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Copyright 2018 Jared Boice (MIT License / Open Source)

List-Runner - Documentation


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this codebase has survived 65 unit tests


List-Runner is a lightweight linked-list implementation that offers both Singly (next) and Doubly data structures (next and previous).

Nodes are referred to as cells and the list is referred to as a stem.

Singly cell instances have getNext() and setNext() methods. Doubly cell instances additionally have getPrev() and setPrev() methods. All other operations are controlled by the Stem instance. There are two types of stems, one for singly data structures and one for doubly data structures.


find "consumption model" to see the consumable methods for each class.

Install, Import & Instantiate


npm install --save list-runner


importing the commonly needed classes

import { CellSingly, CellDoubly, StemSingly, StemDoubly } from 'list-runner';

importing the constants

import { SENTINEL, CELL, SINGLY, DOUBLY } from 'list-runner';

importing the sidekick functions

import { initializeStem, findForward, findBackward, runForward, runBackward, countForward, countBackward } from 'list-runner';

importing less commonly needed classes

import { SentinelSingly, SentinelDoubly } from 'list-runner';


solo instantiation

const cell = new CellDoubly();    
const stem = new StemDoubly(cell);

connective instantiation

const cell1 = new CellDoubly();    
const cell2 = new CellDoubly();    
const cell3 = new CellDoubly();    
const stemCells = [cell1, cell2, cell3];    
const structureType = DOUBLY; // imported constant    
const stem = initializeStem(stemCells, structureType);

code examples: stem and cell classes

// assume the following are not strings
const baseline = 'some arbitrary cell on the stem'; // substitute a cell on the stem
const cell = 'some new cell'; // substitute a newly instantiated cell
const cells = 'an array of cells'; // substitute an array of unlinked cells

const nextCell = cell.getNext();
const prevCell = cell.getPrev(); // only DOUBLY data-structure

const head = stem.getHead();
const tail = stem.getTail(); // only DOUBLY data-structure
insert(cell, baseline); // returns true || false based on success
extract(baseline); // returns extracted cell || false based on success
unshift(cell); // returns true || false based on success
shift(); // returns extracted cell || false based on success
push(cell); // only DOUBLY data-structure / returns true || false based on success
pop(); // only DOUBLY data-structure / returns extracted cell || false based on success
replace(cell, baseline); // returns true || false based on success
delete(baseline); // returns true || false based on success

code examples: sidekick functions

// assume the following are not strings
const comparator = 'a callback function that returns true when the right cell is found'; // receives each cell
const callBackParams = 'any kind of parameters that you want to pass to the callBack function';
const callBack = 'a custom callback function that will receive each cell from a loop and also callBackParams'; // receives each cell and callBackParams

const foundCell1 = findForward(baseline, comparator);
const foundCell2 = findBackward(baseline, comparator);
// lastCellInLoop1 will be cell.type === SENTINEL if it loops to the edge of the stem (by not triggering a custom short-circuit condition)
const lastCellInLoop1 = runForward(baseline, callBack, callBackParams);
const lastCellInLoop2 = runBackward(baseline, callBack, callBackParams);
const totalCount1 = countForward(baseline);
const totalCount2 = countBackward(baseline);

/* findForward / findBackward comparator callback examples */

// standard
export const findComparator1 = (cell) => {
  return === 'KD6-3.7';

// curried
export const findComparator2 = (id) => {
    return (cell) => {
        return === id;

const myComparator = findComparator2('KD6-3.7');
const foundCell3 = findForward(baseline, myComparator);

/* runForward / runBackward callback examples */

// standard
export const runCallBack1 = (cell, callBackParams) => {
    // do stuff
    const continueLoop = !== id;
    return continueLoop;

// curried
export const runCallBack2 = (id) => {
    return (cell, callBackParams) => {
      // do stuff
      const continueLoop = !== id;
      return continueLoop;

const myCallBack = runCallBack2('KD6-3.7', 'any other arbitrary parameters');
// lastCellInLoop3 will be cell.type === SENTINEL if it loops to the edge of the stem (by not triggering a custom short-circuit condition)
const lastCellInLoop3 = runForward(baseline, myCallBack, callBackParams);



class: CellSingly

  • description: a node that connects uni-directionally to one other node by its next property. includes methods for accessing the next cell
  • constructor:
    • next: next cell in the sequence

consumption model:

