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Using Apache Kafka From Go

This repository contains the example code I used for the a talk I gave with GoMAD on how to Use Apache Kafka From Go Language. The slides can be found here

Basic consumer and producer examples

  • on this file there some examples on how to create producers in Java (no consumer though). There are synchronous and asynchronous examples.
  • confluentExamples: on that folder there are examples of both: consumers and producers. On every of them there is an asynchronous version and a synchronous. All them are coming from confluent-kafka-go

Run the example

In order to run the example several dependencies are needed. In order to ease that process there is a docker-compose.yml that starts everything needed to run the demo. So basically the only dependency is to have docker installed locally. The images that docker-compose will start up are:

  • wurstmeister/kafka:2.11-1.1.1: kafka broker
  • zookeeper:3.4.11: kafka dependency for several distributed services
  • javiersanz/go-kafka-talk:master: this image contains all the necessary dependencies to run the consumer & the producer example (go 1.11 with modules ready and librdkafka). The Dockerfile inside the project folder was the one I used to create that image in case you are curious.
  • yandex/clickhouse-server: a database where messages will be stored
  • spoonest/clickhouse-tabix-web-client: a web client for Clickhouse database to plot some charts

So you can start the demo with docker compose inside de project folder:

go-kafka-talk git:(master) ✗ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "go-kafka-talk_default" with the default driver
Creating go-kafka-talk_build_1 ... done
Creating go-kafka-talk_zoo1_1  ... done
Creating go-kafka-talk_kafka_1 ... done
Creating go-kafka-talk_tabix_1 ... done
Creating go-kafka-talk_clickhouse_1 ... done

There are to branches to use for the demo: autoCommitExample and master. Both demos are run with same commands. So regardless the branch create two docker shells as follows:

go-kafka-talk git:(master) ✗ docker exec -it go-kafka-talk_build_1  bash
bash-4.4# cd /outOfGoPath/

Once inside go to /outOfGoPath/ folder where the volume with the code is mounted. Now run the producer:

bash-4.4# go run producerExample/producer.go kafka:9092 test

and now the consumer

go run consumerExample/consumer.go kafka:9092 testGroup test "tcp://clickhouse:9000?username=default"

From time to time kill the consumer and star over again. Open a browser and go to http://localhost:8081/#!/login. For connecting to Clickhouse use this url and connect using the default login (see below image) and no password.

Clickhouse Connection

Once inside type in the next code on the query window:

select MessageTime, sum(MessageCount) totalMessages from default.Messages
group by MessageTime

If your are on the autoCommitExample branch you should be seeing some discontinuities on the messages flow like

Autocommit issue

but on the other hand if you are running master the line should be straight

Manual commit