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 * Filename: README
 * Author: Richard Andrus
 * Userid: cs30foy
 * Description: Program Description and Questions for PA4
 * Date: Dec 3, 2018
 * Sources of Help: 


This program, PA4, prints all files in a Linux directory in
a manner similar to the ls command found in Linux. It provides
several options to list these files in different ways, such
as allowing the user to specify a directory, to include file
details, to show hidden files, and to sort the files by time
or by name.


To compile PA4, there is a makefile in its directory which can
automatically compile each of the files that make up each program
into an executable file.

To compile the program with make, use the following command in 
a Linux terminal while in the ~/pa4 directory:

    $ make


To run the create program from the terminal, type this:

    $ ./myls

followed by flags to specify the program's output. One flag, -h,
prints out the instructions for using this program and will not
print out the list of files. The -f flag specifies which directory
to list, and thus must be followed by a valid directory name. The
-a flag makes the program show all files, including hidden files.
The -c flag makes the program display the file count before it
prints out the files. The -l flag makes the program display the
files in long format with details including permissions, file
size, user and group, and the date and time the file was created.
The -r flag makes the program print the files in reverse order,
and the -t flag makes the program sort the files by time.


This is the output with no extra options:
(Printed out to stdout)


This is the output with options -a, -c, -l, -r and -t (which
naturally produces lines over 80 characters long):

File count in ".": 111.
drwxr-xr-x cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f  4096 Dec  7 16:33 .
-rw-r--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f     0 Dec  7 16:33  ./output2
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-rw-r----- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f     6 Oct  8 23:57   ./.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
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-rw-r----- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f    41 Oct  8 23:56      ./.git/refs/remotes/origin/master
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-rw-r--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f    41 Oct  8 23:50     ./.git/refs/heads/master
drwxr-x--- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f  4096 Oct  8 14:44    ./.git/refs/tags
-rw-r----- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f   266 Oct  8 23:56   ./.git/config
-rw-r----- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f  1490 Oct  8 23:55   ./.git/index
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-rw-r----- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f   148 Oct  8 23:56       ./.git/logs/refs/remotes/origin/master
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-rw-r----- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f   619 Oct  8 23:50      ./.git/logs/refs/heads/master
-rw-r----- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f   619 Oct  8 23:50    ./.git/logs/HEAD
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-rwxr-x--- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f  1348 Oct  8 14:44    ./.git/hooks/pre-push.sample
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-rw-r----- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f    73 Oct  8 14:44   ./.git/description
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-rw-r----- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f   240 Oct  8 14:44    ./.git/info/exclude
-rw-r----- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f    23 Oct  8 14:44   ./.git/HEAD
-rwxr--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f  3170 Oct  8 23:50  ./README
-rw-r--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f   179 Oct  8 18:48  ./test2
-rw-r--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f   179 Oct  8 18:48  ./test1
-rwxr--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f  1936 Oct  8 18:48  ./pa0.c
-rwxr--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f   830 Oct  8 18:46  ./printEveryOtherReversed.c
-rw-r--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f  1846 Oct  8 18:40  ./avg4.s
-rwxr--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f   687 Oct  8 18:34  ./pa0.h
-rwxr--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f   733 Oct  8 18:21  ./initArray.c
-rwxr--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f   719 Oct  8 14:53  ./findMax.c
-rw-r----- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f    35 Oct  8 14:47  ./.gitignore
-rwxr--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f  1020 Oct  2 18:30  ./Makefile
drwxr-xr-x cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f  4096 Oct  2 18:26  ./pa0StarterFiles
-rwxr--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f   904 Oct  2 18:28   ./pa0StarterFiles/initArray.c
-rwxr--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f  1020 Oct  2 18:28   ./pa0StarterFiles/Makefile
-rwxr--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f  1009 Oct  2 18:28   ./pa0StarterFiles/printEveryOtherReversed.c
-rwxr--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f   866 Oct  2 18:28   ./pa0StarterFiles/pa0.h
-rwxr--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f     0 Oct  2 18:28   ./pa0StarterFiles/README
-rwxr--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f   911 Oct  2 18:28   ./pa0StarterFiles/findMax.c
-rwxr--r-- cs30foy  ieng6_cs30f  2117 Oct  2 18:28   ./pa0StarterFiles/pa0.c


Along with this normal intended output, the program also produces
several types of abnormal output to respond to error in either the
user input or in the program operation. These include:

[ Standard usage message for -h flag - stderr]

Usage: ./myls [-aclrth] [-f file]
  -a 	 show all files, including hidden files
  -c 	 print file count, including hidden files
  -f 	 [file] specify directory to list
  -l 	 list files in long format
  -r 	 sort files in reversed order
  -t 	 sort files by time, instead of by name
  -h 	 show the help message

[ Error for invalid flag - stderr ]  
./myls: invalid option -- 'z'
Usage: ./myls [-aclrth] [-f file]
  -a 	 show all files, including hidden files
  -c 	 print file count, including hidden files
  -f 	 [file] specify directory to list
  -l 	 list files in long format
  -r 	 sort files in reversed order
  -t 	 sort files by time, instead of by name
  -h 	 show the help message

[ Error for -f flag without filepath - stderr ]  
./myls: option requires an argument -- 'f'
Usage: ./myls [-aclrth] [-f file]
  -a 	 show all files, including hidden files
  -c 	 print file count, including hidden files
  -f 	 [file] specify directory to list
  -l 	 list files in long format
  -r 	 sort files in reversed order
  -t 	 sort files by time, instead of by name
  -h 	 show the help message

[ Error for invalid filepath - stderr ]

File/directory "notafile" does not exist.

