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This example is based on the original example from Envoy's creators.


I've added new features in the example:

  • every Envoy and service is running in a separate container. I think this is one of the crucial points in ServiceMesh approach.
  • Service Discovery is running (I've only dockerized Lyft discovery service)
  • every Envoy has its own simple registrator which registers envoy in the Service Discovery
  • ElasticSearch is used as a storage backend for Jaeger
  • Kibana is also running to look inside the ElasticSearch
  • Jaeger is deployed as a set of components, not all-in-one
  • all Envoy configurations are using templating to be able to configure Envoys with environment variables
  • many Envoy capabilities are demonstrated (health checks, rewrites, retries, outliers, firewall, tls, etc.), see branches for more
  • some small improvements for Python "services" (for example, shutdown API)
  • all Envoys are monitored with help of Prometheus and Grafana. Because currently Envoy has some issues exporting histogram, I've added statsd-exporter for every Envoy
  • Grafana dashboards added


discovery phase

How to build and run

To enable ElasticSearch in Docker run sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 on the host OS. See spujadas/elk-docker#92 for details.

Use sudo docker-compose up -d --build to build and run everything. ElasticSearch is the slowest part of the deployment so be patient :-). When you check the status of all containers, don't be surprised by not running jaeger-dependencies container - actually it is a job wrapped in a container, so this is its normal behaviour. You may run it later when you make several HTTP calls and get few traces in Jaeger. Use sudo docker-compose up -d jaeger-dependencies

How to use it

Open in your browser any of these links:

Prometheus queries examples

histogram_quantile(0.90, sum(rate(envoy_cluster_upstream_rq_time_bucket{cluster_name != "xds_cluster", cluster_name != "statsd_in", cluster_name != "local_service", cluster_name != "jaeger"}[1m])) by (le,cluster_name))
sum(envoy_cluster_membership_healthy) by (cluster_name)


  • Grafana dashboards are in ./grafana/dashboards directory
  • Prometheus configuration is in ./prometheus directory
  • statsd-exporter configuration is in ./statsd directory
API call concept

When you execute http://localhost:8000/trace/1 it goes like this: API call concept

How to clean it

Local docker volumes are used to keep the data between deployment. So if you want to clean up your data, use

docker volume rm envoy-s2s-example_esdata envoy-s2s-example_grafana_data envoy-s2s-example_prometheus_data envoy-s2s-example_prometheus_filesd
