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LINE Message API Quick Reply Collector Node

Jatuphum Tungsilsukchai edited this page Apr 19, 2022 · 10 revisions


LINE Quick Reply Collector Node. No need to code. Easy to collect result from Quick Reply Item Node for creation quick reply by user taps a button or an image in a message.

This node uses together with LINE Messaging API Quick Reply Item Node.



1. Add this node work with LINE Messaging API flow. Connected node's input by using LINE Messaging API Quick Reply Item Nodes.


2. Setup Node values


  • Number of items. Number of Quick Reply Item Nodes used. Maximum used is 13.

API Output

Result from Quick Reply Collector node by using msg object.

Property Type Description
quickReplyItems object[] Array of Quick Reply Item object (only items whose Use Quick Reply Item value is true).

Example output

[ { "type": "action", "action": { "type": "location", "label": "Current location" } }, { "type": "action", "action": { "type":"cameraRoll", "label":"Camera Roll" } } ]


After install package, see usage examples at Node-RED Import menu at node-red-contrib-node-line-api, then line-quick-reply-examples.

More details