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github colorscheme
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Harold Giménez committed Oct 19, 2011
1 parent 219aa72 commit 342a490
Showing 1 changed file with 139 additions and 0 deletions.
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions vim/colors/github.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
" Vim color file
" Author: Anthony Carapetis <>
" Note: Based on github's syntax highlighting theme
" Used Brian Mock's darkspectrum as a starting point/template
" Thanks to Ryan Heath for an easy list of some of the colours:

hi clear

set background=light
if version > 580
" no guarantees for version 5.8 and below, but this makes it stop
" complaining
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name="github"

hi Normal guifg=#000000 guibg=#F8F8FF

" {{{ Cursor
hi Cursor guibg=#444454 guifg=#F8F8FF
hi CursorLine guibg=#D8D8DD
hi CursorColumn guibg=#E8E8EE
" }}}

" {{{ Diff
hi DiffAdd guifg=#003300 guibg=#DDFFDD gui=none
hi DiffChange guibg=#ececec gui=none
hi DiffText guifg=#000033 guibg=#DDDDFF gui=none
hi DiffDelete guifg=#DDCCCC guibg=#FFDDDD gui=none
" }}}

" {{{ Folding / Line Numbering / Status Lines
hi Folded guibg=#ECECEC guifg=#808080 gui=bold
hi vimFold guibg=#ECECEC guifg=#808080 gui=bold
hi FoldColumn guibg=#ECECEC guifg=#808080 gui=bold

hi LineNr guifg=#959595 guibg=#ECECEC gui=bold
hi NonText guifg=#808080 guibg=#ECECEC
hi Folded guifg=#808080 guibg=#ECECEC gui=bold
hi FoldeColumn guifg=#808080 guibg=#ECECEC gui=bold

hi VertSplit guibg=#bbbbbb guifg=#bbbbbb gui=none
hi StatusLine guibg=#bbbbbb guifg=#404040 gui=bold
hi StatusLineNC guibg=#d4d4d4 guifg=#404040 gui=italic
" }}}

" {{{ Misc
hi ModeMsg guifg=#990000
hi MoreMsg guifg=#990000

hi Title guifg=#ef5939
hi WarningMsg guifg=#ef5939
hi SpecialKey guifg=#177F80 gui=italic

hi MatchParen guibg=#cdcdfd guifg=#000000
hi Underlined guifg=#000000 gui=underline
hi Directory guifg=#990000
" }}}

" {{{ Search, Visual, etc
hi Visual guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#3465a4 gui=none
hi VisualNOS guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#204a87 gui=none
hi IncSearch guibg=#cdcdfd guifg=#000000 gui=italic
hi Search guibg=#cdcdfd guifg=#000000 gui=italic
" }}}

" {{{ Syntax groups
hi Ignore guifg=#808080
hi Identifier guifg=#0086B3
hi PreProc guifg=#A0A0A0 gui=bold
hi Comment guifg=#999988
hi Constant guifg=#177F80 gui=none
hi String guifg=#D81745
hi Function guifg=#990000 gui=bold
hi Statement guifg=#000000 gui=bold
hi Type guifg=#445588 gui=bold
hi Number guifg=#1C9898
hi Todo guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#990000 gui=bold
hi Special guifg=#159828 gui=bold
hi rubySymbol guifg=#960B73
hi Error guibg=#f8f8ff guifg=#ff1100 gui=undercurl
hi Todo guibg=#f8f8ff guifg=#ff1100 gui=underline
hi Label guifg=#000000 gui=bold
hi StorageClass guifg=#000000 gui=bold
hi Structure guifg=#000000 gui=bold
hi TypeDef guifg=#000000 gui=bold
" }}}

" {{{ Completion menus
hi WildMenu guifg=#7fbdff guibg=#425c78 gui=none

hi Pmenu guibg=#808080 guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
hi PmenuSel guibg=#cdcdfd guifg=#000000 gui=italic
hi PmenuSbar guibg=#000000 guifg=#444444
hi PmenuThumb guibg=#aaaaaa guifg=#aaaaaa
" }}}

" {{{ Spelling
hi spellBad guisp=#fcaf3e
hi spellCap guisp=#73d216
hi spellRare guisp=#fcaf3e
hi spellLocal guisp=#729fcf
" }}}

" {{{ Aliases
hi link cppSTL Function
hi link cppSTLType Type
hi link Character Number
hi link htmlTag htmlEndTag
"hi link htmlTagName htmlTag
hi link htmlLink Underlined
hi link pythonFunction Identifier
hi link Question Type
hi link CursorIM Cursor
hi link VisualNOS Visual
hi link xmlTag Identifier
hi link xmlTagName Identifier
hi link shDeref Identifier
hi link shVariable Function
hi link rubySharpBang Special
hi link perlSharpBang Special
hi link schemeFunc Statement
"hi link shSpecialVariables Constant
"hi link bashSpecialVariables Constant
" }}}

" {{{ Tabs (non-gui0
hi TabLine guifg=#404040 guibg=#dddddd gui=none
hi TabLineFill guifg=#404040 guibg=#dddddd gui=none
hi TabLineSel guifg=#404040 gui=bold
" }}}
" vim: sw=4 ts=4 foldmethod=marker

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