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Problem Statement

Description: This system senses the speed at which the fan is rotating and adjusts the speed, based on the user input. The user can select three different speeds of the fan. The current speed should be sensed and the control mechanism should gradually increase the speed to the desired speed.

User Interface:

  1. Fan starts when user presses ‘Start’ button.
  2. User can then set the required speed by using a keypad interface. This speed value should be displayed on the display.
  3. After setting speed initially, user should be able to change the fan speed setting by an up and down switch. Each press on this arrow button increases/ decreases the speed by 1 unit. Min speed value is 1, whereas maximum speed value is 5 Units. Pressing ‘UP’ button after reaching to value.
  4. should not change the display value or setting of fan speed. Same is true for lower bound.
  5. Fan can be stopped by pressing ‘Stop’ button.
  6. User can also set the mode of fan as ‘Auto’ mode besides a ‘Regular mode’ setting. In Auto mode, user should be able to enter the value of time in terms of hours after which the Fan has to be switched off automatically. (For example, if value entered is 2, then the Fan should switch off after 2 hours from the time this setting is applied

List of Hardware Used

- 8086 Micro-Processor = 1
  • 74LS373 Octal Latches = 3
  • 74LS138 3:8 Decoder = 1
  • 8255A Programmable Peripheral Interfacing Device = 1
  • 7SEG-COM-CAT-BLUE Display = 1
  • DAC_8 Digital to Analog Converter = 1
  • DC Fan = 1
  • Push Button Switches = 16
  • 74LS245 Bi-Directional Buffer = 2
  • 2732 SROM Chips (2KB each) = 2
  • 6116 RAM Chips (2KB each) = 2
  • OR Gates = 6
  • NOT Gates = 3
  • SPDT Switch = 1
  • Ground Terminal = as required

Memory Addressing

Item Address Details
RAM (Memory) 02000H – 02FFFFH 2 * 2 KB Chips
ROM (Memory) 00000H – 1FFFFH 2 * 2 KB Chips
Port A (8255A) 00H Output (DC Fan)
Port B (8255A) 02H Output (7 Segment Display)
Port C (8255A) 04H Input/Output (Keypad)
Control Register 06H For loading the Control Word


  • CLK pin of the micro-processor is connected to a reliable clock generator to produce waveform of suitable frequency.
  • User can start the fan only by pressing the start button. No other key will function until the fan has been started.
  • The fan starts at speed 1 on press of the start button.
  • Pressing the start button after the fan has started results in no change of the system state.
  • User can then set the speed of the fan by pressing any of the push buttons numbered from 1 to 5.
  • Pressing button number 0 essentially serves the same purpose as that of the stop button.
  • Auto mode runs only at one speed. (Speed 3)
  • Hours in the Auto Mode have been scaled down to Seconds for the sake of simplicity of demonstration.
  • Display doesn’t change when working in the auto mode.
  • Auto mode allows users to enter numbers from 0 to 10.

ASM Code

.model tiny

table_kbrd  dw  0eeh, 0edh, 0ebh, 0e7h, 0deh, 0ddh, 0dbh, 0d7h, 0beh, 0bdh, 0bbh, 0b7h, 7eh, 7dh, 7bh, 77h
table_dis   db  3fh, 06h, 5bh, 4fh, 66h, 6dh;, 007dh, 0027h, 007fh, 006fh, 0077h, 007ch, 0039h,  005eh, 0079h, 0071h
speed       dw  00h
started     dw  00h
auto_speed  dw  03h
time        dw  00h
auto_flag   dw  00h

    porta   equ     00h ;setting the 8253a ports
    portb   equ     02h
    portc   equ     04h
    creg    equ     06h
    ;initializing the ports of 8253a
    mov     al, 88h
    out     creg, al
x0: mov     al, 00h
    out     portc, al
x1: in      al, portc
    and     al, 0f0h
    cmp     al, 0f0h    ;check for key release
    jnz     x1
    call    delay_20ms ;debounce
    mov     al, 00h
    out     portc, al
x2: in      al, portc
    and     al, 0f0h
    cmp     al, 0f0h
    jz      x2
    call    delay_20ms ;debounce
    ;checking the validity of key press
    mov     al, 00h
    out     portc, al
    in      al, portc
    and     al, 0f0h
    cmp     al, 0f0h
    jz      x2
    ;check for key press column 1
    mov     al, 0eh
    mov     bl, al
    out     portc, al
    in      al, portc
    and     al, 0f0h
    cmp     al, 0f0h
    jnz     x3
    ;check for key press column 2
    mov     al, 0dh
    mov     bl, al
    out     portc, al
    in      al, portc
    and     al, 0f0h
    cmp     al, 0f0h
    jnz     x3
    ;check for key press column 3
    mov     al, 0bh
    mov     bl, al
    out     portc, al
    in      al, portc
    and     al, 0f0h
    cmp     al, 0f0h
    jnz     x3
    ;check for key press column 4
    mov     al, 07h
    mov     bl, al
    out     portc, al
    in      al, portc
    and     al, 0f0h
    cmp     al, 0f0h
    jz     x2
    ;decode key
x3: or      al, bl
    mov     cx, 0fh
    mov     di, 00h
    lea     di, ds:table_kbrd
x4: cmp     al, [di]
    jz      x5
    inc     di
    loop    x4
    ;checks if motor is started
x5: cmp     started, 01h
    jz     auto
    cmp     al, 0b7h ;button encoding for start
    jz      start
    jmp     x0

start: call start_fan
    jmp x0
auto:   cmp al, 0b7h
    jz  x0
    cmp     auto_flag, 01h
    jz      time_set
    cmp     al, 77h
    jnz     speed_check
    mov     auto_flag, 01h
    jmp     x0

