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A dashboard widget (Mac OS X) displaying weather forecast from


File meteo_pl weather contains deployed widget. To install: unpack and double-click. Configure by setting row/col - separately for UM and COAMPS model.

Development notes:

First things first - let's analyse the ICM site (

  • there are two models that seem interesting - the UM and COAMPS

  • found nice city name/coordinate list: XX=[0, 299, 101, 298, 203, 294, 115, 316, 210, 355, 240, 142, 285, 199, 209, 152, 121, 180, 250, 155, 223, 277, 181, 418, 244, 196, 215, 133, 269, 232, 166, 179, 35, 216, 402, 127, 155]; YY=[0, 182, 185, 203, 209, 272, 305, 334, 346, 352, 363, 370, 379, 381, 383, 390, 394, 400, 406, 412, 418, 432, 436, 440, 443, 449, 461, 462, 465, 466, 516, 519, 535, 537, 539, 574, 583]; CITY_NAMES=["", "Helsinki", "Oslo", "Tallinn", "Sztokholm", "Ryga", "Kopenhaga", "Wilno", "Gdańsk", "Mińsk", "Olsztyn", "Szczecin", "Białystok", "Bydgoszcz", "Toruń", "GorzówWielkopolski", "Berlin", "Poznań", "Warszawa", "ZielonaGóra", "Łódź", "Lublin", "Wrocław", "Kijów", "Kielce", "Opole", "Katowice", "Praga", "Rzeszów", "Kraków", "Wiedeń", "Bratysława", "Liechtenstein", "Budapeszt", "Kiszyniów", "Lublana", "Zagrzeb" ];

  • clicking on a city (e.g. Lodz) opens: where: row=418 col=223 cname=Łódź (encoded) fdate=2013070912 - current date + starting hour?

  • valid hours: 00, 06, 12, 18

  • at 22:30 the forecast from 18 was not ready yet

  • at 23:10 still not ready

  • changed to 18 around midnight (6 hours later then)

  • displayed image is:

  • legend:


  • how to check what is most recent forecast

loaded iframe has this in line 4:

<script language='JavaScript'>var UM_YYYY=2013;var UM_MM=7;var UM_DD=9;var UM_ST=12;var UM_SYYYY="2013";var UM_SMM="07";var UM_SDD="09";var UM_SST="12";</script>

where UM_ST=12; is probably the answer.

  • city coordinates to row/col ?

Based on several sample cities: City Row Lat (N) Apx.row Col Long (E) Apx.col Lodz 418 51.78 410 223 19.45 224 Berlin 395 52.47 392 122 13.47 122 Oslo 185 59.92 189 101 10.77 75 Ryga 276 56.8 274 297 24.32 307 Kijow 444 50.3 451 416 30.35 410 Lichtenstein 535 47.13 537 35 9.65 56

Where: Apx.row = ROUND(-27.23latitude+1820.3) Apx.col = ROUND(17.09longitude-108.61)

Apx.col is far away for extreme longitudes (Lichtenstein, Ryga)

Time to start with the widget tutorial:

Getting Dashcode - Apple could fix the tutorial - googled the answer: xCode Menu -> Open Developer Tools -> More Developer Tools

Browsing through "Code library". This may be useful:

Get text from text field: // Values you provide var textFieldValue = document.getElementById("elementID"); // replace with ID of text field // Text field code textFieldValue = textFieldValue.value;

// Indicates whether the browser is online or offline var online = window.navigator.onLine; if (!online) { // Handle the case when the browser is offline console.log("We are offline!"); } else { console.log("We are online!"); }

// Values you provide var scrollAreaToChange = document.getElementById("elementID"); // replace with ID of scroll area to change var newScrollAreaContent = "A string or raw HTML"; // new scroll area content

// Scroll area code scrollAreaToChange.object.content.innerHTML = newScrollAreaContent; scrollAreaToChange.object.refresh();

Ok, whatever i run - the widget disappears. Works nice if deployed though. Googling....

answer: defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false +dashcode restart.

The next day

There is a list of cities on the website - divided into 16 parts. All downloaded (manually). Every city link leads to an address: where id - city identificator. Image address is still though.

Every file contains a list of cities. One city entry: Dobromierz, pow. świdnicki hence:


We will filter it with

$str = join("",); @matches = (); push (@matches,"$2\t$1") while($str =~ /(.{1,35})</a>/g ); foreach (@matches) { @d = split("\t"); open(R, "wget "$d[1]\" 2>/dev/null -O - |") or die "Couldn't fork: $!\n"; while () { if ($_ =~ /var act_x = (\d+);var act_y = (\d+);/) { push(@d,$1); push(@d,$2); } } close(README); print "\tnew Array("$d[0]", $d[1], $d[2], $d[3] ),\n"; break; }

cat *.html | perl >cities_um.js

Hope they won't dislike me for this additional work of their servers.

For coamps it's just a change of url.

At 17:29 the 06 forecast is still not available. Why? Is it always like this?

citi lists are awfully sorted. unix sort leaves "Łodz" at the end of the list. Textwrangler sort mixes "L" and "Ł". Any idea anyone?

Email feedback

W sumie zauważyłem, że przydało by się zachowanie ostatniej pobranej prognozy i nie usuwanie jej w przypadku braku połączenia z Internetem :)

Pozdrawiam, KS

Let's have a look (it's 2:24 am, hope I won't have to fix too much tomorrow ;p). Keeping the previously downloaded forecast may be divided into two steps:

  1. Not downloading the same again (right now it is refreshed on every show() event)
  2. Downloading to memory first - before updating display.

Step 1. adding displayed_forecast variable and comparing it to tobe_displayed_forecast which equals concatenated date/model/legend. Should work. Is there any way to force the show() event in Dashcode? Step 2. After a quick google for "preload images javascript" I've found no ready solution (without jQuery). Hence a test first:

<script> document.write( "start... " ); var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { document.write( "loaded" ); }; img.onerror = function() { document.write( "failed" ); }; img.src = ""; </script>

Appears to work correctly. Will the image be cached? Or downloaded again if used in scrollarea? Quick tests show that step 2 is completed.


A dashboard widget (Mac OS X) displaying weather forecast from






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