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Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript


##Purpose The intent of this project is to create a set of reference recipes for specific object oriented needs. Like a cookbook this will show how to implement these in Javascript, but each recipe will also be accompanied by a list of pros, cons, and commentary about the technique. ##Introduction Object oriented programming (OOP) techniques are a valuable part of any programmers tool kit. [OOP]( is a proven programming practice which first gained the notice of the programmer community in the 1980's with Smalltalk and Lisp, and widespread popularity in the 1990's with the advent of Java.

Traditional languages have chosen to implement OOP using classical inheritance. This form of inheritance is based on classes, which describe the relationship of data and accompanying methods in a parent-child organization. Classes describe the relationship between objects of a certain type while objects are the runtime instantiation of a particular class. Classes are therefore organized hierarchically.

OOP in Javascript, however, is based on prototypal inheritance. In prototypal inheritance relationships are between objects rather than classes and is based on reusing objects rather than on static class definitions.

At this point you might be thinking "But what about the class implementation in ES6?". This is a good question, but the class in ES6 is merely a syntactic wrapper around prototypal inheritance. Furthermore, the implementation of class in ES6 is a leaky abstraction. A leaky abstraction is like a six foot person trying to cover up with a five foot long blanket - something is going to stick out. This means that understanding Javascripts' prototypal inheritance is time well spent.


This is an "open source" reference and as such your contributions are welcomed and encouraged. The guidelines for contributing are:

  1. Follow the format used for the first recipe. Don't post just code - include a description of what the recipe does, as well as its pros, cons, and your observations about the implementation. It's okay to make qualitative in addition to quantitative observations.
  2. Tailor the code snippet in the first recipe for any new recipes. This will maintain consistency and more importantly, will make it easier to compare and contrast competing recipes.
  3. Test your code before posting and include a link to the source in the Commentary section of the recipe.
  4. Be nice and keep it professional!
##OOP Recipes
###ES5 Class Example ####Description Demonstrate how to use prototypes in ES5 to implement inheritance between prototypes and object instances. ####Javascript ```javascript 'use strict'

// ES5-style classless OOP example // function Last_year() { }

// Define the greetMore method and attach it to the Last_Year prototype Last_year.prototype.greetMore = function(){ console.log("hello "+this.x+"!!") }

function New_year(x,y){ this.x = x; this.y = y; }

// Force New_Year to inherit from the Last_year prototype New_year.prototype = Object.create( Last_year.prototype );

// Define the greet method and attach it to the New_year object New_year.prototype.greet = function(){ console.log("yo "+this.y+"!!"); }

// Create an instance of the New_year object. Recall that since New_year // inherits from Last_year this new object instance has access to the // greetMore method on the Last_year prototype, as well as to the greet // method on the New_year prototype. var newYear2 = new New_year("John","Jane");

// Since the new object instance has access to the methods associated with // its prototypes these methods can be invoked on its namespace. newYear2.greetMore(); newYear2.greet(); console.log("Prototype of newYear2 is: ", Object.getPrototypeOf(newYear2)); console.log("Descriptors of newYear2 are: ", Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(newYear2));

| Pros                             | Cons                                |
| Clear and concise code           | Slightly more code required than is the case using ES6-style 'class'  |

1. The [Airbnb Javascript Style Guide]( recommends that ES6 classes be used over prototype manipulation due to their conciseness and clarity.
2. The source code is [es5class.js](
in this repo.
3. Thanks to [@kornil]( for providing the original
idea and source for this example.


