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Gex - Go Example Project

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This is a Golang "Hello World" example project.


You can install Gex using the following methods.

Run using the default docker daemon

  • Set an environment variable to match your current environment (or any arbitrary text) export GEXENV=dev
  • Lint, Build, test and Run using docker with command: make


Now that Gex is running and your environment variable is set. You will be able to see the following output from curl

  • See the current Gex webpage.

    curl localhost:8080
  • Using the API to get the message

    curl -s localhost:8080/api/message | jq -r '.message'
    • Using the API to get the version
    curl -s localhost:8080/api/version | jq -r '.version'



An environment variable needs to be provided for the

  • Docker
  • Make
  • environment variable export GEXENV=dev

Note that Golang is not required as building and unit tests are run from within a docker image.


Note that you do not have to have golang installed on your system as the binary is built using a docker container. Build using the following commands

make build

Test (Functional)

Test using the following commands

make test

Upload to the docker repository

  • add a new annotated git tag using semver git tag -a -m "description" v[major].[minor].[patch] if you have not done so already
  • Either use docker login or set the environment variables matching the docker hub account
  • upload to your docker repository make upload

List of make commands

  • make - lint, build, unittest, test and run
  • make lint - format and lint the code
  • make build - compile the go code in it's own docker container
  • make unittest - run the unit tests
  • make run - runs Gex in the runtime docker container.
  • make integrationtest - runs the integration tests
  • make uitest - runs the ui tests
  • make test - runs the integrationtest and uitest
  • make upload - upload the latest docker runtime to the docker registry
  • make docker-build - create the docker image used for Building
  • make docker-runtime - create the docker runtime image used for running Gex
  • make pipeline - run by the pipeline to upload, deploy and check
  • make deploy-sloppy - deploy from docker hub to sloppy io
  • make rollback-sloppy - rollback to the previous release
  • make post-deploy-check-sloppy confirm the new version is available at


Please note that there is no latest version of the docker image, to run the image a specific version must be selected.


  • System with the docker daemon running
  • Access to the docker repository (docker hub)
  • Upload your docker image as per the process above
  • When deploying to, jq is required.


  • on the virtual machine which is currently running docker run the following command, selecting the correct version.
docker rm --force gex ; docker run -d --restart=always -p 8080:8080 -e GEXENV=prod --name gex jamie/gex:v[major].[minor].[patch]

I would suggest running under a clustering technology, such as kubernetes Installation would vary in this case, depending upon the technology chosen.