time_set:   cmp     al, 0eeh; checks which speed
    call    stop
    jmp     x0
    cmp     al, 0edh
    jz      set_time_1
    cmp     al, 0ebh
    jz      set_time_2
    cmp     al, 0e7h
    jz      set_time_3
    cmp     al, 0deh
    jz      set_time_4
    cmp     al, 0ddh
    jz      set_time_5
    cmp     al, 0dbh
    jz      set_time_6
    cmp     al, 0d7h
    jz      set_time_7
    cmp     al, 0beh
    jz      set_time_8
    cmp     al, 0bdh
    jz      set_time_9
    cmp     al, 0bbh
    jz      set_time_10
    jmp     x0
set_time_1:     mov     time, 01h
    call    set_time
    call    stop
    jmp     x0

set_time_2:     mov     time, 02h
    call    set_time
    call    stop
    jmp     x0
set_time_3:     mov     time, 03h
    call    set_time
    call    stop
    jmp     x0
set_time_4:     mov     time, 04h
    call    set_time
    call    stop
    jmp     x0
set_time_5:     mov     time, 05h
    call    set_time
    call    stop
    jmp     x0
set_time_6:     mov     time, 06h
    call    set_time
    call    stop
    jmp     x0
set_time_7:     mov     time, 07h
    call    set_time
    call    stop
    jmp     x0
set_time_8:     mov     time, 08h
    call    set_time
    call    stop
    jmp     x0
set_time_9:     mov     time, 09h
    call    set_time
    call    stop
    jmp     x0
set_time_10:     mov     time, 0ah
    call    set_time
    call    stop
    jmp     x0
;checks which speed to set and sets it
speed_check:    lea     bx, DS:table_dis
    cmp 	al, 0eeh
    jz      set_speed_0
    cmp     al, 0edh
    jz      set_speed_1
    cmp     al, 0ebh
    jz      set_speed_2
    cmp     al, 0e7h
    jz      set_speed_3
    cmp     al, 0deh
    jz      set_speed_4
    cmp		al, 0ddh
    jz  	set_speed_5
    jmp     increase

set_speed_0:	mov		speed, 00h
	call 	stop
	mov		al, 3fh
	not		al
	out		portb, al
	jmp		x0

set_speed_1:    mov     speed, 01h
    call    set_speed
    ;mov		al, 06h
    mov     al, [bx + 01h]
	not		al
    out     portb, al
    jmp     x0
set_speed_2:    mov     speed, 02h
    call    set_speed
    ;mov		al, 5bh
    mov     al, byteptr[bx + 02h]
	not		al
    out     portb, al
    jmp     x0
set_speed_3:    mov     speed, 03h
    call    set_speed
    ;mov		al, 4fh
    mov     al, byteptr[bx + 03h]
	not		al
    out     portb, al
    jmp     x0

set_speed_4:    mov     speed, 04h
    call    set_speed
    ;mov		al, 66h
    mov     al, byteptr[bx + 04h]
	not		al
    out     portb, al
    jmp     x0
set_speed_5:    mov     speed, 05h
    call    set_speed
    ;mov		al, 6dh
    mov     al, byteptr[bx + 05h]
	not		al
    out     portb, al
    jmp     x0
increase:   lea     bx, DS:table_dis
	cmp     al, 7dh
    jnz     decrease
    call    incr
    call    set_speed
    jmp     x0
decrease:   cmp     al, 7bh
    jnz     stop_fan
    call    decr
    call    set_speed
    jmp     x0
stop_fan:  cmp      al, 7eh
    jnz     x0
    call 	stop
    mov		al, 3fh
	not		al
	out		portb, al
    jmp     x0

;Delay of 20ms
delay_20ms proc near
    mov     cx, 2220
x9: loop    x9
delay_20ms endp

;starts the fan on speed 1 on press of start button
start_fan proc near
    mov     speed, 01h
    mov     al, 33h
    out     porta, al
    mov     started, 01h
start_fan endp

;stops the fan on press of stop button
stop proc near
    mov     speed, 00h
    mov     al, 00h
    out     porta, al
    mov     started, 00h
    mov     auto_flag, 00h
stop endp

;sets the required speed
set_speed proc near
    mov     cx, speed
    mov     al, 00h
x:  add     al, 33h
    loop    x
    out     porta, al
set_speed endp

set_time proc near
    mov     cx, auto_speed
    mov     al, 00h
x8: add     al, 33h
    loop    x8
    out     porta, al
    mov     bx, time
loop3:  mov     dx, 50
loop2:  mov     cx, 2220    
loop1:  nop
    dec     cx
    jnz     loop1
    dec     dx
    jnz     loop2
    dec     bx
    jnz     loop3
set_time endp

incr proc near
    cmp     speed, 05h
    jge     x6
    inc     speed
    mov     cx, speed
    add     bx, cx
    mov     al, [bx]
    not		al
    out     portb, al
x6: ret
incr endp

decr proc near
    cmp     speed, 00h
    jbe     x7
    dec     speed
    mov     cx, speed
    add     bx, cx
    mov     al, [bx]
    not		al
    out     portb, al
x7: ret
decr endp



  • Clock generator is not used to supply the clock input to 8086.
  • 8253/54 Timer shall be used to create delays in hours while constructing the actual system.

Running the Design model

  • The FCS.dsn file has to be opened in Proteus 7 professional (ISIS 7)
  • Compile the assembly code in DOSBOX using ml main.asm.
  • The compilation will result in a new machine level code with the name
  • Double click on the 8086 processor in the design, browse from the code text box to the and select it.
  • Run the simulation using the play button provided in ISIS 7.


Course Assignment from Micro-Processor and Interfacing








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