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A collection of awesome papers in Deep Learning, with a one sentence summary.


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Awesome Deep Learning Papers 📰

Feel free to browse my collection of summaries of various Deep Learning Topics. Main difference with other repos that have summaries of DL papers is that my README includes one sentence summaries of every paper discussed. I have found this incredibly helpful to remember a paper or assess if the paper is worth reading (again).

Ordered by topic 🗂️:

  • GANs 🖼️
  • Style Transfer 🎨
  • Data Augmentation ✨
  • Robustness 🛡️
  • Deploying ML ☁️
  • Continual Learning / Tranfer Learning ♻️
  • Dynamic Inference 🐙
  • Vision Architectures 👁️
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning 🤖
  • Neural Architecture Search 🔍

GANs 🖼️

Title Authors In One Sentence Summary Date Link Conference
Training Generative Adversarial Networks with Limited Data Tero Karras et al. Proposes a adaptive discriminator augmentation mechanism that significantly stabilizes limited data regimes Summary 01/12/2020 Paper NeurIPS 2020
Few-short Image Generation with Elastic Weight Consolidation Yijun Li et al. Proposes an algorithm that generates high-quality samples of different target domains Summary 01/12/2020 Paper NeurIPS 2020
A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks Tero Karras et al. Introduces a novel generator architecture based on style transfer, leading to better quality and control of generation Summary 07/11/2016 Paper CVPR 2019
Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks Alec Radford et al. When we add some architectural constraints to GANs they provide good image representation that can be used for supervised learning. Summary 07/11/2016 Paper ICLR 2016

Style Transfer 🎨

Title Authors In One Sentence Summary Date Link Conference
Adaptive Style Transfer in Real-Time with Adaptive Instance Normalization Xun Huang et al. Introduces an AdaIN layer that allows for arbitraty style transfer in real-time Summary 30/07/2017 Paper ICCV 2017
Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks Leon Gatys et al. Introduces an algorithm that can separate and recombine style of an image and image content Summary 07/11/2016 Paper CVPR 2016

Data Augmentation ✨

Title Authors In One Sentence Summary Date Link Conference
Fast AutoAugment Sungbin Lim et al. Density matching can speed up AutoAugment search time while achieving comparable performance Summary 25/05/2019 Paper NeurIPS 2019
RandAugment: Practical Automated Data Augmentation with a Reduced Search Space Ekin D. Cubuk, Barret Zoph et al. Searching for a single distortion magnitude can do as well or improve previous automated augmentation strategies Summary 11/04/2019 Paper NeurIPS 2020
AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Strategies from Data Ekin D. Cubuk et al. Meta-learning data augmentation for new SOTA on classification Summary 11/04/2019 Paper ArXiv

Robustness 🛡️

Title Authors In One Sentence Summary Date Link Conference
Improving Robustness Without Sacrificing Accuracy with Patch Gaussian Augmentation Raphel Gontijo Lopes et al. Combining Cutout and Gaussian noise in a single data augmentation scheme improves robustness while not incurring accuracy drop. Summary 06/06/2019 Paper ICML 2019 Workshop
Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness to Common Corruptions and Perturbations Dan Hendrycks et al. Establishes a benchmark for image classifier robustness to common corruptions. Summary 25/05/2019 Paper ICLR 2019

Deploying ML ☁️

Title Authors In One Sentence Summary Date Link Conference
Machine Learning: The High-Interest Credit Card of Technical Debt D. Sculley et al. Highlights risk factors and design patterns to be avoided in building ML systems Summary 18/11/2014 Paper NeurIPS 2014 Workshop
Challenges in Deploying ML: A Survey of Case Studies Andrei Paleyes et al. A survey of deploying ML solutions for different use cases Summary 18/11/2020 Paper NeurIPS 2020 Workshop

