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Jason Jackson committed May 23, 2011
0 parents commit a93195e
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Showing 4 changed files with 240 additions and 0 deletions.
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
(defproject snake "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.1"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]

[matchure "0.10.1"]

[slick-util "1.0.0"]
[cantor "0.2.1"]
[penumbra "0.6.0-SNAPSHOT"]]
:native-dependencies [[penumbra/lwjgl "2.4.2"]]
:dev-dependencies [[native-deps "1.0.5"]
[swank-clojure "1.2.1"]])

218 changes: 218 additions & 0 deletions src/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
(ns core
(:use [penumbra opengl])
(:use [util])
(:use [matchure])
(:require [ :as app]
[penumbra.text :as text]))

(defn cube)
(defn advance)
(defn hit-detection)
(defn add-food)

(def max-active 0.8)

(defn init [st]
(app/vsync! true)
#_ (app/display-mode! 200 200)
(enable :depth-test)
(depth-test :lequal)
(app/periodic-update! 3 (wrap-exc #'advance))
(app/periodic-update! 0.5 (wrap-exc #'add-food))
(def the-cube (create-display-list (cube)))
(def the-food-cube (create-display-list (cube :food true)))
(def the-red-cube (create-display-list (cube :red true)))
(def the-active-cube (create-display-list (cube :active max-active)))

(defn reshape [[x y width height] st]
(frustum-view 60.0 (/ (double width) height) 1.0 100.0)
(def width width)
(def height height)

(defn interp [factor src dst]
(+ src (* factor (- dst src))))

(defn interp-3 [factor src dst]
(map (partial interp factor) src dst))

(def active-clr [0 0.8 0.1])
#_ (def non-active-clr [.1 0.2 .7])

(defn mouse-drag [[dx dy] [x y] button state]
(assoc state
:rot-x (+ (:rot-x state) dy)
:rot-y (+ (:rot-y state) dx)))

(defn cube [& {:keys [active red food], :or {active 0 red false food false}}]
(let [clrf #(apply color (interp-3 active %& active-clr))
clrfr$ #(if red (clrf 0.9 0 0) (apply clrf %&))
clrfr #(if food (clrf 0.9 0.9 0) (apply clrfr$ %&))
sq (fn [m z]
(clrfr 0.1 0.5 0.7) (vertex (m 1 1 z))
(clrfr 0 0.1 0.9) (vertex (m -1 1 z))
(clrfr 0.2 0.3 0.8) (vertex (m -1 -1 z))
(clrfr 0 0.6 0.9) (vertex (m 1 -1 z)))
twosq (fn [m]
(doseq [z [-1 1]]
(sq m z)))]
(twosq #(vec [%1 %2 %3]))
(twosq #(vec [%3 %2 %1]))
(twosq #(vec [%2 %3 %1])))))

(defn board [{:keys [size board game-over]}]
(let [offset (- (/ size 2))
rng (range size)]
(doseq [y rng x rng]
(let [{:keys [active food]} ((board y) x)
active-f (+ (/ active 2) 1.0)]
(translate (+ offset y) 0 (+ offset x))
(scale 0.45 (* active-f 0.25) 0.45)

game-over (if (< active 0.1)
(call-display-list the-cube)
#_ (call-display-list the-red-cube)
(cube :red true)
food (call-display-list the-food-cube)
(< active 0.1) (call-display-list the-cube)
(> active (- max-active 0.1)) (call-display-list the-active-cube)
(> active 0) (cube :active active))
#_ (cond
(< active 0.1) (cube)
(> active (- max-active 0.1)) (cube :active max-active)
(> active 0) (cube :active active))

(def cur-st (atom {}))
#_ @cur-st

(defn hit-detection [st]
(let [tail (:tail st)
tail-dupes? (not= (count tail)
(count (set tail)))]
(if tail-dupes?
(assoc st :game-over true)

(defn add-food [st]
(let [tail (set (:tail st))
rnd (fn [] (rand-int (:size st)))
food-loc (repeat 2 (rnd))]
(update-in st (concat [:board] food-loc [:food]) (fn [_] true))))

(defn advance [st]
(let [move-focus (fn [old]
(let [ubound (- (:size st) 1)]
(map max [0 0]
(map min [ubound ubound]
(map + old (:dir st))))))
move-unfocus (fn [old]
(let [t (:tail st)]
(if (>= (count t) (:tail-size st))
(first t)

(let [tail-size (:tail-size st)
tail-subset #(if (>= (count %) tail-size)
(drop 1 %)
eat-food (fn [st]
(let [f (:focus st)
addr (concat [:board] f [:food])]

(-> st
(update-in addr (fn [o] (def o o) false))
(update-in [:tail-size] #(if o (+ 1 %) %)))))

update-tail (fn [st]
(update-in st [:tail]
#(concat (tail-subset %) [(:focus st)])))]
(if-not (:game-over st)
(-> st
(update-in [:focus] move-focus)
(update-in [:unfocus] move-unfocus)

(defn key-press [key st]
(let [dir {:north [0 1]
:east [-1 0]
:west [1 0]}]
(println key)
:up (assoc st :dir [0 1])
:left (assoc st :dir [1 0])
:right (assoc st :dir [-1 0])
:down (assoc st :dir [0 -1])
_ st)))

(defn update [[delta time] st]
(swap! cur-st (fn [_] st))
(let [uf (:unfocus st)
f (:focus st)

maybe-unfocus (fn [st]
(if uf
(update-in st
(concat [:board] uf [:active])
#(max (- % (* delta 3.5)) 0))
gameover-rotate (fn [st]
(if (:game-over st)
(update-in st [:rot-y] #(+ (* 15 delta) %))
(-> st
(update-in (concat [:board] f)
(fn [m] (update-in m [:active]
#(min (+ % (* delta 3.5))

#_ (update [3 1] (def-state))
#_ (def st (def-state))
#_ (def delta 3)

#_ (def snapshot @cur-st)

(defn display [[delta time] st]
(translate 0 1 -12)
(rotate (:rot-x st) 1 0 0)
(rotate (:rot-y st) 0 1 0)
(board st)
(if (:game-over st)
(text/write-to-screen "Game Over!" 350 300))
(text/write-to-screen (format "%d FPS" (int (/ 1 delta))) 3 1)

(defn def-state []
(let [size 10]
{:size size :focus [0 0] :dir [0 1]
:rot-x 39, :rot-y 155
:tail '([0 0])
:tail-size 3
:board (vec (repeat size (vec (repeat size {:active 0.0}))))}))

#_ (app/start
{:display (wrap-exc #'display), :reshape #'reshape, :init (wrap-exc init),
:update (wrap-exc #'update) :key-press (wrap-exc #'key-press)
:mouse-drag (wrap-exc #'mouse-drag)}
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/util.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(ns util)

(defn wrap-exc [f]
(fn [& args]
(apply f args)
(catch Exception e
(.printStackTrace e *out*)

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