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Embeddable, scaleout-friendly data flow engine written in Go.

Stepflow lets you define a data flow through a sequence of steps. A data flow starts at an initial step and contains no data. A step transforms the flow (e.g. by modifying the data) before it gets handed off to the next step(s). The transformation depends on the type of step. A data flow can be entirely defined via a JSON document (which can be deserialized into a Dataflow object).

getting started

The executor engine is instantiated with the NewExecutor function:

func NewExecutor(httpClientFactory HTTPClientFactory, logger Logger, storage Storage, flowQueue FlowQueue) Executor 

It expects a number of interfaces to be provided to it, which allows the executor to be embeddable in different environments by providing specific implementations of the interfaces.

  1. HTTPClientFactory abstracts the creation of an HTTP client to support environments where this needs to be done outside the built-in packages
  2. Logger abstracts message logging
  3. Storage abstracts the storage, retrieval and deletion of flow execution objects such as the dataflow run, the steps, split information etc.
  4. FlowQueue abstracts the enqueueing and dequeueing of flows to/from a task queue.

A simple, in-process implementation of these services is provided in the inprocess package. See the main.go application in inprocess/cmd for details on how to instantiate an executor with the in-process implementation, how to deserialize JSON into a Dataflow and how to monitor flow execution. You can run the in-process engine by passing it the path to a dataflow file:

go run inprocess/cmd/main.go -dataflow <path-to-dataflow-json>

There are several sample dataflow files in the samples directory. If you use these samples with the above command you will need to run a web server implementing the endpoints required by the samples (see the web-method step type for more information on accessing HTTP endpoints). The node application at can be to provide the required endpoints.

The samples directory has flows demonstrating all the different step types. Step types are described below.

constant step

This simple flow contains one constant step:

   "id": "very-simple-workflow",
   "description": "This only has a constant step",
   "startAt": "array-constant",
   "steps": [
        "id": "array-constant",
        "description": "sets the flow data to the value array",
        "type": "constant",
        "value": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

The flow has an id and description (both are descriptive only and do not affect execution). The startAt property tells the executor which step the flow starts at. The single step in this flow (id array-constant) is of type constant. A step's id must be unique within a flow. A constant step transforms the flow by setting the flow data to the contents of the value property, an array of integers in this case. Not very useful yet.

web-method step

The web-method is the workhorse of the executor. Most business logic would be executed through a web-method step. It takes the flow data and makes an POST HTTP request to a given endpoint, and sets the flow data to the response body. Here is the previous example with an added web-method which POSTs the constant array to an endpoint:

   "id": "simple-workflow",
   "description": "This has a constant sent to a web method",
   "startAt": "array-constant",
   "steps": [
        "id": "array-constant",
        "description": "sets the flow data to the value array",
        "type": "constant",
        "value": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
        "next": "adder"
        "id": "adder",
        "description": "should add the ints",
        "type": "web-method",
        "method": "POST",
        "url": ""

Note the next property on the constant step which tells the executor which step to execute next.

distribute and broadcast steps

The executor is scaleout-friendly by providing two step types that split a flow into multiple children flows.

The distribute step expects the flow data to be JSON-deserializable into either an array or an object. If the data is an array it creates a child flow for each element of the array, setting their flows to the array element value. If the data is an object it creates a child flow for each key of the object, setting the flow data to the key value. Here is a flow that distributes a 2D array into multiple HTTP requests:

   "id": "distributing-workflow",
   "description": "This sends array elements to adder",
   "startAt": "array-constant",
   "steps": [
        "id": "array-constant",
        "description": "sets the flow data to a 2d array",
        "type": "constant",
        "value": [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]],
        "next": "dist-arrays"
        "id": "dist-arrays",
        "description": "breakout sub arrays",
        "type": "distribute",
        "next": "adder"
        "id": "adder",
        "description": "should add the ints",
        "type": "web-method",
        "method": "POST",
        "url": ""

In this case the adder endpoint will be invoked three times, with POST body set to [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6] and [7, 8, 9] respectively.

A broadcast step splits the flow into multiple children based on a list of steps to forward the flow to (i.e. send the flow to multiple steps instead of a single one). Building on the previous example, the following flow distributes a 2d array into two web-method steps:

   "id": "distributing-broadcasting-workflow",
   "description": "This sends array elements to adder and multiplier",
   "startAt": "array-constant",
   "steps": [
        "id": "array-constant",
        "description": "sets the flow data to a 2d array",
        "type": "constant",
        "value": [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]],
        "next": "dist-arrays"
        "id": "dist-arrays",
        "description": "breakout sub arrays",
        "type": "distribute",
        "next": "broadcast-array"
        "id": "broadcast-array",
        "description": "broadcast to add and mult",
        "type": "broadcast",
        "forwardTo": ["adder","multiplier"]
        "id": "adder",
        "description": "should add the ints",
        "type": "web-method",
        "method": "POST",
        "url": ""
        "id": "multiplier",
        "description": "should multiply the ints",
        "type": "web-method",
        "method": "POST",
        "url": ""

In this case both the adder and multiplier endpoints will be invoked three times, with POST body set to [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6] and [7, 8, 9] respectively.

join and race steps

Children flows from a split can proceed to completion and the executor will finish the workflow once all children are finished. However it can be useful to merge the children flows before executing subsequent steps (think map/reduce).

