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A corpus of correspondences & other writings of US Founding Fathers. Via Founders Online.

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Founders Online Corpus

Founders Online is a National Archives resource that makes available ~180K writings/letters of the Founders of the United States of America. A treasure trove. I have extracted all documents/metadata included in Founders Online (via API), and collated them as a collection of R-based RDS files.

Here, we walk through some details about the corpus, as well as some basic descriptives.

§ Load corpus

if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(magrittr, dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2, data.table)

To get started, we aggregate the eight RDS files (here) as a single data frame. Resulting data structure is a TIF-compliant corpus.

gfiles <- list.files(path = local, 
                     pattern = "rds", 
                     recursive = TRUE) 

ffc <- lapply(gfiles, readRDS) %>% data.table::rbindlist()

Columns included in dataset are presented below. The title:date_to columns have been extracted directly from document metadata made available by Founders Online as XML. The api column was derived from the permalink and project columns, and used to access/scrape document text. The og_text column contains document text as presented on Founders Online, which includes quite a bit of line breaks and odd spacing. The text column is a stripped version of og_test, with whitespace and line breaks removed. These data are not perfect.

##  [1] "title"      "permalink"  "project"    "authors"    "recipients"
##  [6] "date_from"  "date_to"    "api"        "og_text"    "text"      
## [11] "period"

The period column categorizes each document in corpus historically. Categories/dates are based on Founders Online. RDS files are split according to these eight categories.

n period general start end
1 Colonial 1706-1775 1706-01-01 1775-04-18
2 Revolutionary War 1775-1783 1775-04-19 1783-09-03
3 Confederation Period 1783-1789 1783-09-04 1789-04-29
4 Washington Presidency 1789-1797 1789-04-30 1797-03-03
5 Adams Presidency 1797-1801 1797-03-04 1801-03-03
6 Jefferson Presidency 1801-1809 1801-03-04 1809-03-03
7 Madison Presidency 1809-1817 1809-03-04 1817-03-03
8 post-Madison Presidency 1817+ 1817-03-04 1837-01-01

§ Some descriptives

The table below summarizes the number of documents and number of words per corpus sub-period. Note that word counts are very rough, and that a single document may be double counted. (See Founders Online for an explanation). So, ~180k document/66 million word corpus.


ffc[, doc_length := lengths(gregexpr("\\W+", text))]

by_period <-ffc[, list(doc_n = .N, 
                       word_count = sum(doc_length)),
                by = list(period)]

by_period %>% 
  left_join(Period_table %>% select(n, period)) %>% 
  arrange(n) %>% 
  janitor::adorn_totals(c('row')) %>%
  mutate_if(is.numeric, formatC, big.mark=",") %>%
  select(-n) %>%
period doc_n word_count
Colonial 16,111 5,569,488
Revolutionary War 48,502 16,255,296
Confederation Period 17,024 7,184,958
Washington Presidency 27,531 10,435,172
Adams Presidency 13,743 4,351,329
Jefferson Presidency 28,854 10,883,697
Madison Presidency 15,094 6,468,738
post-Madison Presidency 14,618 5,026,013
Total 181,477 66,174,691

The plot below summarizes document generation by month for the six major Founders over an eighty year time period.

founders <- c('Washington, George', 'Adams, John', 'Jefferson, Thomas', 
              'Madison, James', 'Hamilton, Alexander', 'Franklin, Benjamin')
ffc$Month_Yr <- sub('-[0-9]*$', '', ffc$date_from)
ffc$Month_Yr <- as.Date(paste0(ffc$Month_Yr, '-01'), format = '%Y-%m-%d')
ffc[, list(doc_n = .N), 
           by = list(Month_Yr,authors)] %>%
  filter(authors %in% founders) %>%
  filter(Month_Yr < as.Date('1830-01-01'),
         Month_Yr > as.Date('1750-01-01')) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Month_Yr, 
             y = doc_n, 
             color = authors,
             group = authors)) +
  geom_line(size=.5) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = Period_table$start,
             linetype =2, 
             color = 'black', 
             size = .25) +
  theme_minimal() +
  ggthemes::scale_color_stata() +
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))+
  ylab ("") + xlab("") +
  scale_x_date(labels = scales::date_format("%Y"),
               breaks = scales::date_breaks('10 year')) +
             scales = "free_y", 
             ncol=2) + 
  labs(title = "Founders' writings historically by month",
       subtitle = 'From 1750 to 1830')

§ Exploring text

A simple function for displaying Founder documents & metadata inline:

display_letter <- function(x) {
  a1 <- strsplit(x$og_text, '\n')[[1]]
  a2 <- trimws(a1)
  a3 <- subset(a2, a2 != '')
  a4 <- paste(a3, collapse = '\n')
  a4a <-paste0('Author: ', x$author, '\n>', 
               'Recipient: ', x$recipient, '\n>', 
               'Date: ', x$date_to, '\n>', 
               'Period: ', x$period, '\n>\n', 
  a5 <- gsub(' *\n', '  \n', a4a)
  paste('>', gsub(' *(\n*) *$', '\\1', a5))
#`r display_letter(ffc[150681,])`

A letter from Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Franklin with an “inclosed paper” – presumably a draft of the Declaration of Independence.

Author: Jefferson, Thomas
Recipient: Franklin, Benjamin
Date: 1776-06-21
Period: Revolutionary War

Th: J. to Doctr. Franklyn
Friday morn. [21 June 1776?]
The inclosed paper has been read and with some small alterations approved of by the committee. Will Doctr. Franklyn be so good as to peruse it and suggest such alterations as his more enlarged view of the subject will dictate? The paper having been returned to me to change a particular sentiment or two, I propose laying it again before the committee tomorrow morning, if Doctr. Franklyn can think of it before that time.

A corrrespondance from George Washington to Benjamin Tallmadge discussing a couple of Washington’s spies, the Culpers.

Author: Washington, George
Recipient: Tallmadge, Benjamin
Date: 1780-07-11
Period: Revolutionary War

Dear Sir
Head Quarters Bergen County 11th July 1780
As we may every moment expect the arrival of the French Fleet a revival of the correspondence with the
Culpers will be of very great importance. If the younger cannot be engaged again, you will endeavour to prevail upon the
elder to give you information of the movements and position of the enemy upon Long Island—as whether they are all
confined to the post at Brooklyn or whether they have any detached posts and where, and what is their strength at those
posts—in short desire him to inform you of whatever comes under his notice and which seems worthy of communication. You
will transmit your letters to Genl Howe, who will forward them to me. I am, &c.
P.S. desire him to attend particularly to the provision which they are making of Wood and Forage—and
whether they drive in any stock.

§ Caveat

With the exception of the text column, the data presented here have been extracted without modification from the Founders Online website. Any data weirdness (of which there is some) lives in the original data source. This is only to say that the user can make their own decisions on how to address some of these issues as all original data exist in the files made available here. Thanks to folks at Founders Online!!


A corpus of correspondences & other writings of US Founding Fathers. Via Founders Online.







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