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Demo for my accompanying talk on Reactive Extensions for .NET

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This repository demonstrates a typical Reactive Extensions (Rx) client-side scenario. We will use Rx to create a robust pipeline for calling a service.

The repository has a number of lightweight tags that move through each stage of the demo - these tags appear at the start of each numbered section below. Once you have cloned the repo, you can checkout each tag in sequence to follow the demo along with git checkout <tag>. However, if you are tweaking the code for experimental purposes, use git reset --hard <tag> to throw away any changes as you move to each tag.

Although this demo uses .NET 4.6.1, WPF and Rx.NET 2.2.5, the concepts demonstrated are applicable to all of the many platforms to which Reactive Extensions has been translated. The use of WPF here is not really important.

We use the Humanizer nuget package in this demo which has some nice extension methods, including allowing us to write 2.Seconds() instead of the unwieldy TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2).

1. tag: demo_start

A simple WPF application with a TextBox (Input) and a ListView (Results) below it. You can type into the TextBox, but nothing happens.

2. tag: echo_text

Add Observable.FromEventPattern to convert the TextBox's TextChanged event into an IObservable<TextChangedEventArgs> stream.

Each OnNext event is triggered by a text change contains the TextChanged event arguments.

The Select following converts the stream to an IObservable<string> by fetching the content of the textbox. Finally, we Subscribe to the steam and echo the text into the Results ListView. Run the code and try typing some text.

3. tag: call_service

Now we will call our InMemoryAutoCompleteService. This service fulfils the following contract:

public interface IAutoCompleteService
    Task<AutoCompleteResult> Query(string term);

public class AutoCompleteResult
    public string Term { get; set; }
    public IList<string> Matches { get; set; }

You can imagine that this could be fetching suggestions from a remote service to aid completing a word in the Input TextBox. The actual implementation runs in-memory and simply returns a list of three items: the original text; the original text with a random letter added; and the original text with two random letters added. It will serve our demonstration purposes.

In order to call the service, we use a SelectMany:


This is actually shorthand for the following:

.SelectMany(text => _autoCompleteService.Query(text).ToObservable())

Most asynchronous calls in .NET are represented as Task<T>. Similarly, in JavaScript we find the use of Promise. Similar non-Rx abstractions are found in other languages. Therefore, Rx implementations commonly provide conversions from these other abstractions. ToObservable() here converts a Task<T> into an IObservable<T> and will cause the result of the task to be emitted as an OnNext followed by an OnCompleted or if the task fails, an OnError contains the exception is emitted. SelectMany has an overload that will accept a Task<T> and convert it using ToObservable().

SelectMany is actually performing two steps. First it does a Select which projects each string event into a new observable stream IObservable<AutoCompleteResult>. At this point our IObservable<string> is an IObservable<IObservable<AutoCompleteResult>> or stream of streams. The second step is to flatten this stream of streams into a single stream of results. SelectMany is called flatMap in most other Rx implementations.

Text Stream    ------o-------o--------o------
Project to Streams    \---o+  \---o+   \---o+
Flattened      -----------o-------o--------o-

Then we call ObserveOnDispatcher(). This is necessary WPF requires all GUI work to be dispatched (run) on a unique thread. Because the service call is asynchronous, the result is returned on a different thread. ObserveOnDispatcher schedules the result to be called the GUI thread. Try commenting this line out, and you will receive an InvalidOperationException with the message 'The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.'

Finally we subscribe to the result:


Again, a bit of shorthand using a method group, this is equivalent to:

.Subscribe(result => DisplayMatches(result));

4. tag: overlapping_problem

Now we are going to modify the behaviour of the IAutoCompleteService so that alternating calls will take 1 and 4 seconds respectively:

private readonly IAutoCompleteService _autoCompleteService =
    new InMemoryAutoCompleteService(
        new RoundRobinDelayStrategy(1.Seconds(), 4.Seconds()));

The implementation isn't important here, but have a look if you are interested. What is important is that this set up demonstrates a bug in our implementation. Follow these steps carefully. Run the code and enter an a. Wait for the result, which will take about a second. Now, enter a b and c quickly. The result for ab will take about 4 seconds, but the result for abc will only take a second. So you will end up with the Results for ab showing when the Input is abc - this is a bug!

Text Stream    -------1--------2---------------
Project to Streams    \--------|-------1+ 
Flattened      --------------------2---1--------

5. tag: handle_overlapping

We can solve this by causing each new text event to trigger cancelling the subscription of the previous service call:

Text Stream    -------1--------2---------------
Project to Streams    \-------X| 
Flattened      --------------------2------------

As soon as 2 is emitted, we cancel the subscription due to 1.

This is exactly what the Select + Switch combination does. Recall previously that Select will give us a stream of streams. Switch consumes this and provides a flattened stream containing only the events of the most recent stream, as shown above.

Other versions of Rx present a combined operator called switchMap which achieves the same result.

Notice also that the ObserveOnDispatcher() has moved inside the Select. More on this later.

6. tag: errors_problem

Service calls can unfortunately fail from time to time. Here, we have modified IAutoCompleteService so that it will throw an exception after a second:

private readonly IAutoCompleteService _autoCompleteService =
    new InMemoryAutoCompleteService(
        new RoundRobinDelayStrategy(1.Seconds()),
        new AlwaysFailReliabilityStrategy());

Try calling the service, and the application will crash with an ApplicationException.

