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     graph: [ strict ] (graph | digraph) [ ID ] '{' stmt_list '}'
 stmt_list: [ stmt [ ';' ] stmt_list ]
      stmt: node_stmt |	edge_stmt |	attr_stmt |	ID '=' ID |	subgraph
 attr_stmt: (graph | node | edge) attr_list
 attr_list: '[' [ a_list ] ']' [ attr_list ]
    a_list: ID '=' ID [ (';' | ',') ] [ a_list ]
 edge_stmt: (node_id | subgraph) edgeRHS [ attr_list ]
   edgeRHS: edgeop (node_id | subgraph) [ edgeRHS ]
 node_stmt: node_id [ attr_list ]
   node_id: ID [ port ]
      port: ':' ID [ ':' compass_pt ] |	':' compass_pt
  subgraph: [ subgraph [ ID ] ] '{' stmt_list '}'
compass_pt: (n | ne | e | se | s | sw | w | nw | c | _)


Name Used By Type Default Minimum Notes
Damping G double 0.99 0.0 neato only
K GC double 0.3 0 sfdp, fdp only
URL ENGC escString <none> svg, postscript, map only
_background G string <none>
area NC double 1.0 >0 patchwork only
arrowhead E arrowType normal
arrowsize E double 1.0 0.0
arrowtail E arrowType normal
bb G rect write only
bgcolor GC color/colorList <none>
center G bool false
charset G string "UTF-8"
clusterrank G clusterMode local dot only
color ENC color/colorList black
colorscheme ENCG string ""
comment ENG string ""
compound G bool false dot only
concentrate G bool false
constraint E bool true dot only
decorate E bool false
defaultdist G double 1+(avg. len)*sqrt(|V|) epsilon neato only
dim G int 2 2 sfdp, fdp, neato only
dimen G int 2 2 sfdp, fdp, neato only
dir E dirType forward(directed)
diredgeconstraints G string
false neato only
distortion N double 0.0 -100.0
dpi G double 96.0
svg, bitmap output only
edgeURL E escString "" svg, map only
edgehref E escString "" svg, map only
edgetarget E escString <none> svg, map only
edgetooltip E escString "" svg, cmap only
epsilon G double .0001 * # nodes(mode == KK)
.0001(mode == major)
neato only
esep G addDouble/addPoint +3 not dot
fillcolor NEC color/colorList lightgrey(nodes)
fixedsize N bool/string false
fontcolor ENGC color black
fontname ENGC string "Times-Roman"
fontnames G string "" svg only
fontpath G string system-dependent
fontsize ENGC double 14.0 1.0
forcelabels G bool true
gradientangle NCG int ""
group N string "" dot only
headURL E escString "" svg, map only
head_lp E point write only
headclip E bool true
headhref E escString "" svg, map only
headlabel E lblString ""
headport E portPos center
headtarget E escString <none> svg, map only
headtooltip E escString "" svg, cmap only
height N double 0.5 0.02
href GCNE escString "" svg, postscript, map only
id GCNE escString "" svg, postscript, map only
image N string ""
imagepath G string ""
imagepos N string "mc"
imagescale N bool/string false
inputscale G double <none> fdp, neato only
label ENGC lblString "\N" (nodes)
"" (otherwise)
labelURL E escString "" svg, map only
label_scheme G int 0 0 sfdp only
labelangle E double -25.0 -180.0
labeldistance E double 1.0 0.0
labelfloat E bool false
labelfontcolor E color black
labelfontname E string "Times-Roman"
labelfontsize E double 14.0 1.0
labelhref E escString "" svg, map only
labeljust GC string "c"
labelloc NGC string "t"(clusters)
"b"(root graphs)
labeltarget E escString <none> svg, map only
labeltooltip E escString "" svg, cmap only
landscape G bool false
layer ENC layerRange ""
layerlistsep G string ","
layers G layerList ""
layerselect G layerRange ""
layersep G string " :\t"
layout G string ""
len E double 1.0(neato)
fdp, neato only
levels G int MAXINT 0.0 sfdp only
levelsgap G double 0.0 neato only
lhead E string "" dot only
lheight GC double write only
lp EGC point write only
ltail E string "" dot only
lwidth GC double write only
margin NCG double
maxiter G int 100 * # nodes(mode == KK)
200(mode == major)
fdp, neato only
mclimit G double 1.0 dot only
mindist G double 1.0 0.0 circo only
minlen E int 1 0 dot only
mode G string major neato only
model G string shortpath neato only
mosek G bool false neato only
newrank G bool false dot only
nodesep G double 0.25 0.02
nojustify GCNE bool false
normalize G double
false not dot
notranslate G bool false neato only
nslimit/nslimit1 G double dot only
ordering GN string "" dot only
orientation N double 0.0 360.0
orientation G string ""
outputorder G outputMode breadthfirst
overlap G string
true not dot
overlap_scaling G double -4 -1.0e10 prism only
overlap_shrink G bool true prism only
pack G bool/int false
packmode G packMode node
pad G double
0.0555 (4 points)
page G double
pagedir G pagedir BL
pencolor C color black
penwidth CNE double 1.0 0.0
peripheries NC int shape default(nodes)
pin N bool false fdp, neato only
pos EN point/splineType
quadtree G quadType/bool normal sfdp only
quantum G double 0.0 0.0
rank S rankType dot only
rankdir G rankdir TB dot only
ranksep G double
0.02 twopi, dot only
ratio G double
rects N rect write only
regular N bool false
remincross G bool true dot only
repulsiveforce G double 1.0 0.0 sfdp only
resolution G double 96.0
svg, bitmap output only
root GN string
circo, twopi only
rotate G int 0
rotation G double 0 sfdp only
samehead E string "" dot only
sametail E string "" dot only
samplepoints N int 8(output)
20(overlap and image maps)
scale G double
not dot
searchsize G int 30 dot only
sep G addDouble/addPoint +4 not dot
shape N shape ellipse
shapefile N string ""
showboxes ENG int 0 0 dot only
sides N int 4 0
size G double
skew N double 0.0 -100.0
smoothing G smoothType "none" sfdp only
sortv GCN int 0 0
splines G bool/string
start G startType "" fdp, neato only
style ENCG style ""
stylesheet G string "" svg only
tailURL E escString "" svg, map only
tail_lp E point write only
tailclip E bool true
tailhref E escString "" svg, map only
taillabel E lblString ""
tailport E portPos center
tailtarget E escString <none> svg, map only
tailtooltip E escString "" svg, cmap only
target ENGC escString/string <none> svg, map only
tooltip NEC escString "" svg, cmap only
truecolor G bool bitmap output only
vertices N pointList write only
viewport G viewPort ""
voro_margin G double 0.05 0.0 not dot
weight E int
1 0(dot,twopi)
width N double 0.75 0.01
xdotversion G string xdot only
xlabel EN lblString ""
xlp NE point write only
z N double 0.0 -MAXFLOAT


    arrowname:	aname [ aname [ aname [ aname ] ] ]
        aname:	[ modifiers ] shape
    modifiers:	[ 'o' ] [ side ]
         side:	'l' | 'r'
        shape:	box | crow | curve | icurve | diamond |	dot | inv |	none | normal |	tee | vee
shape 效果
box box
crow crow
curve curve
diamond diamond
dot dot
icurve icurve
inv inv
none none
normal normal
tee tee
vee vee




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