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CRoaring Build Status

Roaring bitmaps in C (and C++)


Bitsets, also called bitmaps, are commonly used as fast data structures. Unfortunately, they can use too much memory. To compensate, we often use compressed bitmaps.

Roaring bitmaps are compressed bitmaps which tend to outperform conventional compressed bitmaps such as WAH, EWAH or Concise. They are used by several major systems such as Apache Lucene and derivative systems such as Solr and Elasticsearch, Metamarkets' Druid, Apache Spark, Whoosh and eBay's Apache Kylin.

There is a serialized format specification for interoperability between implementations:


The primary goal of the CRoaring is to provide a high performance low-level implementation that fully take advantage of the latest hardware. Roaring bitmaps are already available on a variety of platform through Java, Go, Rust... implementations. CRoaring is a library that seeks to achieve superior performance by staying close to the latest hardware.

(c) 2016 The CRoaring authors.


  • The library should build on a Linux-like operating system (including MacOS).
  • We also support Microsoft Visual studio, see .
  • Though most reasonable processors should be supported, we expect a recent Intel processor: Haswell (2013) or better but support all x64/x86 processors. The library should build without problem on ARM processors.
  • Recent C compiler supporting the C11 standard (GCC 4.8 or better or clang), there is also an optional C++ class that requires a C++ compiler
  • CMake (to contribute to the project, users can rely on amalgamation/unity builds)
  • clang-format (optional)

Serialization on big endian hardware may not be compatible with serialization on little endian hardware.

Amalgamation/Unity Build

The CRoaring library can be amalgamated into a single source file that makes it easier for integration into other projects. Moreover, by making it possible to compile all the critical code into one compilation unit, it can improve the performance. For the rationale, please see the SQLite documentation,, or the corresponding Wikipedia entry ( Users who choose this route, do not need to rely on CRoaring's build system (based on CMake).

To generate the amalgamated files, you can invoke a bash script...


It is not necessary to invoke the script in the CRoaring directory. You can invoke it from any directory where you want the amalgamation files to be written.

It will generate three files for C users: roaring.h, roaring.c and amalgamation_demo.c... as well as some brief instructions. The amalgamation_demo.c file is a short example, whereas roaring.h and roaring.c are "amalgamated" files (including all source and header files for the project). This means that you can simply copy the files roaring.h and roaring.c into your project and be ready to go! No need to produce a library! See the amalgamation_demo.c file.

The script will also generate C++ files for C++ users, including an example.

If you prefer a silent output, you can use the following command to redirect stdout :

./ > /dev/null


The interface is found in the file include/roaring/roaring.h.

Example (C)

//// #include <roaring/roaring.h>

// create a new empty bitmap
roaring_bitmap_t *r1 = roaring_bitmap_create();
// then we can add values
for (uint32_t i = 100; i < 1000; i++) roaring_bitmap_add(r1, i);
// check whether a value is contained
assert(roaring_bitmap_contains(r1, 500));
// compute how many bits there are:
uint32_t cardinality = roaring_bitmap_get_cardinality(r1);
printf("Cardinality = %d \n", cardinality);

// if your bitmaps have long runs, you can compress them by calling
// run_optimize
uint32_t expectedsizebasic = roaring_bitmap_portable_size_in_bytes(r1);
uint32_t expectedsizerun = roaring_bitmap_portable_size_in_bytes(r1);
printf("size before run optimize %d bytes, and after %d bytes\n",
       expectedsizebasic, expectedsizerun);

// create a new bitmap containing the values {1,2,3,5,6}
roaring_bitmap_t *r2 = roaring_bitmap_of(5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6);
roaring_bitmap_printf(r2);  // print it

// we can also create a bitmap from a pointer to 32-bit integers
uint32_t somevalues[] = {2, 3, 4};
roaring_bitmap_t *r3 = roaring_bitmap_of_ptr(3, somevalues);

