("route", function() {
  console.log("routing to " + this.path);

Router.on("beforeRender", function() {
  console.log("before rendering " + this.path);

Router.on("afterRender", function() {
  console.log("after rendering " + this.path);

Adding route links

In your HTML files, you just have to use the path you declared for the route you want to access.

  <a href="#/">Home</a>
  <a href="#/contact">Contact</a>
  <a href="#/page/1337/dynamic-1">Dynamic 1</a>
  <a href="#/page/0110/dynamic-2">Dynamic 2</a>
  <a href="#/login">Log in</a>

Navigating between routes

You can access a route by calling the Router.go(path) method.

import {Router} from "jk-router";

// Go to the contact page

// Go back



  • Updates dependencies


  • Changes Router.route() signature to Router.route(path, options)
  • Fixes import from NPM package


  • Publish to NPM, uses import/export module syntax


The code is released under the MIT License.

If you find this lib useful and would like to support my work, donations are welcome :)