7. tag:handle_errors

To address this, we could add an OnError handler to our Subscribe method:

    DisplayMatches, //OnNext
    e => DisplayMatches(AutoCompleteResult.ErrorResult("Error"))); // OnError 

This will handle the error, since the exception from the service task is propagated as an OnError event - however, recall that a stream is terminated by an OnError. This approach will mean an end to our events and we will need to subscribe to a new observable. Our stream needs to be more robust and handle service errors as events.

Instead, we introduce the Rx equivalent of a try...catch... It's a bit different though. The Catch operator can be given a stream that will be substituted in place of it's observable. Here, we replace the failed Query stream with an AutoCompleteResult containing an error message:

.Select(term => _autoCompleteService.Query(term)

Run the code now, and you'll get a message about the error in the Results ListView.

8. tag: timeout_problem

Services can misbehave in other ways - they might take too long to respond, or never respond. Here we adjust the service so that it alternates between responding it 1 and 10 seconds respectively:

private readonly IAutoCompleteService _autoCompleteService =
    new InMemoryAutoCompleteService(
        new RoundRobinDelayStrategy(1.Seconds(), 10.Seconds()),
        new NeverFailReliabilityStrategy());

Now try running the code and issuing a couple of queries. Waiting indefinitely for a response makes for a frustrating user experience; we can do better!

9. tag: handle_timeout

We can use the aptly named Timeout operator to solve this. Similar to the Catch operator, we provide an alternative stream to return in the event the observed stream takes too long to emit an event:

.Select(term => _autoCompleteService.Query(term)
		     term, "timed out")))

Run this and see the difference. Queries return in 2 seconds, or an appropriate message is shown.

10. tag: transient_problem

Sometimes services fail once in a while. We now set up our service to succeed only on every third attempt:

private readonly IAutoCompleteService _autoCompleteService =
    new InMemoryAutoCompleteService(
        new RoundRobinDelayStrategy(1.Seconds()),
        new SucceedEveryNTriesReliabilityStrategy(3));

Run this code, and enter in a, wait for the response (an error), then add b, wait again, and then add c which finally returns.

In the event of failure, we might like to resubmit the query instead.

11. tag: handle_transient_attempt

Rx offers the Retry operator. This accepts a number and will resubscribe to it's observable up to that many times when it encounters an OnError, before giving up and letting the OnError through. We can apply it like this:

.Select(term => _autoCompleteService.Query(term).ToObservable()
                  term, "timed out")))

If you run the code now though, nothing has changed! What's going on? What's happened is that the ToObservable() is returning the same result stream to each subscriber. This is by design - in the event that multiple subscriptions are made, every subscriber shares the result. It's not want we want here though. We want the task itself to be reissued on each subscription.

12. tag: handle_transient

We can do this by using Observable.FromAsync to convert our task instead:

.Select(term => Observable.FromAsync(() => _autoCompleteService.Query(term))

Run the code now to see that even the first query will return a successful response.

13. tag: overload_problem

Things are starting to look good. Let's make our service reliable again, with a 1 second response time:

private readonly IAutoCompleteService _autoCompleteService =
    new InMemoryAutoCompleteService(
        new RoundRobinDelayStrategy(1.Seconds()));

Notice that as things stand, we issue a request to the service every time the text changes. If our users are typing at 30 WPM, that could quickly add up to a lot of calls. We should simmer things down a bit by throttling the response.

14. tag: handle_overload

We can use the Throttle operator for this:

.Select(@event => ((TextBox) @event.Sender).Text)
.Select(term => Observable.FromAsync(() => _autoCompleteService.Query(term))

This accepts a TimeSpan. Now when an event appears in the observable of a Throttle, it is only emitted if no other event appears in the given time frame. If an event does appear, this process is repeated. That means in this case, a text change will only be passed on after half a second of no typing.

Run the code and type continuously for a bit, noticing that a result appears only when you stop.

The observant amongst you will have noticed that ObserveOnDispatcher has been appended to the Throttle operator. As well as having a benefit we'll discuss in a moment, it is necessary if the ObserveOnDispatcher that appears after the Catch is to work. The throttle operates asynchronously, and if we don't bring the stream back to the dispatch thread, there is no dispatcher on the thread the second ObserveOnDispatcher runs from - and this causes an exception.

Note that Throttle is called Debounce in other Rx implementations (which is a better name for it), and in those implementations Throttle acts as a rate limiter, with an event being released no faster than the rate of the given TimeSpan rather than with continual suppression. See a demo of the difference here. In this demo Debounce is like the Throttle we use here.

15. tag: handle_filtering

Finally, a bit of tidying up. When a text event clears the throttle, we'd like to clear out the Results from the previous query. We can do this with a side effect operator, Do. This needs the ObserveOnDispatcher that precedes it, because we are updating the UI. Also, we use a Where filter to suppress text events with 2 or less characters - supposing that these might return too many results in a real service. Finally, if an event passes the Where filter we set a waiting message in the UI. Our final stream looks like this:

Observable.FromEventPattern<TextChangedEventArgs>(Input, "TextChanged")
    .Select(@event => ((TextBox) @event.Sender).Text)
    .Do(_ => ClearMatches())
    .Where(term => term?.Length > 2)
    .Do(_ => SetWaiting())
    .Select(term => Observable.FromAsync(() => _autoCompleteService.Query(term))
        .Timeout(2.Seconds(), Observable.Return(AutoCompleteResult.ErrorResult(term, "timed out")))

What an amazing throttling, filtering, time-out-aware, error-aware, retrying, latest-results-only query it is. Imaging writing that with imperative code if you dare!

James World, September 2017


Demo for my accompanying talk on Reactive Extensions for .NET






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