<a name="es6classexample"/>
###ES6 Class Example
Demonstrate how to use the *class* and constructor new to ES6.
'use strict'
// ES6 class constructor style
class LastYear {
		console.log("hello "+this.x+"!");

class NewYear extends LastYear {
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;
		console.log("yo "+this.y +"!");
var newYear = new NewYear("John","Jane");
// Classless OOP same as above, without classes
function Last_year(){
  // code
Last_year.prototype.greetMore = function(){
  console.log("hello "+this.x+"!!")

function New_year(x,y){
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;
New_year.prototype = Object.create( Last_year.prototype );

New_year.prototype.greet = function(){
  console.log("yo "+this.y+"!!");
var newYear2 = new New_year("John","Jane");
// Kyle Simpson Object Linking Other Objects(OLOO) style
// chapter 4 and 5
var LastYear1 = {
  greetMore: function(){
    console.log("hello "+this.x)
var NewYear1 = Object.create( LastYear1 );
NewYear1.x = "John";
NewYear1.y = "Jane";
NewYear1.greet = function(){
  console.log("yo "+this.y);
// ES6 class
// OOP without classes
// OLOO programming


Pros Cons
Clear and concise code In ES6 Class is a leaky abstraction which uses ES5-style prototypal inheritance


  1. The Airbnb Javascript Style Guide recommends that ES6 classes be used over prototype manipulation due to their conciseness and clarity.
  2. A working version can be found on CodePen.
  3. Thanks to @kornil for providing this example.

###ES5 Singleton Object Example ####Description Demonstrate a solution for creating singleton object instances using ES5 prototypes. A [singleton]( is an object that has one and only one instance in an application. ####Javascript ```javascript 'use strict' // Singleton creation using ES5-style prototypes

function LastYear(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }; LastYear.prototype.greetMore = function () { console.log("hello "+this.x+"!"); }

// Create the NewYear object. Note that the greetMore function is from // the LastYear class function NewYear(x, y) { this._super = LastYear;, x, y); this.greetMore = LastYear.prototype.greetMore; } NewYear.prototype.greet = function () { console.log("yo "+this.y +"!"); }

// Create a separate object instance for each "class" var lastYear1 = new LastYear("Joe","Judy"); // Object - x="Joe" y="Judy" var newYear1 = new NewYear("John","Jane"); // Object - x="John" y="Jane"

// Test the methods in each of the two objects lastYear1.greetMore(); // Console logs - hello Joe! newYear1.greet(); // Console logs - yo Jane! newYear1.greetMore(); // Console logs - hello John! lastYear1.greetMore(); // Console logs - hello Joe!

console.log("\nlastYear1 object = ", JSON.stringify(lastYear1)); console.log("newYear1 object = ", JSON.stringify(newYear1));

console.log("\nPrototype of lastYear1 is: ", Object.getPrototypeOf(lastYear1)); console.log("Descriptors of lastYear1 are: ", Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(lastYear1)); console.log("Prototype of newYear1 is: ", Object.getPrototypeOf(newYear1)); console.log("Descriptors of newYear1 are: ", Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(newYear1));

| Pros                             | Cons                                |
| Supported in virtually all browsers | Code is lengthy and not concise  |
|                                  | Code is unintuitive to the novice   |

1. The source code is [es5singleton.js](
in this repo.
2. It is important to note that `newYear1` uses the `greetMore()` function, but the
data used is always from the referencing object. This is why the invocation on
the `lastYear1` object produces different results from that of the `newYear1`
3. The `greetMore` function only exists in `LastYear`. `NewYear` references this


<a name="es6singletonexample"/>
###ES6 Singleton Object Example
Demonstrate a solution for creating singleton object instances using ES6
prototypes. A [singleton]( is
an object that has one and only one instance in an application.
'use strict'
// Singleton creation using ES6-style prototypes

class LastYear {
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;
		console.log("hello "+this.x+"!");

class NewYear extends LastYear {
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;
		console.log("yo "+this.y +"!");

// Create a separate object instance for each "class"
var lastYear1 = new LastYear("Joe","Judy"); // Object - x="Joe"  y="Judy"
var newYear1 = new NewYear("John","Jane");	// Object - x="John" y="Jane"

// Test the methods in each of the two objects
lastYear1.greetMore();	// Console logs - hello Joe!
newYear1.greet();				// Console logs - yo Jane!
newYear1.greetMore();		// Console logs - hello John!
lastYear1.greetMore();	// Console logs - hello Joe!

