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Jython 2.7, fullscreen, launcher & more
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Jonathan Feinberg committed Apr 1, 2013
2 parents bf58232 + 45f6409 commit 6de2184
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Showing 50 changed files with 4,045 additions and 139 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -17,3 +17,8 @@ zamples
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions JREs/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

If you put Oracle's JRE here as


it will be used instead of your system's version.
251 changes: 135 additions & 116 deletions README.markdown
@@ -1,147 +1,166 @@
# #

Write [Processing]( sketches in Python.
[Jonathan Feinberg]( <[](>
Write Processing sketches in Python.

* Based on [Processing 2.0](, runtime compatible with most [3rd party libraries](
* Source compatible with [Python 2.7.3](

Tested on Mac OS 10.8.3, Windows XP and Ubuntu 12.10.

## Found a bug? ##

See the [open bugs in the bug tracker](

## Quick Start ##

Download the distribution.
Download __[ All-inclusive]( (Windows & Mac, ~170mb).

$ curl -L | tar zx
$ cd
Download [ without JRE]( (Windows, Mac & Linux, ~70mb.).

Then try some examples.

$ java -jar processing-py.jar
$ java -jar processing-py.jar
$ java -jar processing-py.jar
$ java -jar processing-py.jar
$ cat >
def draw():
text(frameRate, 20, 20)
$ java -jar processing-py.jar
Then, paste this code into a file, e.g., ``.

## What is this? ##
def setup():
size(600, 400, P3D)

def draw():
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 10, 10) is a system that lets you write programs in a dialect
of Python that has [all of these keywords](

In general, the way you run a program is to say
Eventually, you can run the code by drag-dropping your sketch onto one of these files according to your platform:

$ java -jar processing-py.jar path/to/
<img src=""/>

## Can I use all of the existing [Processing libraries]( ##
If that does not work for one of your platforms (such as Linux), you can run the sketch either semi-manually (with automated JRE detection) ...

$ ./

Yes! is implemented in Java, and is meant to be compatible
with the whole existing ecosystem of
[Processing libraries](
... or fully by hand.

Put processing extension libraries in the "libraries" subdirectory of
your installation.
$ java -jar processing-py.jar

$ curl -O
$ cd libraries
$ unzip ../

Import them in the usual Python way, as in these snippets:

import peasy.PeasyCam
## Documentation ##

To learn check out these resources:

import peasy.PeasyCam as PeasyCam

* Built-in [Processing 2.0 functions]( for rendering and interaction.
* The [Python 2.7.3 library](
* And of course the [Java 6.x / 7.x library](

from peasy import PeasyCam

and then, in your `setup()` method
In addition, we are a great fan of learning by doing, and a number of converted examples outline how to use

cam = PeasyCam(this, 200)

As always, on Windows use `processing-py.bat` instead, on Mac the `processing-py` app, or simply drag-drop the example on the launcher / batch.

Unfortunately, `from foo import *` is not supported.
## FAQ ##

Use `this` to refer to the PApplet you're in, as in the examples above.
Many libraries need a reference to "the current PApplet", and that's what
`this` is for.
* __Can I use all of the existing Processing libraries?__

Put any Python libraries in the "libraries" directory, or in sketch directories.
Only pure-Python libraries will work--nothing that requires "native" code.

## Example Code ##
Yes! is implemented in Java, and is meant to be compatible with the whole existing ecosystem of [Processing libraries](

* Put processing extension libraries in the `libraries` subdirectory of your installation.

* Import them in on of the usual Python ways, as in these snippets:

from peasy import PeasyCam # or
import peasy.PeasyCam # or
import peasy.PeasyCam as PeasyCam

Unfortunately, `from foo import *` is not supported.

* In your `setup()` method

cam = PeasyCam(this, 200)

Use `this` to refer to the PApplet you're in, as in the examples above.
Many libraries need a reference to "the current PApplet", and that's what
`this` is for.

* __How can I create a wrapper?__

Add these lines near the top of your script:

import launcher

* __How should I load data?__

[Tentative] Along with the launcher, consider using `pwd()` for file paths. For a given argument it resolves the path for an object relative to the currently running script:

data = load(pwd("data.txt"))

In that case, will try to search `data.txt` always where your script resides.

