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Swift JSON Comment Stripper

A simple Swift library that removes comments from JSON.


I needed this for a project I'm working on that's using JSON files I have no control over. Comments aren't part of the JSON spec, but some parsers still support them.


Pretty self explanatory

let jsonString = "{\"key\":/*this comment gets removed*/ \"value\"}"

print(JSONCommentStripper().stripComments(jsonString, replaceWithWhitespace: false))
//Outputs: {"key": "value"}

The stripComments() function can take an optional 2nd parameter replaceWithWhitespace: Bool. It defaults to true. This allows JSON error positions to remain as close as possible to the original source.

This removes both multi line and single line comments. (/*comment*/ and //comment)


Just copy and paste it

There's only one file/class no need for an extra dependency.


Feel free to just copy that file into your project and use it.


Just add this to your Cartfile:

github "jdf221/JSONCommentStripper" ~> 1.0

And of course import it

import JSONCommentStripper

The code for this library is based on a Javascript implementation of the same idea

Check that out here: