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paul van genuchten edited this page Jun 24, 2014 · 2 revisions
Date June 24 2014 Contacts Paul van Genuchten
Status Release Future
Resources Available Ticket #
Source code
Funding COBWEB


Via a configuration we should enable administrators to activate certain community features in geonetwork. Community features include:

  • Users can comment on metadata documents in the catalogue
  • Users can submit a request for data of which they think it should be added to the catalogue

Groups and group members

  • Groups (or projects) can be created in the catalogue,
  • users can be invited to join (or request access to) a group, users can unregister from a group
  • A group is also described as iso19139, so it has a title/abstract/location. This info can be presented on a group page.
  • A groups page is available where the location of (popular) groups is plotted on a map.
  • A group-admin can create events in a group (an event is a webinar, meeting or fieldsession). Events related to a group are displayed as an agenda on the group page
  • The group-admin can send messages to group members (to invite them for an event).

Store map visualisations in the catalogue

  • Users can create a (map) visualisation (wmc/ows_context) and share it in twitter/facebook/email or store it in the catalogue.
  • Option to embed the map in a website, A snippet is presented to integrate the map in a webpage.
  • There should be an endpoint available that creates a full screen map to be embedded in an Iframe

Proposal Type:

  • Type: Module
  • Module: Community

Voting History

  • Vote Proposed:


  • Paul van Genuchten
  • Maria Arias de Reyna
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