  • methods
    • getNext() --> --> --> --> --> null


new CellSingly(next)


  • next: (optional: defaults to null)
  • type: (not required: defaulted for you by stem modification operations)

note: cells do not require constructor parameters. They can be instantiated and then later linked to other cells at any time. Type can be CELL || SENTINEL || [custom] (do not use SENTINEL without a full understanding of the codebase)

Private Fields

note: the following fields should be considered private. Only modify them with a full undertanding of the codebase.

type: "Sentinel" || "Cell" (Sentinel cells guard the head and tail of the stem from illegal modifications)
next: next cell instance

Public Methods


  • description: returns the next cell
  • parameters: none
  • returns: the next cell in the stem

Private Methods

note: the following methods should be considered private. Only use them with a full undertanding of the codebase.


  • description: sets the next cell
  • parameters:
    • cell: the next cell to be linked


inherits: all fields and methods from CellSingly

class: CellDoubly

  • description: a node that connects bi-directionally between two other nodes by its next and prev properties. includes methods for accessing the next and prev cells
  • constructor:
    • next: next cell in the sequence
    • prev: previous cell in the sequence

consumption model:

  • methods
    • getNext()
    • getPrev()

null <-- <--> <--> <--> --> null


new CellDoubly(next, prev)

  • parameters:
    • next: (optional: defaults to null)
    • prev: (optional: defaults to null)
    • type: (not required: defaulted for you by stem modification operations)

note: cells do not require constructor parameters. They can be instantiated and then later linked to a stem at any time. Type can be CELL || SENTINEL || [custom] (do not use SENTINEL without a full understanding of the codebase)

Private Fields

note: the following fields should be considered private. Only modify them with a full undertanding of the codebase.

type: "Sentinel" || "Cell" (Sentinel cells guard the head and tail of the stem from illegal modifications)
next: next cell instance
prev: previous cell instance

Public Methods


  • description: returns the next cell
  • parameters: none
  • returns: the next cell in the stem


  • description: returns the previous cell
  • parameters: none
  • returns: the previous cell in the stem

Private Methods

note: the following methods should be considered private. Only use them with a full undertanding of the codebase.


  • description: sets the next cell.
  • parameters:
    • cell: the next cell to be linked


  • description: sets the previous cell
  • parameters:
    • cell: the previous cell to be linked


class: StemSingly

  • description: a node list that interlinks other nodes by their next properties. controls a system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem. each cell contains methods for accessing next
  • constructor:
    • head: starting cell for the stem-cell sequence

consumption model:

  • methods
    • getHead()
    • interlink(cells)
    • insert(cell, baseline)
    • extract(baseline)
    • unshift(cell)
    • shift()
    • replace(cell, baseline)
    • delete(baseline) --> --> --> --> --> null


new StemSingly(head)


  • head: the head cell (required)

note: stems require at least one cell. The head cell can be solo or linked to a chain of cells by its next property.

Private Fields

note: the following fields should be considered private. Only modify them with a full undertanding of the codebase.

sentinelHead: guards the head of the stem. the next cell is the head
sentinelTail: guards the tail of the stem. the prev cell is the tail

Public Methods


  • description: returns the cell at the head of the stem
  • parameters: none
  • returns: the head cell


  • description: takes an array of instantiated cells and interlinks them into a stem (chronologically)
  • parameters: array of instantiated cells

insert(cell, baseline):

  • description: inserts a new cell after baseline and displaces the following cells forward
  • parameters:
    • cell: new cell to be inserted
    • baseline: the cell preceding the insertion point for the new cell
  • returns: true if successful


  • description: extracts the cell after baseline and displaces the following cells backward
  • parameters:
    • baseline: the cell preceding the extraction point
  • returns: the extracted cell if successful


  • description: inserts a new cell after sentinelHead and displaces the following cells forward
  • parameters:
    • cell: the cell to insert
  • returns: true if successful


  • description: extracts the head of the stem and displaces the following cells backward
  • parameters: none
  • returns: the extracted cell if successful

replace(cell, baseline):

  • description: replaces the cell after baseline with a new cell (no cells are displaced)
  • parameters:
    • cell: the replacement cell
    • baseline: the cell preceding the one to be replaced
  • returns: true if successful


  • description: severs the entire portion of the stem following baseline
  • parameters:
    • baseline: the cell preceding the point of deletion returns: true if successful

