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Jens Behley edited this page Oct 17, 2019 · 1 revision

The point labeling tool expects the data in a certain folder format.

Preparing the dataset

The data must be organized as follows:

sequence folder
├── velodyne/             -- directory containing ".bin" files with Velodyne point clouds.   
├── labels/   [optional]  -- label directory, will be generated if not present.  
├── image_2/  [optional]  -- directory containing ".png" files from the color camera.
├── image_3/  [optional]  -- directory containing ".png" files from the other color camera (there are stereo cameras mounted on the car).
├── calib.txt             -- calibration of velodyne vs. camera. needed for projection of point cloud into camera.  
└── poses.txt             -- file containing the poses of every scan, see below on how to obtain them.

The velodyne folder contains the Velodyne scans in the KITTI .bin format, i.e., just binary floats, where each point is represented by 4 consecutive floats (x,y,z,remission). The calib.txt contains the transformation from the Velodnye to the cameras, which is needed to convert the poses in poses.txt. We kept the original convention that the ground truth poses are given in the camera coordinate system. Thus each pose is transformed via T.inv() * pose * T into the velodyne coordinate system, where T corresponds to the transformation from Velodyne to camera coordinate system. The poses.txt contains the pose for each scan, which is applied before visualizing the points.

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