[ Error for extra argument - stderr ]

Extra argument arg detected
Usage: ./myls [-aclrth] [-f file]
  -a 	 show all files, including hidden files
  -c 	 print file count, including hidden files
  -f 	 [file] specify directory to list
  -l 	 list files in long format
  -r 	 sort files in reversed order
  -t 	 sort files by time, instead of by name
  -h 	 show the help message


I used a couple different methods to test the different functions
in this program. For several of the files, I created unit testing
modules for each file of code to run the code through different
scenarios and compare its output or results with the correct 
results. These were especially useful for the assembly files like
nameCompare.s and timeCompare.s where the results are formualic
and where the lower-level syntax of the code makes other forms
of debugging more difficult. I also made a test module called
testMilestone to test the printPermissions and buildFileTree
programs together before I started the rest of the program.

To create these unit testing modules, I used a variety of scenarios
that were intended to cause errors in the code. For example, passing
alphabetic strings to functions expecting integer input, passing
null values to pointers, passing incorrectly formatted strings as input,
and passing values out of range all caused my programs to report
errors instead of continuing with execution. However, I did not do
this with the file input because testing that each file and each
directory of files was formatted correctly would have been an
unnecessary amount of effort when the program will be used on the
same set of files provided to us.

Along with this, I used the Linux "diff" command to compare my code's
results with the output from the reference solution by redirecting my
program output to a text file and doing the same with the
public executable that Professor Cao provided. This was useful for
both the short and long versions of the myls output, because diff
saved me a great deal of time by locating mistakes automatically. I
also used this method to compare my error output with the correct
error output of the reference solution.


Translation #1: add fp, sp, 4 -> 0xE28DB004
E (1110): Conditional code to always execute
2 (0010-: OP code is 00 for a data processing instruction, I bit
8  1000): is 1 to add a numerical value, function code 0100 indicates
          add command and S is zero to not change the sign bit.
D (1101): Sets sp (r13) as source register
B (1011): Sets fp (r11) as destination register
0 (0000): Rot is zero because the value can be used as is
0 (0000): (First bit of imm8)
4 (0100): Value to be added to register is 4.

Translation #2: str r0, [fp, -8] -> 0xE50B0008
E (1110): Conditional code to always execute
5 (0101-: OP code is 01 for a memory instruction, I bit is 0
0  0000): to use a numerical offset, P bit and W bit are 1 and 0
          for an offset index, U bit is 0 to subtract offset
          from base, and L and B bits are 0 and 0 for STR.
B (1011): Sets fp (r11) as source register
0 (0000): Sets r0 as destination register
0 (0000): \
0 (0000):   Offset equals 8
8 (1000): / 

Translation #3: ldr r0, [fp, -8] -> 0xE51B0008
E (1110): Conditional code to always execute
5 (0101-: OP code is 01 for a memory instruction, I bit is 0
1  0001): to use a numerical offset, P bit and W bit are 1 and 0
          for an offset index, U bit is 0 to subtract offset
          from base, and L and B bits are 1 and 0 for LDR.
B (1011): Sets fp (r11) as source register
0 (0000): Sets r0 as destination register
0 (0000): \
0 (0000):   Offset equals 8
8 (1000): / 

Translation #4: bge else_if -> 0xAA000001
A (1010): Conditional code to execute if greater than or equal 
A (0010): OP code is 10 for a branching instruction, L bit is
          0 to not link while branching.
0 (0000): \
0 (0000):   The destination of this branch is three lines
0 (0000):   after it in the program and the program counter
0 (0000):   is always two lines ahead of the current instruction,
0 (0000):   so add 3 - 2 = 1 to the program counter.
1 (0001): /

Translation #5: ble else -> 0xDA000001
D (1101): Conditional code to execute if less than or equal 
A (0010): OP code is 10 for a branching instruction, L bit is
          0 to not link while branching.
0 (0000): \
0 (0000):   The destination of this branch is three lines
0 (0000):   after it in the program and the program counter
0 (0000):   is always two lines ahead of the current instruction,
0 (0000):   so add 3 - 2 = 1 to the program counter.
1 (0001): /

Translation #6: sub sp, fp, 4 -> 0xE24BD004
E (1110): Conditional code to always execute
2 (0010-: OP code is 00 for a data processing instruction, I bit
4  0100): is 1 to subtract a numerical value, function code 0010 for
          subtract command and S is zero to not change the sign bit.
B (1011): Sets fp (r11) as source register
D (1101): Sets sp (r13) as destination register
0 (0000): Rot is zero because the value can be used as is
0 (0000): (First bit of imm8)
4 (0100): Value to be added to register is 4.

           | buf[0] | buf[1] | buf[2] | buf[3] |
           | buf[4] | buf[5] | buf[6] | buf[7] |
           | buf[8] | buf[9] | buf[10]| buf[11]|
           | buf[12]| buf[13]| buf[14]| buf[15]|
           | buf[16]| buf[17]| buf[18]| buf[19]|
           |            ptrToIsHidden          |
           |                 fp                |
           |                 lr                |

2: This string would need to be at least 21 bytes long to overflow.

3: Yes, ptrToIsHidden would also be affected. If the buffer
   overflows, then the next four bytes would be written to
   ptrToIsHidden in little-endian byte order.

4: 0x00011cdc

5: "\xdc\x1c\x01\x00"

6: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\xdc\xc1\x01\x00"

7: Secret() prints this sweet animation of a train rolling by,
   saying good job for finishing up CSE 30 this quarter :D

8: Replace strcpy() with strncpy() with VULNERABILITY_BUFSIZE as
   the third argument.


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