Private Methods

note: the following methods should be considered private. Only use them with a full undertanding of the codebase.

interlinkNext(cell1, cell2, cell3):

  • description: interlinks the chain of next pointers for the provided cells (chronologically)
  • parameters:
    • cell1
    • cell2
    • cell3

unlinkNext(cell1, cell3):

  • description: cell2 (the cell between cell1 and cell3) gets dereferenced (ie. cell2 is deleted from the stem)
  • parameters:
    • cell1
    • cell3


inherits: all fields and methods from StemSingly

class: StemDoubly

  • description: a node list that interlinks other nodes by their next and prev properties. controls a system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem. each cell contains methods for accessing prev and next
  • constructor:
    • head: starting cell for the stem-cell sequence

consumption model:

  • methods
    • getHead()
    • getTail()
    • interlink(cells)
    • insert(cell, baseline)
    • extract(baseline)
    • unshift(cell)
    • shift()
    • push(cell)
    • pop()
    • replace(cell, baseline)
    • delete(baseline)

null <-- <--> <--> <--> --> null


new StemDoubly(head)


  • head: the head cell (required)

Public Methods (in addition to the methods inherited from StemSingly)


  • description: returns the cell at the tail of the stem
  • parameters: none
  • returns: the tail cell


  • description: inserts a new cell after the tail of the stem
  • parameters:
    • cell: the cell to insert
  • returns: true if successful


  • description: extracts the tail of the stem
  • parameters: none
  • returns: the extracted cell if successful

Private Methods

note: the following methods should be considered private. Only use them with a full undertanding of the codebase.

interlinkPrev(cell1, cell2, cell3):

  • description: interlinks the chain of prev pointers for the provided cells (chronologically)
  • parameters:
    • cell1
    • cell2
    • cell3

unlinkPrev(cell1, cell3):

  • description: cell2 (the cell between cell1 and cell3) gets dereferenced when applied with unlinkNext()
  • parameters:
    • cell1
    • cell3

SentinelSingly & SentinelDoubly

note: the head doubly sentinel is instantiated with prev pointing to null. both the singly and doubly tail sentinels are instantiated with next pointing to null.

(see codebase)

Sidekick (helper functions)


  • description: takes an array of instantiated cells and interlinks them into a newly instantiated stem
  • parameters:
    • cells: array of instantiated cells
    • structureType: SINGLY || DOUBLY
  • returns: Stem instance

findForward(baseline, comparator):

  • description: traverses forward through a stem from the provided baseline in search of a specific cell
  • parameters:
    • baseline: the cell at which to begin the search
    • comparator: custom callback function that returns true || false when comparing a cell for a match against custom criteria. gets passed the current cell in the loop
  • returns: found cell || false

findBackward(baseline, comparator): (for doubly structures only)

  • description: traverses backward through a stem from the provided baseline in search of a specific cell
  • parameters:
    • baseline: the cell at which to begin the search
    • comparator: custom callback function that returns true || false when comparing a cell for a match against custom criteria. gets passed the current cell in the loop
  • returns: found cell || false

runForward(baseline, callBack, callBackParams):

  • description: traverses forward through a stem and executes a callback (until the callback returns true or the loop reaches the edge) parameters:
    • baseline: the cell at which to begin the traversal
    • callBack: custom function that returns true when the traversal should be short-circuited and terminated
    • callBackParams: the callback function gets passed the current cell and then callBackParams as a 2nd parameter
  • returns: the last cell instance upon loop termination

runBackward(baseline, callBack, callBackParams): (for doubly structures only)

  • description: traverses backward through a stem and executes a callback (until the callback returns true or the loop reaches the edge) parameters:
    • baseline: the cell at which to begin the traversal
    • callBack: custom function that returns true when the traversal should be short-circuited and terminated
    • callBackParams: the callback function gets passed the current cell and then callBackParams as a 2nd parameter
  • returns: the last cell instance upon loop termination


  • description: traverses forward through a stem, starting with baseline, and returns the total count of cells.
  • parameters:
    • baseline: the cell at which to begin the counting process
  • returns: the total count of all interlinked cells


  • description: traverses backward through a stem, starting with baseline, and returns the total count of cells.
  • parameters:
    • baseline: the cell at which to begin the counting process
  • returns: the total count of all interlinked cells


lightweight linked-list implementation







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