console.log("\nlastYear1 object = ", JSON.stringify(lastYear1));
console.log("newYear1 object = ", JSON.stringify(newYear1));

console.log("\nPrototype of lastYear1 is: ", Object.getPrototypeOf(lastYear1));
console.log("Descriptors of lastYear1 are: ", Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(lastYear1));
console.log("Prototype of newYear1 is: ", Object.getPrototypeOf(newYear1));
console.log("Descriptors of newYear1 are: ", Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(newYear1));


Pros Cons
Concise and intuitive code Not available in all browsers. Transpilers like Babel may be used to circumvent this issue.


  1. The source code is es6singleton.js in this repo.
  2. Notice that while the output of this is the same as it's ES5 counterpart, the contents of __proto__ for both object is empty. An open action item is to research how the relationship is actually implemented between LastYear and NewYear.

###ES6 Parent-Child Object Example ####Description A common requirement is to represent objects in a parent-child relationship. This relationship has one parent object instance that is related to zero or more child object instances. This example demonstrates how the child object can be generated by the constructor function of the parent when the attributes of the child can be derived when the parent object is instantiated. ####Javascript ```javascript 'use strict' // Parent-Child object relationship example

class Year { constructor(year){ this.year = year; const monthAttributes = [ {name: "January", noDays: 31}, {name: "February", noDays: 28}, {name: "March", noDays: 31}, {name: "April", noDays: 30}, {name: "May", noDays: 31}, {name: "June", noDays: 30}, {name: "July", noDays: 31}, {name: "August", noDays: 31}, {name: "September", noDays: 30}, {name: "October", noDays: 31}, {name: "November", noDays: 31}, {name: "December", noDays: 31} ];

	// Adjust the number of days in February for leap years
	if (this.year % 4 === 0) {
		monthAttributes[1].noDays = 29;
	// Create an array of initialized Month objects
	this.monthsInYear = (month, monthIndex) => {
		return new Month(this.year, monthIndex,, month.noDays);

toString() {
	let resultString = this.year + " - ";
	this.monthsInYear.forEach((month, monthIndex) => {
		const monthString = month.toString();
		resultString += monthString.slice(5);
	return resultString;


class Month { constructor(year, monthNo, monthName, noDaysInMonth) { this.year = year; this.number = monthNo; = monthName; this.noDays = noDaysInMonth; const firstDate = new Date(this.year, this.number, 1); const firstDay = firstDate.getDay(); const daysOfWeek = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]; this.firstDayName = daysOfWeek[firstDay]; console.log(year, monthNo, monthName, noDaysInMonth, firstDate, firstDay); }

toString() {
	let resultString = this.year + "," + this.number + "," + + "," + this.noDays + "," +
				   this.firstDayName +" / "
	return resultString;


// Create a new object instance for a year var lastYear = new Year(2016); var currentYear = new Year(2017);

// Display the contents of each of the object instances console.log("lastYear object = ", lastYear.toString()); console.log("currentYear object = ", currentYear.toString());

console.log("\nlastYear object = ", JSON.stringify(lastYear)); console.log("currentYear object = ", JSON.stringify(currentYear));

console.log("\nPrototype of lastYear is: ", Object.getPrototypeOf(lastYear)); console.log("Descriptors of lastYear are: ", Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(lastYear)); console.log("Prototype of currentYear is: ", Object.getPrototypeOf(currentYear)); console.log("Descriptors of currentYear are: ", Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(currentYear));

| Pros                             | Cons                                |
| Concise and intuitive code       | ES6 not available in all browsers. Transpilers like Babel may be used to circumvent this issue.|
|                                  | Using an array in the parent object to contain references to child objects works well with a limited number of child obects. However, this is impactful on both memory and the execution time of the contructor function for very large numbers of child objects |

1. The source code is [es6singleton.js](
in this repo.



Object Oriented Programing in JS






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