The join step will wait until all children flows are finished, then re-activate the parent flow, setting the flow data to the merged data from all the children. If the children were split from a distribute step acting on an array, the merged data will be an array containing each of the children flows' data. If the split was from a distribute on an object, or a broadcast step, the merged data will be an object, with keys set to the distribute object keys or the broadcast step id's, respectively, and the key values set to the children flows' data.

In the following example, a distribute step sends array elements to a web-method, then a join collects the outputs of the web-method requests:

   "id": "distributing-and-joining",
   "description": "This distributes to an adder, then join",
   "startAt": "array-constant",
   "steps": [
        "id": "array-constant",
        "description": "sets the flow data to a 2d array",
        "type": "constant",
        "value": [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]],
        "next": "dist-arrays"
        "id": "dist-arrays",
        "description": "breakout sub arrays",
        "type": "distribute",
        "next": "adder"
        "id": "adder",
        "description": "should add the ints",
        "type": "web-method",
        "method": "POST",
        "url": "",
        "next": "joiner"
        "id": "joiner",
        "description": "collect adder outputs",
        "type": "join",
        "next": "echo"
        "id": "echo",
        "description": "should echo the joined data",
        "type": "web-method",
        "method": "POST",
        "url": ""

In this case, the final web-method step will POST the array [6, 10, 24] to the echo endpoint.

The race step will activate the parent flow as soon as the first non-error child flow arrives. The parent flow's data will be set to the "winnning" childs flow data. All other child flows will be interrupted. If the previous flow is modified to use race instead of join in the 4th step, the final web-method will post either 6, 10 or 24 to the echo endpoint.

conditional and select steps

A conditional step acts like an if statement. If the flow data (which must be JSON deserializable) satisfies the given expression, the flow continues to the next step, with its data unchanged. If not, the flow is interrupted. Expressions are evaluated with Expression variables are represented by jsonpath selectors and evaluated using Because jsonpath variables are complex strings they generally need to be enclosed with []. If the jsonpath expression contains [] these need to be further escaped with \. The following flow demonstrates the behavior of conditional:

   "id": "conditional-workflow",
   "description": "Demo the conditional step",
   "startAt": "array-constant",
   "steps": [
        "id": "array-constant",
        "description": "sets the flow data to an object array",
        "type": "constant",
        "value": [
          {"name": "joe", "age": 35},
          {"name": "mark", "age": 26},
          {"name": "mary", "age": 42}
        "next": "dist-arrays"
        "id": "dist-arrays",
        "description": "breakout sub objects",
        "type": "distribute",
        "next": "age-filter"
        "id": "conditional",
        "description": "filter by age",
        "type": "conditional",
        "condition": "[$.age] > 30",
        "next": "echo"
         "id": "echo",
         "description": "call web method echo",
         "type": "web-method",
         "method": "POST",
         "url": "http://localhost:8080/echo"

In this example the echo endpoint will be called twice, with content {"name": "joe", "age": 35} and {"name": "mary", "age": 42} respectively.

The select step provides simple data manipulation (complex manipulation should be done as business logic via web-method). It uses the provided jsonpath expression to select a subset of the incoming data (which must be JSON deserializable). Below is the previous example, modified so that the echo endpoint receives only the name property.

   "id": "conditional-workflow",
   "description": "Demo the conditional step",
   "startAt": "array-constant",
   "steps": [
        "id": "array-constant",
        "description": "sets the flow data to an object array",
        "type": "constant",
        "value": [
          {"name": "joe", "age": 35},
          {"name": "mark", "age": 26},
          {"name": "mary", "age": 42}
        "next": "dist-arrays"
        "id": "dist-arrays",
        "description": "breakout sub objects",
        "type": "distribute",
        "next": "age-filter"
        "id": "conditional",
        "description": "filter by age",
        "type": "conditional",
        "condition": "[$.age] > 30",
        "next": "select"
        "id": "select",
        "description": "select the name property",
        "type": "select",
        "selector": "$.name",
        "next": "echo"
         "id": "echo",
         "description": "call web method echo",
         "type": "web-method",
         "method": "POST",
         "url": "http://localhost:8080/echo"


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