* __How can I use Ani, or any other library that modifies fields?__

Some libraries such as [Ani]( require you to specify a variable name for animation. Unfortunately they cannot access Python variables directly (and Java's built in classes are immutable).

To solve this problem we instead create a mutable `PrimitiveFloat` object. This object has a field `.value`, which you can use for these purposes.

import jycessing.primitives.PrimitiveFloat as Float
x = Float(100.0), 200, "value", 50); # "value" is the name of the Float's internal field

In case you need other primitive values, please [let us know](!

* __I found a bug, what should I do?__

Please report any issue in the [bug tracker](

* __Why was this project created?__

I (Jonathan) recently gave a talk about Processing to a group of rather bright 8th-graders,
as part of a computer-programming summer camp they were attending at my office.
Their curriculum up to that point had been in Python, which is an eminently
sensible choice, given the
[pedagogical roots](
of the language.

The kids were really turned on by the demos--I showed them the
[white glove](, and
[Golan Levin]('s
[New Year's cards](
they were bogged down by Processing's C-like syntax, which really seems arcane
and unnecessarily complex when you're used to Python.

I shared my experience with Processing creators
[Ben Fry]( and [Casey Reas](, and they
told me that, indeed, the original Processing was a fork of
["Design By Numbers"](, with Python and Scheme
support hacked in. Support for a multi-lingual programming
environment was always part of the plan, so they were enthusiastic
about any new attempt at the problem.

I was able to hack up a proof of concept in a couple of hours, and have
managed to create something worth sharing in a couple of weeks. I was only
able to do it at all thanks to the brilliant and beautiful
[Jython]( project.

At the time of Processing's first public release, August of 2001,
Jython was too young a project to be used in this way. But now, having done
absolutely no work to profile and optimize, I can get hundreds of frames
per second of 3D graphics on my linux box. So, kudos to the Processing
project, and kudos to Jython!

## Credits ##

Written by [Jonathan Feinberg]( &lt;[](;
Launcher & adjustments [Ralf Biedert]( &lt;[](;

Also, [YourKit, LLC]( was so kind to sponsor a license for their excellent [YourKit Java Profiler]( Thank you very much!

""" - demonstrate Perlin noise
Jonathan Feinberg
srcSize = 50
destSize = 400
g = createGraphics(srcSize, srcSize, JAVA2D)

def setup():
size(destSize, destSize, OPENGL)

def draw():
t = .0005 * millis()
for y in range(srcSize):
for x in range(srcSize):
blue = noise(t + .1*x, t + .05*y, .2*t)
g.set(x, y, color(0, 0, 255 * blue))
image(g, 0, 0, destSize, destSize)

## Why? ##

I recently gave a talk about Processing to a group of rather bright 8th-graders,
as part of a computer-programming summer camp they were attending at my office.
Their curriculum up to that point had been in Python, which is an eminently
sensible choice, given the
[pedagogical roots](
of the language.

The kids were really turned on by the demos--I showed them the
[white glove](, and
[Golan Levin]('s
[New Year's cards](
they were bogged down by Processing's C-like syntax, which really seems arcane
and unnecessarily complex when you're used to Python.

I shared my experience with Processing creators
[Ben Fry]( and [Casey Reas](, and they
told me that, indeed, the original Processing was a fork of
["Design By Numbers"](, with Python and Scheme
support hacked in. Support for a multi-lingual programming
environment was always part of the plan, so they were enthusiastic
about any new attempt at the problem.

I was able to hack up a proof of concept in a couple of hours, and have
managed to create something worth sharing in a couple of weeks. I was only
able to do it at all thanks to the brilliant and beautiful
[Jython]( project.

At the time of Processing's first public release, August of 2001,
Jython was too young a project to be used in this way. But now, having done
absolutely no work to profile and optimize, I can get hundreds of frames
per second of 3D graphics on my linux box. So, kudos to the Processing
project, and kudos to Jython!

Please play with this,
[report bugs](,
and port more of the Processing examples!

## A word from a sponsor ##

YourKit has kindly granted me a license to use their excellent Java profiler.
I'm happy to give them the space to say:

> YourKit is kindly supporting open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler.
> YourKit, LLC is the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling
> Java and .NET applications. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products:
> [YourKit Java Profiler]( and
> [YourKit .NET Profiler](

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