Continual Learning / Transfer Learning ♻️

Title Authors In One Sentence Summary Date Link Conference
A Comprehensive Study of Class Incremental Learning Algorithms for Visual Tasks Eden Belouadah et al. Provides an evaluation framework for Incremental Learning Algos across visual tasks Summary 15/12/2020 Paper Neural Networks
Three scenarios for continual learning Gido van de Ven et al. Establishes and classifies earlier continual learning scenarios Summary 15/04/2019 Paper Arxiv
Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning Xiaoyu Tao et al. Representing knowledge using a network can learn and preserve the topology of feature manifold formed by different classes Summary 24/04/2020 Paper CVPR 2020
Remembering for the Right Reasons: Explanations Reduce Catastrophic Forgetting Sayna Ebrahimi et al. Use saliency maps for experience replay to reduce catastrophic forgetting even more Summary 25/01/2021 Paper ICLR 2021
Mutual Alignment Transfer Learning Markus Wulfmeister et al. Demonstrates that auxilary rewards can bridge the gap between simulation and real-world robots Summary 26/09/2017 Paper CoRL 2017
NetTailor: Tuning the Architecture, Not just the Weights Pedro Morgado et al. Tuning the architecture, not just the weights Summary 29/06/2019 Paper CVPR 2019
Progressive Neural Networks Andrei A. Rusu, Neil C. Rabinowitz et al. Grow lateral connections to features learned by frozen weights Summary 01/01/2016 Paper Arxiv
Compacting, Picking and Growing for Unforgetting Continual Learning Steven C.Y. Hung et al. Leveraging Pruning and Progressive Networks Expansion can deal with catastrophic forgetting while retaining model compactness. Summary 18/06/2019 Paper NeurIPS 2019
PathNet: Evolution Channels Gradient Descent in Super Neural Networks Chrisantha Fernando et al. Genetic Algorithm that replicates and mutates earlier paths for faster transfer learning Summary 19/11/2019 Paper ArXiv
Contextual Transformation Networks for Online Continual Learning Quang Pham et al. Online Continual Learning method to model task-specific features for fixed architecture methods Summary 25/01/2021 Paper ICLR 2021
Overcoming catastrophic forgetting in neural networks James Kirkpatrick et al. Slowing down learning on weights important for earlier tasks overcomes catastrophic forgetting Summary 25/01/2017 Paper Arxiv
Continual Learning with Hypernetworks Johannes von Oswald et al. To overcome gigantic network growth for new tasks, we build task-conditioned hypernetworks Summary 12/02/2020 Paper ICLR 2020

Dynamic Inference 🐙

Title Authors In One Sentence Summary Date Link Conference
Universally Slimmable Networks and Improved Training Techniques Jiahui Yu et al. Makes Slimmable networks able to run at arbitrary widths Summary Paper ICCV 2019
Anytime Inference with Distilled Hierarchical Neural Ensembles Andria Ruiz et al. Dynamically allocating multiple models in the ensemble and training them with distillation provides good dynamic inference Summary 14/12/2020 Paper AAAI 2020

Vision Architectures 👁️

Title Authors In One Sentence Summary Date Link Conference
GhostNet: More Features from Cheap Operations Kai Han et al. Transforming little feature maps with simple linear operations to many feature maps works very well Summary 13/03/2020 Paper ArXiv
RepVGG: Making VGG-style ConvNets Great Again Xiaohan Ding et al. Decoupling of training-time and inference-time architecture can lead to inference speedup of 83% over ResNet-50 while reaching 80+% on ImageNet Summary 11/01/2021 Paper ArXiv
A Large-scale Study of Representation Learning with the Visual Task Adaptation Benchmark Xiaohua Zhai et al. A unified evaluation for general visual representations by combining a bunch of vision tasks into one Summary 21/02/2020 Paper ArXiv

Deep Reinforcement Learning 🤖

Title Authors In One Sentence Summary Date Link Conference
Mastering Atari, Go, Chess and Shogi by Planning with a Learned Model Tree search and learned model can master unknown and complex environments Summary 19/11/2019 Paper ArXiv

Neural Architecture Search

Title Authors In One Sentence Summary Date Link Conference
AutoSlim: Towards One-Shot Architecture Search for Channel Numbers Train a single slimmable network and then greedily slim the layer with least accuracy drop for one-shot NAS Summary 01/06/2019 Paper ArXiv