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grinder testing added
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rkirov committed Mar 26, 2011
1 parent cd63ff9 commit 85975dd
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Showing 13 changed files with 494 additions and 0 deletions.
191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions sagenb/testing/grinder/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
# Sample
# The properties can be specified in three ways.
# - In the console. A properties file in the distribution directory
# can be selected in the console.
# - As a Java system property in the command line used to start the
# agent. (e.g. java -Dgrinder.threads=20 net.grinder.Grinder).
# - In an agent properties file. A local properties file named
# "" can be placed in the working directory of
# each agent, or a different file name passed as an agent command
# line argument.
# Properties present in a console selected file take precedence over
# agent command line properties, which in turn override those in
# an agent properties file.
# Any line which starts with a ; (semi-colon) or a # (hash) is a
# comment and is ignored. In this example we will use a # for
# commentary and a ; for parts of the config file that you may wish to
# enable
# Please refer to
# for further
# documentation.

# Commonly used properties

# The file name of the script to run.
# Relative paths are evaluated from the directory containing the
# properties file. The default is "".
grinder.script =

# The number of worker processes each agent should start. The default
# is 1.
grinder.processes = 1

# The number of worker threads each worker process should start. The
# default is 1.
grinder.threads = 10

# The number of runs each worker process will perform. When using the
# console this is usually set to 0, meaning "run until the console
# sneds a stop or reset signal". The default is 1.
grinder.runs = 0

# The IP address or host name that the agent and worker processes use
# to contact the console. The default is all the network interfaces
# of the local machine.
; grinder.consoleHost = consolehost

# The IP port that the agent and worker processes use to contact the
# console. Defaults to 6372.
; grinder.consolePort

# Less frequently used properties

### Logging ###

# The directory in which worker process logs should be created. If not
# specified, the agent's working directory is used.
grinder.logDirectory = log

# The number of archived logs from previous runs that should be kept.
# The default is 1.
grinder.numberOfOldLogs = 2

# Overrides the "host" string used in log filenames and logs. The
# default is the host name of the machine running the agent.
; grinder.hostID = myagent

# Set to false to disable the logging of output and error steams for
# worker processes. You might want to use this to reduce the overhead
# of running a client thread. The default is true.
grinder.logProcessStreams = false

### Script sleep time ####

# The maximum time in milliseconds that each thread waits before
# starting. Unlike the sleep times specified in scripts, this is
# varied according to a flat random distribution. The actual sleep
# time will be a random value between 0 and the specified value.
# Affected by grinder.sleepTimeFactor, but not
# grinder.sleepTimeVariation. The default is 0ms.
; grinder.initialSleepTime=500

# Apply a factor to all the sleep times you've specified, either
# through a property of in a script. Setting this to 0.1 would run the
# script ten times as fast. The default is 1.
; grinder.sleepTimeFactor=0.01

# The Grinder varies the sleep times specified in scripts according to
# a Normal distribution. This property specifies a fractional range
# within which nearly all (99.75%) of the times will lie. E.g., if the
# sleep time is specified as 1000 and the sleepTimeVariation is set to
# 0.1, then 99.75% of the actual sleep times will be between 900 and
# 1100 milliseconds. The default is 0.2.
; grinder.sleepTimeVariation=0.005

### Worker process control ###

# If set, the agent will ramp up the number of worker processes,
# starting the number specified every
# grinder.processesIncrementInterval milliseconds. The upper limit is
# set by grinder.processes. The default is to start all worker
# processes together.
; grinder.processIncrement = 1

# Used in conjunction with grinder.processIncrement, this property
# sets the interval in milliseconds at which the agent starts new
# worker processes. The value is in milliseconds. The default is 60000
# ms.
; grinder.processIncrementInterval = 10000

# Used in conjunction with grinder.processIncrement, this property
# sets the initial number of worker processes to start. The default is
# the value of grinder.processIncrement.
; process.initialProcesses = 1

# The maximum length of time in milliseconds that each worker process
# should run for. grinder.duration can be specified in conjunction
# with grinder.runs, in which case the worker processes will terminate
# if either the duration time or the number of runs is exceeded. The
# default is to run forever.
; grinder.duration = 60000

