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Jean Ollion edited this page Jun 6, 2021 · 9 revisions

TaLiSSman: TrAnsmitted LIght Stack SegMentAtioN

Segmentation of bacteria growing on agar-pads, imaged by de-focused transmitted light stacks


How it works

  • Expected input images are stacks of 2D images, with Z-axis last : Image = [batch, Y, X, Z]. We advise stacks of 5 slices with a 0.2µm step, in range [-0.6µm, -1.4µm] (relatively to the focal plane)
  • Segmentation is performed by regression of the Euclidean Distance Map (EDM).
  • This repository does not include the downstream watershed step to obtain labeled images. It is included with bacmman software, see instructions below.
Input transmitted-light Stack Predicted EDM Segmented Bacteria

Network architecture:

  • Based on U-net
  • At first layer, Z-axis is both:
    • Considered as channel axis and treated with with 2D convolutions
    • Reduced using 3D convolutions and 3D max-pooling

How to use it

  • Generate a training dataset with BACMMAN
  • Train the network
  • Use TaLiSSman in BACMMAN for prediction
  • Fine-tuning procedure to adapt to other datasets
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