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JalaliCalendar implementaion for Kotlin with utility classes and functions


Top level build.gradle

allprojects {
   repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Module level build.gradle

dependencies {
  implementation "com.github.javaherisaber:JalaliCalendar:$versions.jalaliCalendar"



Set calendar fields

val calendar = JalaliCalendar(1398, MonthPersian.Dey, 28, 12, 45, 30)
calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1)

Check for leap year


Compare two calendars

val first = JalaliCalendar(1398, MonthPersian.Dey, 28)
val second = JalaliCalendar(1398, MonthPersian.Dey, 20)
assertTrue(first > second)

Calendar Ranges

val start = JalaliCalendar(1398, MonthPersian.Dey, 1)
val end = JalaliCalendar(1398, MonthPersian.Dey, 30)
var index = 1
for (date in start..end) {
	assertEquals(date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), index)

Format calendar

val calendar = JalaliCalendar(1398, MonthPersian.Dey, 30, 13, 45, 30)
JalaliDateFormat("WW dd M yyyy ساعت HH:ii:ss").format(calendar) // دوشنبه 30 دی 1398 ساعت 13:45:30
JalaliDateFormat("yyyy/m/d").format(calendar) // 1398/10/30
JalaliDateFormat("WW dd M yyyy").format(calendar) // دوشنبه 30 دی 1398
JalaliDateFormat("dd M yyyy").format(calendar) // 30 دی 1398
JalaliDateFormat("ww dd M yyyy ساعت HH:ii a").format(calendar) // 03 30 دی 1398 ساعت 13:45 ع
JalaliDateFormat("W dd M yy ساعت HH:ii A").format(calendar) // د 30 دی 98 ساعت 13:45 عصر
JalaliDateFormat("yyyy/mm/dd HH:ii:ss").format(calendar) // 1398/10/30 13:45:30

Parse calendar

JalaliDateFormat("yyyy/mm/dd HH:ii:ss").parse("1398/10/30 13:45:30")


Set fields

var clock = Clock(10, 45, 0)
clock++ // add one second
clock-- // subtract one second
clock *= 1.2f // add 20 percent of one hour
val clock2 = Clock.of("14:37:00")

Format clock

val clock = Clock(13, 45, 0)
ClockFormat("HH:ii:ss").format(clock) // 13:45:00
ClockFormat("hh:ii:ss A").format(clock) // 01:45:00 عصر
ClockFormat("HH:ii:ss a").format(clock) // 01:45:00 ع
ClockFormat("h:ii A").format(clock) // 1:45 عصر
ClockFormat("HH:ii:ss10").format(clock) // 13:45
ClockFormat("HH:ii10").format(Clock(15, 0, 0)) // 15
ClockFormat("HH:ii10").format(Clock(15, 45, 0)) // 15:45

Parse clock


Compare two clocks

val first = Clock(10, 0, 0)
val second = Clock(23, 0, 0)
assertTrue(first < second)


val first = ClockPeriod(Clock(10, 0, 0), Clock(12, 0, 0))
val second = ClockPeriod(Clock(11, 0, 0), Clock(14, 0, 0))
assertTrue(first.isOverlap(second)) // check for overlap