// we can also go in reverse and go from arrays to bitmaps
uint64_t card1 = roaring_bitmap_get_cardinality(r1);
uint32_t *arr1 = (uint32_t *) malloc(card1 * sizeof(uint32_t));
assert(arr1  != NULL);
roaring_bitmap_to_uint32_array(r1, arr1);
roaring_bitmap_t *r1f = roaring_bitmap_of_ptr(card1, arr1);
assert(roaring_bitmap_equals(r1, r1f));  // what we recover is equal

// we can copy and compare bitmaps
roaring_bitmap_t *z = roaring_bitmap_copy(r3);
assert(roaring_bitmap_equals(r3, z));  // what we recover is equal

// we can compute union two-by-two
roaring_bitmap_t *r1_2_3 = roaring_bitmap_or(r1, r2);
roaring_bitmap_or_inplace(r1_2_3, r3);

// we can compute a big union
const roaring_bitmap_t *allmybitmaps[] = {r1, r2, r3};
roaring_bitmap_t *bigunion = roaring_bitmap_or_many(3, allmybitmaps);
    roaring_bitmap_equals(r1_2_3, bigunion));  // what we recover is equal
// can also do the big union with a heap
roaring_bitmap_t *bigunionheap = roaring_bitmap_or_many_heap(3, allmybitmaps);
assert_true(roaring_bitmap_equals(r1_2_3, bigunionheap));


// we can compute intersection two-by-two
roaring_bitmap_t *i1_2 = roaring_bitmap_and(r1, r2);

// we can write a bitmap to a pointer and recover it later
uint32_t expectedsize = roaring_bitmap_portable_size_in_bytes(r1);
char *serializedbytes = malloc(expectedsize);
roaring_bitmap_portable_serialize(r1, serializedbytes);
roaring_bitmap_t *t = roaring_bitmap_portable_deserialize(serializedbytes);
assert(roaring_bitmap_equals(r1, t));  // what we recover is equal

// we can iterate over all values using custom functions
uint32_t counter = 0;
roaring_iterate(r1, roaring_iterator_sumall, &counter);
 * bool roaring_iterator_sumall(uint32_t value, void *param) {
 *        *(uint32_t *) param += value;
 *        return true; //iterate till the end
 *  }
// we can also create iterator structs
counter = 0;
roaring_uint32_iterator_t *  i = roaring_create_iterator(r1);
while(i->has_value) {
   counter++; // could use    i->current_value
// roaring_bitmap_get_cardinality(r1) == counter


Example (C++)

//// #include "roaring.hh" from cpp directory
Roaring r1;
for (uint32_t i = 100; i < 1000; i++) {

// check whether a value is contained

// compute how many bits there are:
uint32_t cardinality = r1.cardinality();

// if your bitmaps have long runs, you can compress them by calling
// run_optimize
uint32_t size = r1.getSizeInBytes();

// you can enable "copy-on-write" for fast and shallow copies

uint32_t compact_size = r1.getSizeInBytes();
std::cout << "size before run optimize " << size << " bytes, and after "
            <<  compact_size << " bytes." << std::endl;

// create a new bitmap with varargs
Roaring r2 = Roaring::bitmapOf(5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6);


// we can also create a bitmap from a pointer to 32-bit integers
const uint32_t values[] = {2, 3, 4};
Roaring r3(3, values);

// we can also go in reverse and go from arrays to bitmaps
uint64_t card1 = r1.cardinality();
uint32_t *arr1 = new uint32_t[card1];
Roaring r1f(card1, arr1);
delete[] arr1;

// bitmaps shall be equal
assert(r1 == r1f);

// we can copy and compare bitmaps
Roaring z (r3);
assert(r3 == z);

// we can compute union two-by-two
Roaring r1_2_3 = r1 | r2;
r1_2_3 |= r3;

