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The following are simple tutorials to help get you started on using bitly's APIs. For these tutorials, you will need an access token, click here to generate one or visit our OAuth documentation for a walkthrough of the authentication process.

Listed are tutorials to perform the following:

  • Shortening a link
  • Finding the categories of a webpage
  • Getting the number of clicks on a link
  • Returning phrases bursting in popularity
  • Searching all bitly links receiving clicks
  • Creating a bundle
  • Adding a link to a bundle

Shortening a link

To shorten a link, you simply connect to the /v3/shorten endpoint and pass a webpage link as the longUrl parameter:

import requests
import json
import settings

query_params = {
	'access_token': "your_access_token",
	'longUrl': ""}

endpoint = ""
response = requests.get(endpoint, params = query_params)

data = json.loads(response.content)

print data['data']['url']

In the above code, the JSON response is a dictionary with several values and we print out just the short url found in the ['data']['url'] key.

Finding the categories of a webpage

A webpage can be about food, technology, entertainment or just about anything. At bitly, we label each webpage with the categories it's most likely to fall under. To return the categories of a webpage, you can use a method similar to shortening a link by connecting to the /v3/link/category endpoint and passing a bitly short url as the link parameter:

import requests
import json
import settings

query_params = {
	'access_token': "your_access_token",
	'link': "data['data']['url']"}

endpoint = ""
response = requests.get(endpoint, params = query_params)

data = json.loads(response.content)

print data['data']['categories']

Here, we use the short url found in the JSON response of the previous example as the link parameter (however, you may also simply pass any bitly short url like so: 'link': "") and print out the detected categories for the page in descending order of confidence.

Getting the number of clicks on a bitly link

Did you know you could view the stats for any bitly link by adding a plus sign (+) to the end of it (like this: It's just as easy to get the stats and, more specifically, the number of clicks on a bitly link programmatically as well. All you have to do is connect to the /v3/link/clicks endpoint and pass a bitly short url as the link parameter:

import requests
import json
import settings

query_params = {
        'access_token': "your_access_token",
        'link': "",
        'unit': "minute",
        'units': 60}

endpoint = ""
response = requests.get(endpoint, params = query_params)

data = json.loads(response.content)

print data['data']['link_clicks']

In this example, we made use of two new parameters unique to the /v3/link/clicks endpoint: unit and units which specify the measure and period, respectively, of time to query data for. As a result, the number of clicks on in past 60 minutes are printed.

Returning phrases bursting in popularity

When webpages containing the same phrase(s) receive uncharacteristically high click traffic, we say the phrase(s) is bursting. This gives us a good idea of what the internet is paying attention to. To find out what phrases are currently bursting and which links are driving traffic to webpages containing those phrases, you can use the /v3/realtime/bursting_phrases endpoint.

import requests
import json
import settings
import pprint

def getBurstingPhrases():
    query_params = {'access_token': "your_access_token"}

    endpoint = ""
    response = requests.get(endpoint, params = query_params)

    data = json.loads(response.content)

    phrases = []
    for item in data["data"]["phrases"]:
        info = {}
        info["phrase"] = item["phrase"]
        info["urls"] = item["urls"]
    for item in phrases:

if __name__ == '__main__':            

Viewing data on current bursting phrases can be done by just printing the JSON response. However, in this example script, we create an empty list called phrases in which we nest the dictionary info containing only the phrase and urls key value pairs. This returns a list of bursting phrases as well as all the bitly links pointing to webpages containing those phrases and the visitors for each.

Search all bitly links receiving clicks

Bursting phrases may also be fed into our search API, which powers our search engine, by using the /v3/search endpoint and setting the query parameter to a phrase. You can also search normally and filter results by topic, social network, city, domain and language:

import requests
import json
import settings
import pprint

query_params = {
    'access_token': "your_access_token",
    'query': "food",
	'cities': "us-ny-brooklyn",
    'fields': "aggregate_link,title,url",
    'limit': 10}
endpoint = ""
response = requests.get(endpoint, params = query_params)
data = json.loads(response.content)

pprint.pprint(data['data']['results'], indent = 3)

In the above script, we are searching for links to 10 pieces of content related to food being read by people in Brooklyn, NY and printing the aggregate_link (short url), title and url (long url) for each. A full list of parameters can found in the /v3/search documentation here.

Create a bundle

Bundles are great for organizing all of your saved bitly links into collections and make sharing multiple links quick and easy. By connecting to the /v3/bundle/create endpoint you can create a bundle, title it, add a description and set it as public or private:

import requests
import json
import settings
import pprint

query_params = {
    'access_token': "your_access_token",
	'title': "Chipotle is great",
	'description': "Only the best links to stuff about Chipotle",
	'private': "false"}
endpoint = ""
response = requests.get(endpoint, params = query_params)

data = json.loads(response.content)

pprint.pprint(data['data']['bundle'], indent = 3)

Add a link to a bundle

To add a link to your newly created bundle, simply use the /v3/bundle/link_add endpoint and pass the link into the link parameter:

import requests
import json
import settings
import pprint

query_params = {
    'access_token': "your_access_token",
	'bundle_link': "",
    'link': ""}
endpoint = ""
response = requests.get(endpoint, params = query_params)

data = json.loads(response.content)

pprint.pprint(data['data']['bundle'], indent = 3)

Here, bundle_link is one of the return values you get after creating a bundle using the API, but it can also be found via your browser's address bar. Additionally, in this example, the link to be added to the bundle is a long url, however any bitly short url can be used as well.


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