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How to use NextJS + TypeScript + Contentful for your next blog

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Next.js & Contentful Sample Blog

A guide to building a blog using Contentful CMS with Next.js

Preview of the sample blog

Preview of Home Page Preview of Blog Post

First of all make a Next.JS, Typescript project

npx create-next-app@latest nextjs-contentful-sample-blog --ts

Then install Contentful

npm i contentful

Now that Contentful library is installed, make a new file lib/create-client.ts, now we set up the connection with Contentful, in order to retrieve data from our blog.

import { ContentfulClientApi, createClient } from "contentful";

export const client: ContentfulClientApi<undefined> = createClient({
    space: process.env.CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID!,

Remember to paste the API Keys in your .env.local file. To retreive them open Contentful and open settings > API keys > Add API key. Here you can copy the SPACE ID and the Content Delivery API - access token. Paste these in your .env.local file.


Now the API keys can be accessed when prefixed with process.env

Now open the /app/page.tsx and add this (you can design it any how you want this is just my version)

export default async function Home() {

  return (
    <main className="flex min-h-screen flex-col items-center space-y-20 p-10">
      <h1 className="font-bold text-3xl">Next.JS + Contentful Sample Blog</h1>

      <div className="mt-10 grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 gap-10">
        <p>Blog posts go here</p>

Step 1 Image

Now before we can access the blog posts you have to fetch the blog entries from Contentful.

Create a new file /lib/get-blog-entries.ts

import { client } from "@/lib/create-client";
import { EntryFieldTypes } from "contentful";

export interface BlogPostInterface {
    contentTypeId: "blogPost";
    fields: {
        title: EntryFieldTypes.Text
        subtitle: EntryFieldTypes.Text
        slug: EntryFieldTypes.Text
        publishDate: EntryFieldTypes.Text
        readTime: EntryFieldTypes.Number
        postContent: EntryFieldTypes.RichText

export const getBlogEntries = async () => {
    const entries = await client.getEntries<BlogPostInterface>({ content_type: "blogPost" });
    return entries;
  1. Import Statements:

    import { client } from "@/lib/create-client";
    import { EntryFieldTypes } from "contentful";
    • The first import statement imports the client object from the create-client.ts file located in the lib directory. This client object is responsible for interacting with the Contentful API.
    • The second import statement imports EntryFieldTypes from the contentful package. This is used to define the types of fields in Contentful entries.
  2. Interface Definition:

    interface BlogPostInterface {
        contentTypeId: "blogPost";
        fields: {
            title: EntryFieldTypes.Text
            subtitle: EntryFieldTypes.Text
            slug: EntryFieldTypes.Text
            publishDate: EntryFieldTypes.Text
            readTime: EntryFieldTypes.Number
            postContent: EntryFieldTypes.RichText
    • This defines an interface named BlogPostInterface to represent the structure of a blog post entry fetched from Contentful.
    • It includes the following fields:
      • contentTypeId: Represents the type ID of the Contentful entry, which should be "blogPost".
      • fields: An object containing the fields of the blog post entry, where each field is typed according to its Contentful field type.
        • We make use of EntryFieldTypes from Contentful so that we are able to access the types provided my Contentful like EntryFieldTypes.RichText which would be the type for the Blog Post content (written in markdown). The other types are self-explanatory :)
  3. Function Definition:

    export const getBlogEntries = async () => {
        const entries = await client.getEntries<BlogPostInterface>({ content_type: "blogPost" });
        return entries;
    • This exports a function named getBlogEntries responsible for fetching blog post entries from Contentful.
    • It is an asynchronous function (using async keyword) because fetching data from Contentful is an asynchronous operation.
    • Inside the function:
      • It uses the client object to call getEntries, which fetches entries from Contentful.
      • <BlogPostInterface> specifies the type of entries that should be returned, ensuring type safety.
      • { content_type: "blogPost" } specifies the content type of the entries to be fetched, which should be "blogPost".
      • The function returns the fetched entries.

Overall, this code sets up a function to fetch blog post entries from Contentful and ensures type safety by defining an interface to represent the structure of these entries.

Now the blog posts can be fetched from Contentful. Open app/page.tsx

import { Card, CardContent, CardDescription, CardHeader, CardTitle } from "@/components/ui/card"; // These components are from Shadcn-UI
import { BlogPostInterface, getBlogEntries } from "@/lib/get-blog-entries";
import { Entry } from "contentful";
import Link from "next/link";

export default async function Home() {

  const blogEntries = await getBlogEntries();
  const posts: Entry<BlogPostInterface, undefined, string>[] = blogEntries.items

  return (
    <main className="flex min-h-screen flex-col items-center space-y-20 p-10">
      <h1 className="font-bold text-3xl">Next.JS + Contentful Sample Blog</h1>

      <div className="mt-10 grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 gap-10">

        { => (
          <Link href={`/${post.fields.slug}`} key={} className="">
            <Card className="hover:shadow-xl transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out min-h-[12rem]">
                <p><strong>Read time:</strong>  <span className="underline underline-offset-2">{post.fields.readTime}</span></p>
                <p><strong>Publish date:</strong> <span className="underline underline-offset-2">{post.fields.publishDate}</span></p>


Now you should have something that looks like this: Preview of Home Page I am making use of Shadcn-UI for the blog to look mordern and i can spend less time on styling


How to use NextJS + TypeScript + Contentful for your next blog







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