// we can compute a big union
const Roaring *allmybitmaps[] = {&r1, &r2, &r3};
Roaring bigunion = Roaring::fastunion(3, allmybitmaps);
assert(r1_2_3 == bigunion);

// we can compute intersection two-by-two
Roaring i1_2 = r1 & r2;

// we can write a bitmap to a pointer and recover it later
uint32_t expectedsize = r1.getSizeInBytes();
char *serializedbytes = new char [expectedsize];
Roaring t = Roaring::read(serializedbytes);
assert(r1 == t);
delete[] serializedbytes;

// we can iterate over all values using custom functions
uint32_t counter = 0;
r1.iterate(roaring_iterator_sumall, &counter);
     * bool roaring_iterator_sumall(uint32_t value, void *param) {
     *        *(uint32_t *) param += value;
     *        return true; // iterate till the end
     *  }

// we can also iterate the C++ way
counter = 0;
for(Roaring::const_iterator i = t.begin() ; i != t.end() ; i++) {
// counter == t.cardinality()


CRoaring follows the standard cmake workflow. Starting from the root directory of the project (CRoaring), you can do:

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
# follow by 'make test' if you want to test.
# you can also type 'make install' to install the library on your system

(You can replace the build directory with any other directory name.)

As with all cmake projects, you can specify the compilers you wish to use by adding (for example) -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ to the cmake command line.

If wish to build an x64 version while disabling AVX2 and BMI2 support at the expense of performance, you can do the following :

mkdir -p buildnoavx
cd buildnoavx

If you have x64 hardware, but you wish to disable all x64-specific optimizations (including AVX), then you can
do the following...

mkdir -p buildnox64 cd buildnoavx cmake -DDISABLE_X64=ON .. make

For a debug release, starting from the root directory of the project (CRoaring), try

mkdir -p debug cd debug cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DSANITIZE=ON .. make

(Again, you can use the ``-DDISABLE_AVX=ON`` flag if you need it.)

(Of course you can replace the ``debug`` directory with any other directory name.)

To run unit tests (you must first run ``make``):

make test

The detailed output of the tests can be found in ``Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log``.

To run real-data benchmark

./real_bitmaps_benchmark ../benchmarks/realdata/census1881

where you must adjust the path "../benchmarks/realdata/census1881" so that it points to one of the directories in the benchmarks/realdata directory.

To check that your code abides by the style convention (make sure that ``clang-format`` is installed):


To reformat your code according to the style convention (make sure that ``clang-format`` is installed):


# Python Wrapper

Tom Cornebize wrote a Python wrapper available at

# C# Wrapper

Brandon Smith wrote a C# wrapper available at (works for Windows and Linux under x64 processors)

# C++ Wrapper for Visual Studio

There is C++ wrapper for Microsoft Visual Studio available at (works under x86 and x64)

# Go (golang) Wrapper

There is a Go (golang) wrapper available at

# Rust Wrapper

Saulius Grigaliunas wrote a Rust wrapper available at

# References and further reading

-  Array layouts for comparison-based searching
-  Schlegel et al., Fast Sorted-Set Intersection using SIMD Instructions

# Mailing list/discussion group!forum/roaring-bitmaps

# References about Roaring

-  Samy Chambi, Daniel Lemire, Owen Kaser, Robert Godin,
Better bitmap performance with Roaring bitmaps,
Software: Practice and Experience Volume 46, Issue 5, pages 709–719, May 2016 This paper used data from
- Daniel Lemire, Gregory Ssi-Yan-Kai, Owen Kaser, Consistently faster and smaller compressed bitmaps with Roaring, Software: Practice and Experience (accepted in 2016, to appear)
- Samy Chambi, Daniel Lemire, Robert Godin, Kamel Boukhalfa, Charles Allen, Fangjin Yang, Optimizing Druid with Roaring bitmaps, IDEAS 2016, 2016.


Roaring bitmaps in C (and C++)







No packages published


  • C 83.9%
  • C++ 15.1%
  • Other 1.0%