# If set to true, the agent process spawns engines in threads rather
# than processes, using special class loaders to isolate the engines.
# This allows the engine to be easily run in a debugger. This is
# primarily a tool for debugging The Grinder engine, but it might also
# be useful to advanced users. The default is false.
; grinder.debug.singleprocess = true

# If set to true, the new DCR instrumentation engine will be used. The
# new engine will always be used if Jython 2.1/2.2 is not found.
; grinder.dcrinstrumentation = false

### Java ###

# Use an alternate JVM for worker processes. The default is "java" so
# you do not need to specify this if java is in your PATH.
; grinder.jvm = /opt/jrockit/jrockit-R27.5.0-jdk1.5.0_14/bin/java

# Use to adjust the classpath used for the worker process JVMs.
# Anything specified here will be prepended to the classpath used to
# start the Grinder processes.
; grinder.jvm.classpath = /tmp/myjar.jar

# Additional arguments to worker process JVMs.
grinder.jvm.arguments = -Dpython.home=/usr/share/jython

### Console communications ###

# (See above for console address properties).

# If you are not using the console, and don't want the agent to try to
# contact it, set grinder.useConsole = false. The default is true.
; grinder.useConsole = false

# The period at which each process sends updates to the console. This
# also controls the frequency at which the data files are flushed.
# The default is 500 ms.
; grinder.reportToConsole.interval = 100

### Statistics ###

# Set to false to disable reporting of timing information to the
# console; other statistics are still reported. See
# for why you might
# want to do this. The default is true.
; grinder.reportTimesToConsole = false

80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions sagenb/testing/grinder/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
from net.grinder.script.Grinder import grinder
from net.grinder.script import Test
from net.grinder.plugin.http import HTTPRequest
from HTTPClient import NVPair
from java.util import Random

protectedResourceTest = Test(1, "Request home")
authenticationTest = Test(2, "POST to login")
newCellTest = Test(3, "Make a new Cell")
evaluationTest = Test(4, "Evaluate 2 + 2")
updateTest = Test(5, "Get 4")
deleteCellTest = Test(6, "Delete Cell")

class TestRunner:
def __call__(self):
worksheet = '1'
request = protectedResourceTest.wrap(

result = request.GET()
result = maybeAuthenticate(result)
result = request.GET('/home/admin/%s/' % worksheet)
#print 'test sheet seen: ', (result.text.find('test') != -1)
#print result.text

base_url = 'http://localhost:8000/home/admin/%s' % worksheet
request = newCellTest.wrap(HTTPRequest(url=base_url + "/new_cell_after"))
result = request.POST((NVPair("id","0"),))
new_cell = result.text.split()[0].rstrip('___S_A_G_E___')
#print 'new cell number', new_cell

request = evaluationTest.wrap(HTTPRequest(url=base_url + "/eval"))
random = Random()
a, b = random.nextInt(10**1), random.nextInt(10**1)
# print 'random test',a,b,
evalData = ( NVPair("id", new_cell),
NVPair("input", "%s * %s"% (a,b)),
NVPair("newcell", "0"),)
result = request.POST(evalData)
#print 'input', result.text

count = 0
while (True):
request = updateTest.wrap(HTTPRequest(url=base_url + "/cell_update"))
getData = ( NVPair("id", new_cell),)
result = request.POST(getData)
#print 'full result:', result.text
count += 1
if result.text.find('pre') != -1:
#print 'full result:', result.text
print 'wait',count,'test',a,'*',b,'=', strip_answer(result.text)

request = deleteCellTest.wrap(HTTPRequest(url=base_url + "/delete_cell"))
getData = ( NVPair("id", new_cell),)
result = request.POST(getData)

# Function that checks the passed HTTPResult to see whether
# authentication is necessary. If it is, perform the authentication
# and record performance information against Test 2.
def maybeAuthenticate(lastResult):
if lastResult.statusCode == 401 \
or lastResult.text.find("password") != -1:

#print "Challenged, authenticating"

authenticationFormData = ( NVPair("email", "admin"),
NVPair("password", "test"),)

request = authenticationTest.wrap(
HTTPRequest(url="%s/login" % lastResult.originalURI))

return request.POST(authenticationFormData)

def strip_answer(text):
#<pre class="shrunk">532962756677</pre>
st = text.find('<pre')
end = text.find('</pre>')
return text[st + 20 : end]
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions sagenb/testing/grinder/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
for i in {1..50}
curl -d username=test$i localhost:8000/adduser
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions sagenb/testing/grinder/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
for i in {1..50}
curl localhost:8000/new_worksheet
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions sagenb/testing/grinder/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions sagenb/testing/grinder/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
from net.grinder.script.Grinder import grinder
from net.grinder.script import Test
from net.grinder.plugin.http import HTTPRequest
from HTTPClient import NVPair
from java.util import Random

newCellTest = Test(1, "Make a new Cell")
evaluationTest = Test(2, "Evaluate")
updateTest = Test(3, "Poll until evaluated")
deleteCellTest = Test(4, "Delete Cell")

class TestRunner:
def __call__(self):
sheets = 10
random = Random()
worksheet = str(40 + random.nextInt(sheets))

base_url = 'http://localhost:8000/home/admin/%s' % worksheet
request = newCellTest.wrap(HTTPRequest(url=base_url + "/new_cell_after"))
result = request.POST((NVPair("id","0"),))
new_cell = result.text.split()[0].rstrip('___S_A_G_E___')

request = evaluationTest.wrap(HTTPRequest(url=base_url + "/eval"))
a, b = random.nextInt(10**1), random.nextInt(10**1)
evalData = ( NVPair("id", new_cell),
NVPair("input", "%s * %s"% (a,b)),
NVPair("newcell", "0"),)
result = request.POST(evalData)

count = 0
while (True):
request = updateTest.wrap(HTTPRequest(url=base_url + "/cell_update"))
getData = ( NVPair("id", new_cell),)
result = request.POST(getData)
count += 1
if result.text.find('pre') != -1:
print 'wait',count,'test',a,'*',b,'=', strip_answer(result.text)

request = deleteCellTest.wrap(HTTPRequest(url=base_url + "/delete_cell"))
getData = ( NVPair("id", new_cell),)
result = request.POST(getData)

def strip_answer(text):
#<pre class="shrunk">532962756677</pre>
st = text.find('<pre')
end = text.find('</pre>')
return text[st + 20 : end]
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions sagenb/testing/grinder/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
from net.grinder.script.Grinder import grinder
from net.grinder.script import Test
from net.grinder.plugin.http import HTTPRequest
from HTTPClient import NVPair
from java.util import Random

newCellTest = Test(1, "Make a new Cell")
evaluationTest = Test(2, "Evaluate")
updateTest = Test(3, "Poll until evaluated")
deleteCellTest = Test(4, "Delete Cell")

class TestRunner:
def __call__(self):
sheets = 10
random = Random()
worksheet = str(40 + random.nextInt(sheets))

base_url = 'http://localhost:8000/home/admin/%s' % worksheet
request = newCellTest.wrap(HTTPRequest(url=base_url + "/new_cell_after"))
result = request.POST((NVPair("id","0"),))
new_cell = result.text.split()[0].rstrip('___S_A_G_E___')

request = evaluationTest.wrap(HTTPRequest(url=base_url + "/eval"))
a = random.nextInt(2**30)
b = random.nextInt(2**30)
evalData = ( NVPair("id", new_cell),
NVPair("input", "factor(%s%s)"% (a,b)),
NVPair("newcell", "0"),)
result = request.POST(evalData)

count = 0
while (True):
request = updateTest.wrap(HTTPRequest(url=base_url + "/cell_update"))
getData = ( NVPair("id", new_cell),)
result = request.POST(getData)
count += 1
if result.text.find('pre') != -1:
print 'wait %s test factor %s%s = %s' % (count, a, b, strip_answer(result.text))

request = deleteCellTest.wrap(HTTPRequest(url=base_url + "/delete_cell"))
getData = ( NVPair("id", new_cell),)
result = request.POST(getData)

def strip_answer(text):
#<pre class="shrunk">532962756677</pre>
st = text.find('<pre')
end = text.find('</pre>')
return text[st + 20 : end]

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