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Release notes

liyuliang5 edited this page Aug 19, 2024 · 28 revisions


  1. BUG Fix:Fix BpmnFlowParser parse jsonPrettySchema exception
  2. BUG Fix:Adjust Recording flow execution history switch(FlowConstants.FLOW_PROPERTY_RECORD_HISTORY)process logic
  3. Function Change:Catch exception in COMPLETE Event of FlowEngine
  4. Function Enhance:Supporting exp format of EventNodeAction
  5. Function Enhance:Supporting start node of FlowNodeAction
  6. Function Enhance:More flexible configuration of post handler
  7. Other:Change test cases directory


  1. Function Enhance: add filter of NodePreHandler and NodePostHanlder.


  1. Function Enhance:Add Event support on transition of fsm.
  2. Function Enhance:init style changed from listen ContextRefreshEvent to implementing SmartLifecycle interface.


  1. Function Enhance:Add interrupt ability of flow engine and fsm.
  2. Bug Fix:Fix fug about parsing 'createExp' of fsm.


  1. Function Enhance: Bpmn flow definition add self PreHandler and Action ability.
  2. Function Enhance: Flow engine and Fsm add init check.
  3. Bug Fix: Fix bpmn parellel gateway bug.


  1. New Feature: Flow definition and flow parser support customize elements. Demo can be seen in funcall_test_001.json of easyflow-extension moduel.
  2. New Feature: Add ReusableThreadFlowRunner for parallel nodes.
  3. Function Enhance: Supporting put null value into Param、Result and Context.
  4. Function Enhance: Add preNodes property in pre part of flow definition. Demo can be seen in flow_prehandler_001.json.
  5. New Feature: Add FlowUtil and FsmUtil for accessing node or state properties.
  6. Module Adjust: Add easyflow-flow-extension module for extension function of jd-easyflow.
  7. New Feature: Add FunCall(Function Call) function supporting param transfer.
  8. New Feature: Add FlowSession supporting data transfer cross flow request.


1、New Feature: Adding Flow level PreHandler and PostHandler.


  1. New Feature: Add InterruptNodeAction and InterruptFlowListener in easyflow-flow module.
  2. New Feature: Add parse listener in FlowParser and FsmParser.
  3. New Feature: Add more support about "Inclusive Gateway" in easyflow-bpmn module.
  4. New Feature: Add "Terminate End Event" support in easyflow-bpmn module.


  1. New Feature: Bpmn module adding Sub Process, Call Activity, Transaction, Loop support.
  2. Feature Enhance: Enhance function of FlowNodeAction.
  3. Feature Enhance: Upgrade bpmn js to v13.2.1.
  4. Other: Remove dependencies of commons-io and commons-collection.
  5. Other: Add database script about persistence(process-latest.sql).


  1. New Feature: Support multiple flow in one flow definition file
  2. New Feature: Bpmn module adding Complex Gateway、Pool、Data Store support
  3. Feature Enhance: Add log flag on flow definition
  4. Feature Adjust: Move LoopNodeAction to core module easyflow-flow


  1. Feature Enhance: Supporting more bpmn elements
  2. Bug Fix: Fix bpmn default flow converter bug


  1. Feature Adjust: Format of fsm and flow parse listener is changed to createExp format
  2. Feature Adjust: The name of Listener and Filter in BPMN panel is changed to Listeners and Filters


  1. New Feature: Flow and Fsm elements implement LifeCycle interface
  2. New Feature: Fsm add filter support


  1. Bug Fix: Fix escaped character incorrect issue when converting BPMN xml to json
  2. Feature Enhance: Adding 'category' form element on BPMN Designer
  3. Other: Adding field and index on database script


  1. Feature Enhance: Adding Biz Context to the Context of Flow Engine and Fsm Context & Adding dataMap to Result
  2. Feature Enhance: Adding properties to FlowEngine and FsmManager
  3. Feature Enhance: Adding timeout support on FlowEngine Multi-Thread Runner
  4. Feature Enhance: Adding row mode of properties element on BPMN Pannel
  5. Feature Enhance: Adding TransitionUtil for manually Post
  6. Performance Optimize: Optimize Map performance of SPEL root
  7. Performance Optimize: Change Stack to ArrayDeque of FlowContextImpl


  1. New Feature: Adding customizing ElEvaluator ability


  1. Function Adjust:Inner key prefix adjust to start with underline(_).
  2. Performance Optimize:Flow performance optimize
  3. Feature Enhance:Add methods and constants about namespace
  4. New Feature: Add POC class of flow engine and fsm


  1. Feature Enhance: Adding parentContext and parentNodeContext field in FlowContext, And applying to FlowNodeAction.
  2. Spel Mistake Correct:'seDataMap' method name in FlowParam、FlowResult、FsmParam and FsmResult correct to 'setDataMap'


  1. API MODIFY!: Decoupling common-lang3 jar. Replace org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair/Triple with com.jd.easyflow.flow.util.Pair/Triple
  2. Function Enhance: Adding listener and filter of FlowPreandler and FlowPostHandler
  3. Dependency Adjust: Changing the version of activiti-bpmn-converter from 7.1.134 to 7.1.0.M6


  1. New Feature: Adding timeout ciruit breaker in flow extension module
  2. Function Optimize: Adjusting Spring ApplicationContext of Flow Engine and Fsm Manager injecting manner


  1. Function Adjust:FlowContextImpl and FlowSessionImpl Support put null value (throw exception before)
  2. Function Adjust:The type of currentLoopIndex in LoopNodeAction change from int to long
  3. Function Adjust:Spel context in TimeoutNodeActionFilter adding timeoutConfig
  4. Function Enhance:Adding log flag in InclusiveCheckPreHandler/MultiCheckPreHandler/SessionMultiCheckPreHandler.
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