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This repo provides an example showing how to setup a local development environment for building Kyma serverless functions, based on Kubeless. Deployments are then automated using a git action which generates a deployment.yaml per function and deploys them to the Kyma cluster.

Local Development - Kubeless

The project contains the necessary minimal configuration to run functions locally which is based on

To run locally, first install the components required by kubeless by running

npm install

within the root folder and then within each lambda function folder. The function can then be called within the project root by running

MOD_NAME=../kyma-local-dev/lambdas/examplefn/handler FUNC_HANDLER=main node runlocal.js

Which will make it available at


Envirnoment variables

Any envirnoment variables used by the function should be defined in .env within the function directory. If any local variables or service bindings are needed these should be defined within the runlocal.js.

Local Development - Service Bindings

Service Bindings that are configured in the kyma ui should be referenced within the runlocal.js file and can be made available by using the port-forward feature of kubectl for example

kubectl port-forward services/d13-commerce-01-3afe958e-6603-45f1-bdbb-789a676b5fa9 8088:80 -n kyma-integration

The service name can be found in the function defintion as deployed on the cluster by running

kubectl get function examplefn2 -n stage -o yaml

by referring to the servicebindingusages values found in the property.

Local access to the service would then be acheivable via


For correct resolution of the service a DNS entry in your hosts file will need to be added 3afe958e-6603-45f1-bdbb-789a676b5fa9.localhost

The examplefn2 is configured in this way.

Building the deployment.yaml locally

To build the deployment.yaml for a single function locally run within the project root

FUNCTIONDIR=examplefn npm run deploymentYaml

this will generate the file deployment_<FUNCTIONDIR>.yaml and save it into the build/deployements folder.

Deployment via git action.

After forking the repo into your own github account, choose Settings -> Secrets of the forked repo within github. Add the secret KUBE_CONFIG_DATA and place a base64 encoded version of your clusters kubeconfig which can be performed by using or via cli tools. The Kubeconfig can be downloaded within the General Settings menu option of Kyma. This of course could be automated by editing the github action to rely on the cli tools of your cloud provider.

The parameters for deployment are defined within the package.json of the function within the buildParameters object. Also important is the name and main defined in the package.json. This name must match the folder name of the function, in this case examplefn. The main property is used to determine the actually function defintion, in this case main.js.