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Checks a website and sends the results as events through kafka into a postgresql DB

Install and running with local infrastructure

# setups local virtualenv from requirements.txt.freeze
make setup
# runs the (local) infra in the background via docker-compose and the two apps in the foreground
make run-local

To stop the local infrastructure (kafak, zookeeper, postgres):

make stop-infra-local

Run Tests

Runs the unit tests in pytest and the against local infrastructure

make tests

Running against Aiven infrastructure

The makefile targets expect that avn is setup with a default project:

source .venv/bin/activate # gets you avn installed in the virtualenv
avn user login
# create a new project or reuse your current default one
avn project create <project-name>
avn project switch <project-name>
# maybe: switch the current project to a different cloud provider
avn project update --cloud do-fra

Creates and configures the needed services, downloads the needed credential files and generates the aiven.env file which needs to be adjusted:

# read through the errors, it might be needed to run this twice to add the kafka topic
make setup-infra-aiven

Afterwards edit aiven.env to adjust the KAFKA_*/CONSUMER_POSTGRES_* settings. The needed settings are available in the Aiven UI of the respectiv service

Afterwards you can run the local producer/consumer against the Aiven infrastructure

# this also automatically starts the Aiven infra if it was stoped
make run-aiven

To run the integration tests against Aiven Infrastructure:

# Starts up Aiven infra which was stopped
make integration-tests-aiven

To stop the aiven infrastructure:

make stop-infra-aiven

Destroying the Infrastructure is only possible in the Aiven UI.

Run locally in docker against Aiven infrastructure

Build the Image:

make build-docker

Run the docker container in detached mode and then follow the logs of both containers. This expects a configured aiven.env file.

make run-docker-aiven

ctrl+c will stop following the log but not the containers!

To shutdown both container:

make stop-docker


Updating or installing new python packages

Add all directly used packages to requirements.txt and run:

make update-packages

This installs / updates all packages in requirements.txt and puts the currently installed packages into requirements.txt.freeze.

Ensure that everything still works by running tests

make tests

Afterwards commit requirements.txt and requirements.txt.freeze.

Implementation plan

Step 1: setup local infra + POC

  • Setup a local kafka and postgresql and add makefile to run them in the background
  • Build producer: sending a simple message through kafka
  • Build consumer: move events into a table

Step 2: Implement the requirements

  • Implement the requirements at the consumer and producer side

Step 3: Implement testing and polish

  • Implement unittests with mocks
  • Implement an integration test which spins up new local infra, runs a few loops and then checks that the expected data is in the DB + the same check with failing websites
  • Polish the code
  • Proper Packaging: dockerfile? -> just a Dockerfile for now

Step 4: Connect to Aiven infra and document

  • Figure out how to spin up the infra via avn and document it
  • Run the integration tests agains Aiven Infra


The initial docker setup to use kafka locally + python example:

Makefile / virtualenv stuff:


Driving messages through kafka into a postgresql DB







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