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The' Chatbot is another way to interact with the' API, which is also an open source project.

Currently, Slack and Discord are supported. Other platforms may be supported in the future.

There are currently no public instances of this chatbot but feel free to host one yourself!

Join the Discord to discuss development.


App Stack

This is a Dockerized Rails project that uses Postgres and Redis for storage. A Makefile is provided for easy container management.

Phishin' API Key

In order to fetch data from the Phishin' API, you'll need to obtain a key. Please email the maintainers to request one. Once you have it, place it in your local .env file:


OAuth Webhook Exposure

You'll need to expose the OAuth callback routes to the public Internet. We recommend using ngrok to expose your local port 3000 to public port 80. Once you have your external address, place it in .env:


Test Bot Setup

You'll need to create Slack and/or Discord bots to be used for manual testing during development. You should name the bots something like "[Your Name] Test Bot".

Setup the OAuth redirect URI on each bot to be https://<your-ngrok-domain>/oauth/slack or https://<your-ngrok-domain>/oauth/discord depending on the platform.

Once your bots are created, grab the following values and place them in your local .env file.

For Slack:


For Discord:


Running the App

You may choose to run both the app and services (Postgres and Redis) on your local machine without using Docker at all. However, it is recommended that you use Docker for at least the services. You may then run the Rails app on your local machine or in its Docker container.

You must create the local file .env if it does not already exist. Inside, append the following:


To start everything in Docker, run make start to build and start the Docker images.

Alternatively, you can run make services to run only Postgres and Redis in Docker to speed up development/debugging on the Rails side. Then you can run Ruby/Rails directly on your own machine by running bundle install and CHAT_SOCKETS=true rails s. In addition to the web server, websockets are opened to both Slack and Discord when the app boots if you set the CHAT_SOCKETS environment variable to any string. This is required if you want to receive data from those platforms.

Once the stack is running, you can visit localhost:3000 in your browser to see the dashboard. Assuming you setup your bots correctly as described above, you can use the buttons on the dashboard to register your development instance with your Slack team or Discord guild.


The following cron job should be setup on the server to run daily:

curl POST