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SSD1306 based OLED connected to ESP8266

jandelgado edited this page Nov 7, 2016 · 2 revisions

In another article, I described, how an SSD1306 (SPI 4-wire mode) based OLED-Display can be connected to the arduino and controlled with the u8g library.

This article describes how the display can be connected to an ESP8266 using the u8g2 lib (c++).

Connect the display as follows to the development board:

SSD1306 NodeMCU Description
VCC 3.3V Power supply
GND GND Ground
D0 D5 (=GPIO14=HSCLK) Clock
D1 D7 (=GPIO13=HMOSI) Data (MOSI)
RES D0 (=GPIO16) Reset
DC D4 (=GPIO2) Data/Command
CS D8 (=GPIO15) or GND Chip Select

D0, D1 must be connected as described, since the sketch uses hardware SPI of the NodeMCU board. RES, DC, CS connections can be choosen freely.

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