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Python module to transform any image to be compliant with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope stack environment (

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This module adds non HSC data and makes it compatible with HSC pipeline.

To install it, download the latest version to path/to/importExtData

git clone

and run

cd path/to/importExtData
setup -v -j -r .
scons -Q -j 6 opt=3
cd -

If not present, the data/_mapper file must be put in ROOT/ and the data/skyMap.pickle file in ROOT/deepCoadd/.

Command to emulate an image and a variance image into a LSST exposure object. For example: $ROOTDIR --rerun=$DIR_RERUN \
	--id tract=$TRACT patch=$PATCH filter=$FILTER \
	--config imgInName=$IMAGE varInName=$WEIGHT mag0=30.0 weight=True

Which must be followed by the detection step (if not run during the multiBand process): $ROOTDIR --rerun=$DIR_RERUN:$DIR_RERUN
  	--id tract=$TRACT patch=$PATCH filter=$FILTER

And finally, when running, the corresponding config file must be loaded: $ROOTDIR --rerun=$DIR_RERUN:$DIR_RERUN \
	--id tract=$TRACT patch=$PATCH filter=$FILTER  \
	-C $IMPORTEXTDATA/config/multiBandDriver[_debug].py

The debug version only keeps a fewer number of detections to speed up the tests.

How to add a new filter?


Edit python/hsc/importExtData/ For example:

afwImage.utils.defineFilter(name='MegaCam-uS', lambdaEff=375, alias=['u1', 'u',])
for f in [ ..., 'MegaCam-uS']:
            self.filters[f] = afwImage.Filter(afwImage.Filter(f).getId()).getName()

Filter mapping

The filter mapping helps to match the sources to the reference sources involved in the (astrometric and photometric) calibration. Note that if no re-calibration is run during the emulateHscCoadd phase, alternatively, --config measureCoaddSources.doMatchSources=False can probably be set during the multiband process (not tested).

Create a new directory in config with the name of the camera and add the filter mapping to the reference objects:

mkdir config/MegaCam
touch config/MegaCam/

And edit config/MegaCam/

for source, target in [
        ("MegaCam-u", 'g'),
        ("MegaCam-uS", 'g'),
    config.filterMap[source] = target

Finally, add the filter map in the config file:

    os.path.join(os.environ["IMPORTEXTDATA_DIR"], "config", "MegaCam", ""))

Filter priority list

Also in the config file, update the filter priority list for mergeCoaddDetections and mergeCoaddMeasurements config. For example:

    "HSC-I2", "HSC-I", "HSC-R2", "HSC-R", "HSC-Z", "HSC-Y", "HSC-G",
    "MegaCam-u", "MegaCam-uS",
    "NB0921", "NB0816", "NB1010", "NB0387", "NB0515",


imgInName: name of input image (default: "")

mskInName: name of input mask, (default: "")

varInName: name of input variance image, (default: "")

weight: set if variance file is weight (default: False)

test: output LSST-made images (default: False)

mag0: magnitude AB zero point (default: 27)

magLim: Magnitude faint limit for PSF measurement (default: 23)

charImage_package: Package to load the charImage config from (default: obs_subaru)

Coadd base options

usage: input [options]

positional arguments:
  input                 path to input data repository, relative to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --calib RAWCALIB      path to input calibration repository, relative to
  --output RAWOUTPUT    path to output data repository (need not exist),
                        relative to $PIPE_OUTPUT_ROOT
  --rerun [INPUT:]OUTPUT
                        rerun name: sets OUTPUT to ROOT/rerun/OUTPUT;
                        optionally sets ROOT to ROOT/rerun/INPUT
  -c [NAME=VALUE [NAME=VALUE ...]], --config [NAME=VALUE [NAME=VALUE ...]]
                        config override(s), e.g. -c foo=newfoo bar.baz=3
                        config override file(s)
                        logging level; supported levels are
  --longlog             use a more verbose format for the logging
  --debug               enable debugging output?
  --doraise             raise an exception on error (else log a message and
  --noExit              Do not exit even upon failure (i.e. return a struct to
                        the calling script)
  --profile PROFILE     Dump cProfile statistics to filename
  --show SHOW [SHOW ...]
                        display the specified information to stdout and quit
                        (unless run is specified).
  -j PROCESSES, --processes PROCESSES
                        Number of processes to use
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for multiprocessing; maximum wall time (sec)
  --clobber-output      remove and re-create the output directory if it
                        already exists (safe with -j, but not all other forms
                        of parallel execution)
  --clobber-config      backup and then overwrite existing config files
                        instead of checking them (safe with -j, but not all
                        other forms of parallel execution)
  --no-backup-config    Don't copy config to file~N backup.
  --clobber-versions    backup and then overwrite existing package versions
                        instead of checking them (safe with -j, but not all
                        other forms of parallel execution)
  --no-versions         don't check package versions; useful for development
  --id [KEY=VALUE1[^VALUE2[^VALUE3...] [KEY=VALUE1[^VALUE2[^VALUE3...] ...]]
                        data ID, e.g. --id tract=12345 patch=1,2
  --selectId [KEY=VALUE1[^VALUE2[^VALUE3...] [KEY=VALUE1[^VALUE2[^VALUE3...] ...]]
                        data ID, e.g. --selectId visit=6789 ccd=0..9

            * --config, --configfile, --id, --loglevel and @file may appear multiple times;
                all values are used, in order left to right
            * @file reads command-line options from the specified file:
                * data may be distributed among multiple lines (e.g. one option per line)
                * data after # is treated as a comment and ignored
                * blank lines and lines starting with # are ignored
            * To specify multiple values for an option, do not use = after the option name:
                * right: --configfile foo bar
                * wrong: --configfile=foo bar

Full procedure to add external data

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Python module to transform any image to be compliant with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope stack environment (







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