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Supplementary Materials for EACL2023: Why Can’t Discourse Parsing Generalize? A Thorough Investigation of the Impact of Data Diversity

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EACL2023: Why Can’t Discourse Parsing Generalize? A Thorough Investigation of the Impact of Data Diversity

This provides an overview of the code repositories contained here and instructions on running the experiments described in the paper:

    title = "Why Can{'}t Discourse Parsing Generalize? {A} Thorough Investigation of the Impact of Data Diversity",
    author = "Liu, Yang Janet  and
      Zeldes, Amir",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
    month = may,
    year = "2023",
    address = "Dubrovnik, Croatia",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "3112--3130",
    abstract = "Recent advances in discourse parsing performance create the impression that, as in other NLP tasks, performance for high-resource languages such as English is finally becoming reliable. In this paper we demonstrate that this is not the case, and thoroughly investigate the impact of data diversity on RST parsing stability. We show that state-of-the-art architectures trained on the standard English newswire benchmark do not generalize well, even within the news domain. Using the two largest RST corpora of English with text from multiple genres, we quantify the impact of genre diversity in training data for achieving generalization to text types unseen during training. Our results show that a heterogeneous training regime is critical for stable and generalizable models, across parser architectures. We also provide error analyses of model outputs and out-of-domain performance. To our knowledge, this study is the first to fully evaluate cross-corpus RST parsing generalizability on complete trees, examine between-genre degradation within an RST corpus, and investigate the impact of genre diversity in training data composition.",

Overall, the directories included in this repository contains the adapted code for our experiments from the original implementation of Guz and Carenini (2020)'s base system, SpanBERT-NoCoref.

Since our adaption to the original implementation contains several major changes to the original code, we suggest that you follow the general setup instructions compiled below to run the experiments. We also added code (which has been integrated into the original code) to convert bracketing .dis output to .rs3 files (../src/utils/ for visualization using rstWeb.


  1. The environment setup is needed for all experiments with no experiment-specific or dataset-specific requirements. Thus, follow the instructions below.

  2. RST-DT is licensed, and therefore you need to follow the preprocessing steps below AFTER obtaining a copy of the data. GUM is publicly available online here. You can preprocess the data on your own or obtain a copy of already-processed GUM data (GUM V8 used in the experiments presented in this paper) here.

  3. We provide trained RST models (We select models with scores closest to average run scores reported in the paper) and fine-tuned SpanBERT-base model as well as automatic GUM parses in .rs3 and .rsd, which can be obtained from the following links respectively:

    • GUM_parses: here
    • The fine-tuned SpanBERT model used in our experiments: here
      • Please place the entire downloaded folder (after unzipping it) under ../data/, i.e. ../data/finetuned-spanbert.
    • Models: here
      • If you'd like to use the trained model directly, please place the content of the downloaded .zip file under ../data/. The overall structure should look like below (the name of the trained model (.pt) and the data helper (.bin) varies across experiments):


  • GUM_experiments contains code for each GUM-related experiment described in Section 3, specifically:

       - Section 3.1: Cross-Corpus Generalization (GUM) 
       - Section 3.3: OOD Multi-Genre Degradation
       - Section 3.4: Genre Variety in a Fixed-Size Sample
  • GUM_parses contains a that provides information about accessing automatic parses we obtained from GUM-related experiments.

  • GUM_splits contains two .txt files that provide the established GUM V8 train/dev/test splits used in all our GUM-related experiments. Once obtaining a processed version of the GUM V8 data from the aforementioned link above, make the data folder accordingly (see more details below) based on the splits provided here.

  • RST-DT_experiments contains repositories for each RSTDT-related experiment in Section 3, specifically:

       - rstdt_base: Section 3.1 (RSTDT) and Section 3.2 (CONCAT)
       - rstdt_label: Section 3.2 (SR-LABEL & FLAIR-LABEL)
       - rstdt_graph: Section 3.2 (SR-GRAPH)
       - rstdt_ft: Section 3.2 (SR-FT)

General Setup Guidelines & Data Preprocessing Instructions

Below, we use the rstdt_base directory as an example, which contains code used for the cross-corpus generalization on RST-DT in Section 3.1 and the CONCAT experiment in Section 3.2. For other experiments, simply change the name of target repository and update the data composition / content accordingly. In the case of the GUM-related experiments, don't forget to change the root directory (i.e.GUM_experiments) as well.

  1. Clone this repository with a Python environment of 3.6 or 3.8:

    conda create --name ENV_NAME python=3.6
    conda activate ENV_NAME
  2. Install dependencies

     cd rstdt_base/src/ubc_coref
     python -m pip install -e .
     cd rstdt_base/
     pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Obtain a copy of the RST-DT data from LDC and place the data directory in parallel to the src directory

  4. Stanford CoreNLP toolkit is used to preprocess the data, as part of the original implementation. Download it from here and put the file into the CoreNLP folder. Then use the following command to preprocess both the data in the train_dir and test_dir directories:

    python --data_dir DATA_DIR --corenlp_dir CORENLP_DIR

    Then, move the following filenames' processed files to a separate repository data, dev_dir.

     ['wsj_0618', 'wsj_0621', 'wsj_0622', 'wsj_0634', 'wsj_0672',
     'wsj_0683', 'wsj_1104', 'wsj_1115', 'wsj_1118', 'wsj_1131',
     'wsj_1147', 'wsj_1154', 'wsj_1166', 'wsj_1167', 'wsj_1172',
     'wsj_1181', 'wsj_1193', 'wsj_1309', 'wsj_1310', 'wsj_1323',
     'wsj_1332', 'wsj_1349', 'wsj_1360', 'wsj_1371', 'wsj_1374',
     'wsj_1377', 'wsj_1397', 'wsj_1399', 'wsj_1963', 'wsj_2308',
     'wsj_2340', 'wsj_2350', 'wsj_2352', 'wsj_2364', 'wsj_2391']

    The data folder should then look like this:

  5. Generally speaking, there are three data formats that are needed for each document and thus they must be present in the respective data directories:



Below we provide general steps to run an experiment: PREPARE, TRIAN, and TEST. Please make sure the right corresponding training / validation / test data directories are provided. The following instructions exemplify training and testing on RST-DT. If you would like to evalaute this model on GUM test data, then make sure to create a new folder that contains GUM test files.

  1. Change to the right working directory

    cd rstdt_base/src
  2. PREPARE: Run the following to generate the action/relation maps

    --train_dir "../data/train_dir/"
  3. TRAIN: 0 for the baseline model (no coreference)

    --model_name ""
    --model_type 0
    --train_dir "../data/train_dir/"
  4. TEST: The evaluation metric has been defaulted to the standard Parseval instead of RST-Parseval, so no specific parameter is needed, unlike the original implementation.

    --train_dir "../data/train_dir/"
    --eval_dir "../data/test_dir/"
    --model_name ""
    --model_type 0
    --model_type 0


    --train_dir "../data/train_dir/"
    --eval_dir "../data/gum_test/"
    --model_name ""
    --model_type 0


  1. In order to reproduce our experiments, please remember to use GUM's established dev partition instead of randomly selecting documents from the train partition. The established splits of GUM V8 are provided in GUM_splits.

  2. The conversion code we use to convert .rs3 to .rsd can be found here.


Supplementary Materials for EACL2023: Why Can’t Discourse Parsing Generalize? A Thorough Investigation of the Impact of Data Diversity






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